Chapter 1324: If That's A Human, That Is (Part 4)

Yoo Iseol's pupils shook.


Chung Myung's leg, which had been kicked back, was wet.

Of course, it wasn't strange for there to be blood.

There was no way not to get covered in blood on the battlefield.

But it was dripping continuously.

If it had been the blood of enemies, it would have gradually solidified.

However, it was clearly blood spewing from Chung Myung's leg.

'A wound!'

It must be the wound he received on the coast of Southern Island.

The wound that would heal as long as he didn't overexert herself.

She had forgotten. No, she had no choice but to forget.

Chung Myung had always fought despite hearing such words, and there had never been any problems.

So, she thought it would be the same this time.

Chung Myung suddenly turned his body and stretched his foot towards the ground.

At the moment when the injured leg supported his body tightly, the hem of his pants billowed up.

It was clear that the blood spurting from the wound had hit the pants from the inside.

Yoo Iseol froze for a moment.

In the midst of this, Chung Myung rushed towards Goyang without any hesitation.



Another strong collision occurred.

The aftermath swept Yoo Iseol away.

In the midst of the gusts that seemed to split her face, she looked at Chung Myung's back.

His back was trembling.

She realized again.

Ever since hearing the advice not to overexert himself, Chung Myung had not rested for a moment and had fought and fought again.

He blocked the enemy using that leg and the cliff.

Ther was no way he was fine. He shouldn't be fine.

But why did she believe he would be unharmed?   [faith in plot armor]

At that moment, blood-red figures of the Blood Sword members rushed towards Chung Myung's head one after another.


Yoo Iseol screamed in a scream like a scream.


She urgently pounded the ground, but it was already too late.

As someone who usually had very little emotional fluctuation, she was unable to control this passion that had covered her now.


The Tang Pae's reaction, who didn't know the current state of Chung Myung, had to be faster.


Although it was an endlessly fast flying sword, it could not touch the enemy's body and bounced off, blocked by a sword.

It only stopped the enemies for a moment, enough to make them hesitate.

Normally, it would have been more than enough.

But not for the current Chung Myung.


The thin blades of the Blood Sword members stretched out like snakes toward the upper body of Chung Myung.

Chung Myung leaned his upper body and avoided those swords.

But at that moment, Goyang's sword, bent like a twisted snake, wrapped around the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword and pulled it forward at once.


To avoid being dragged, Chung Myung unconsciously stomped on the ground.

However, the force was not enough, and his body swayed forward slightly.


The continuously flying thin blades grazed Chung Myung's body and passed by.

Cloth fragments were torn, and red blood splattered.


Yoo Iseol, who distorted her face like a demon, soared like a devil.

Successive sword strikes rained down on the Blood Sword members.

Kaang! Kaang!

However, the opponents were different from those she had faced so far.

Even if it were an ordinary Myriad Man Manor, it would have been enough to cut their lives, but the Blood Sword members, although pushed back, blocked all of Yoo Iseol's attacks.


The retreating Blood Sword members not only stopped at defense but thrust their swords towards her.

In an instant, the sharp blue sword energy from their swords flew towards her entire body.


Flipping her body by kicking her heel into the air, Yoo Iseol narrowly avoided all the flying sword energies.

However, even while dealing with this dangerous sword energy, her focus was not on the Blood Sword members but on Chung Myung below.

'Sajil!'    [ ༼☯﹏☯༽ ]


While Yoo Iseol exchanged brief attacks with the enemies, dozens of sword strikes were happening below.

Swords clashed, and fragments of energy burst successively.

It was evident how the powerful collision of energy and energy was putting a burden on Chung Myung's body.



Kicking the air and forcefully pushing down to the ground, Yoo Iseol shot forward terrifyingly before her feet touched the ground.

But before reaching Chung Myung, another group of Blood Sword members leaped out towards the left and right sides and above, targeting Chung Myung.

Yoo Iseol stretched out her sword relentlessly.

The sword extended, brushing past Chung Myung's face, narrowly deflecting one of the blades.

However, the remaining blades were still destined for Chung Myung.

The Blood Sword members' blades, moving at a rapid pace, aimed directly at Chung Myung's neck.


Goyang also seized the opportunity, wrapping his immense sword energy and aiming at Chung Myung's waist in a single breath.

It was a moment of life and death.

A flash-like stab and a slash that he couldn't block.

This flawless coordination seemed ready to carve up Chung Myung's flesh in an instant.

Chung Myung's choice was simple.

The most familiar place to him.


As he stomped on the ground, a thunderous explosion erupted.

Before the roar reached the ears of others, Chung Myung, like a projectile, shot forward as if diving into Goyang's chest.

Goyang, swinging his sword with all his might, missed Chung Myung behind him, and the desperate thrust only pierced through empty air.


Driving into Goyang's chest and pushing him away, Chung Myung explosively emitted dozens of streaks of sword energy.

As countless sword energies sprouted like the quills of an enraged hedgehog, the Blood Sword members widened their eyes in astonishment.

Qudddeuk! Qudduk!

Numerous wind holes pierced through the bodies of the Blood Sword members.

Those who had holes through their throats, preventing even a scream, met their demise.

However, amidst this, Goyang proved that he was on a different level from the other Blood Sword members.


Deflecting dozens of sword ergies, Goyang relentlessly charged towards Chung Myung once again.

From his exposed eyes above the mask, a blue aura flowed.


The swords of Chung Myung and Goyang collided once again.

At that moment, Goyang's left hand moved.

Like lightning, he pulled out a leaf-shaped dagger from a leather sheath on his thigh and hurled it towards Chung Myung's face.


Although Chung Myung quickly tilted his head back, the sharpened leaf sliced down long, cutting through Chung Myung's lower jaw.

The skin split, and blood splattered.


Swiftly reversing his head as if pushing it forward after being hit, Chung Myung used the recoil to forcefully push against the colliding sword.


The moment Goyang's body was thrown back, Chung Myung extended the sword straight forward.


With a sound resembling the fluttering of silk in a strong wind, the tip of the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword began to tremble.

From that trembling blade, dozens of vivid plum blossoms bloomed like a fantasy.

Upon seeing those blossoms, Goyang immediately swung his sword downwards into the air.

The three claw-like sword energies released from the blade collided with the not-yet-blossomed plum blossoms.


The plum blossoms that hadn't bloomed clashed fiercely with the powerful sword energy, losing its form.

However, one of the three sword energies unleashed by Goyang pierced through the forest of plum blossoms, embedding itself into Chung Myung's side.


Chung Myung's side was deeply cut, and blood gushed out.

But even in the midst of this, Chung Myung's sword did not stop.


Blooming and blooming again, the plum blossoms filled the canyon in an instant, soaring through the air with the rushing wind.

The falling petals angrily flew towards Goyang, who was urgently retreating.

The blossoms, which seemed to be in despair, collided with Goyang, who couldn't avoid them, and rushed towards him as if in rage.

The canyon was too narrow for him to escape Chung Myung's Plum Blossoms Flurry (梅花紛紛).

In a terrain where one couldn't retreat or roll to the side, the plum blossoms flying, filling the entire field of vision, were a manifestation of despair.

This was true for Goyang as well. Despite being the leader of the Blood Sword, avoiding all these sword energies was difficult.

However, Goyang did not choose the difficult path.


Leaning his waist and reaching his hands behind, Goyang grabbed the shoulders of the Blood Sword member who had rushed towards him to cover Chung Myung.

And without any hesitation, he threw him using a forceful grip.

"Everyone, cover!"

Goyang didn't stop there and threw everyone he grabbed with his devilish grip.


Becoming a flesh shield to block the flying plum blossom sword energies without knowing why, the Blood Sword members widened their eyes.

At that moment, the identity of the despair that appeared in their eyes could be either horror or betrayal; now, no one could tell.


The plum blossom sword energy engulfed the bodies of the three Blood Sword members. In the face of the excruciating pain, even the rigorous training proved useless.


As the wind blew again, the plum blossoms that had filled the world vanished cleanly like an illusion.

Once the plum blossoms disappeared, what remained in their place were the bodies of the three Blood Sword members, covered with wounds, with no empty space.


Goyang, with a hint of laughter, raised his body that had been bent over.

Deep wounds were engraved all over his body.

Although they served as shields for the members, the three of them couldn't entirely withstand the flying plum blossom sword energies. Despite deflecting many sword energies, the ones that couldn't be blocked left wounds all over Goyang's body.

But... it wasn't a bad deal.

For causing injuries of this magnitude to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, in exchange for the lives of three members, it was a cheap deal.


Blood flowed continuously from the long gash on Chung Myung's side.

He casually glanced at his injured side and promptly applied hemostatic pressure.

The movement, seemingly so familiar, exuded a strange eeriness.

Yet, amid this, Goyang didn't miss the subtle movement of Chung Myung's shoulders.

"Short of breath."

Being short of breath implied that stamina was being consumed.

The hidden laughter under Goyang's mask brightened.

"You're exhausted. Isn't that right?"

If Chung Myung had been in perfect condition, no matter how maliciously Goyang attacked, he wouldn't have left a single wound.

This meant that the current Chung Myung was definitely not in normal condition.

Not a human, not a monster – he should be called a demon.

The tiger named Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was finally caught in Goyang's net.

No matter what he did, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, Chung Myung, with this state, wouldn't be able to escape from his clutches.


Goyang bit his rough lips, and blood oozed out. As the bitter taste of blood spread inside his mouth, the sensation of his overheated body somewhat cooled down.

'I shouldn't get excited.'

When hunting, one must remain calm until the very end.

Only then can the pleasure of tearing the prey's throat be fully felt.

Regaining composure, Goyang raised his chin towards Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

In times like these, a true beast leaves the last move as a final chance.

Especially when there's no need to deliberately court danger.


Before those words finished, the Blood Sword members fearlessly rushed out to the sides of Goyang.

Although they witnessed the sight of their comrades becoming flesh shields for Goyang and dying, those deaths were long erased from their minds.

In the Evil Sect and Myriad Man Manor, such things weren't anything extraordinary.


The Blood Sword members, leaping over the tragically twisted bodies, rushed towards Chung Myung.

Yoo Iseol quickly jumped forward as if trying to protect Chung Myung.

"Step back. I will..."

At that moment, Chung Myung grabbed Yoo Iseol's shoulder and roughly pushed her backward.


A momentary confusion crossed Yoo Iseol's face.

However, it was already too late; after he released her, Chung Myung's sword pierced through the necks of the Blood Sword members who rushed towards him.


Even as they were dying, suspicion filled their eyes.

"W... Wounded...."

Certainly, Chung Myung had been wounded.

However, Chung Myung's sword showed no difference from the beginning.

Before they could truly feel the gap between their expectations and reality, their lives were easily extinguished.

Thud. Thud.

Only then did Chung Myung glance back at Yoo Iseol.

"This is my spot, Sago."

"Your current condition..."

Chung Myung's gaze was already fixed ahead, away from Yoo Iseol. Yoo Iseol bit her lips tightly.

At that moment, Chung Myung, with a nonchalant voice, spoke.

"He's exhausted."


"He's not in normal condition due to injuries."


"So, what's the problem?"

Chung Myung's lips twisted. The bloodied lips revealed a creepy set of white teeth.

"This is war. Right?"

Goyang's eyes narrowed momentarily.

Chung Myung looked down at his side.

The wound seemed deeper than expected, or maybe it was because of the poison, but even after being stabbed, the blood didn't completely stop.

As if trying to press the wound, Chung Myung brought his hand down on his side.

At that moment, Goyang openly sneered.

"Compared to your talk, the situation is..."

At that moment, Goyang's mouth involuntarily shut.

Squelch. Squeak!

An acrid smoke emanated from the wound Chung Myung touched.

Soon, the smell of burning flesh passed by Goyang's nose.

Under the mask, the smile disappeared from Goyang's face.

Since the bleeding wouldn't stop, he is holding the wound with his hands to stop the bleeding.  [unclear]

What kind of crazy stunt was this?

A chill ran down Goyang's spine.

"That's enough."

Chung Myung, satisfied with pressing the wound, spoke with a smile.

"Let's continue."

Looking at Chung Myung, who held a sword and approached, Goyang's eyes trembled faintly.