Chapter 1349: He Has Decided to Claim His Life (Part 4)

"Come here."

Ho Gakmyung spoke briefly. Yugong stared at him with a hardened face. In an instant, the attention of everyone around was focused.

'Damn it.'

It was a moment when the hope that he might do nothing until this pursuit was over was completely shattered, as if holding his breath like a dead mouse.

"Can't you hear?"

As Ho Gakmyung urged, the atmosphere around became chilling. It was as if he would cut his throat right away if he ignored the commander's words again.

Yugong bit his lip, forcibly lifting the foot that wouldn't budge. Ho Gakmyung's cold gaze swept over Yugong.

"What do you think?"

"What... what are you talking about?"

"I won't forgive you for turning the conversation. That's inefficient."


"I want to confirm one thing. Whether you are willing to cooperate or not."

Yugong's fingertips trembled slightly.

Ho Gakmyung's gaze remained indifferent and cool, but Yugong standing before him couldn't think that way.

That sinking gaze seemed to tell him something. It was like saying, "Since I already know everything, don't even think about playing tricks."

"What now?"

When Ho Gakmyung asked again, Yugong's lips twitched. But he couldn't bring himself to speak, and his words crumbled in his mouth.

Ho Gakmyung stared at Yugong with emotionless eyes, then turned his head.

"There was one more person, right?"

Everyone's gaze turned to the person behind.


Disciple Gohong's shoulders twitched. The color drained from his face in an instant.

"Bring him."


The Myriad Man Manor disciples grabbed Gohong's shoulders and dragged him in front of Ho Gakmyung. Gohong, who fell to the ground, was forced to raise his head.

"I, I..."

The moment when Ho Gakmyung's gaze met Yugong's face, it turned so pale that it seemed to melt.

"We don't force anyone."


"But if you're here, you have to follow the Evil Sect's way. In the Evil Sect, the only purpose of preserving your life is to prove your usefulness."

"I, I..."

Gohong's shoulders trembled. How could he know what they wanted? He had been like a dead mouse, alert to their every move and action.

What they wanted from him was to sell out his Southern Island Sect's martial brothers.

The reason he came here was simply to survive. And to save the people from his hometown.

In the process, the one who decided that he could even betray the martial brothers was not him. It was Yugong.

"What do you say?"

His lips were dry. Gohong, who swallowed his dry saliva, opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

"W-what are you talking about... I don't..."

"Can you prove the value of your life?"

Ho Gakmyung's intimidating gaze pressed down on Gohong.

Gohong's gaze unknowingly drifted somewhere. It was an instinctive gesture, impossible to resist even with firm determination.

Ho Gakmyung did not miss Gohong's instinctive struggle for survival, driven by an unyielding will.

"There's something."

With just that short gesture, Gohong's eyes trembled as if experiencing an earthquake. Ho Gakmyung spoke slowly.

"So, it's simple. There are only two options left. Either cooperate and survive, or uphold loyalty and let everyone die."


"Of course, that includes not only you but also those left in Southern Island."


His entire body began to moisten with cold sweat.

Since he was brought by Ho Gakmyung, there had been no harm inflicted on his body.

But now, it seemed like enduring a full-body beating would be better. Compared to enduring words harsher than any blade, the physical pain was nothing.

"I've given you enough time. Decide."

"I... "

Gohong's pale lips trembled.

The desire to live clashed with the will not to betray those who were once comrades.

These two inseparable things were torturing his mind.

"I... "

Gohong's eyes wandered aimlessly. Countless gazes were still fixed on him.

Ho Gakmyung's indifferent gaze, the angry gaze of the Myriad Man Manor, and even Yugong's inscrutable gaze.

For a moment, everything was dizzying. The world spun, and a nauseating feeling welled up from within.

"I... "

As Gohong couldn't spit out the decisive words, Ho Gakmyung cut in without hesitation.

"This guy is useless. Kill him."


The Myriad Man Manor disciples on both sides lifted their swords ominously. Gohong, who knew that this was not just a threat, shouted urgently.

"Wa-wait! I... I..."


However, the sword swung by the Myriad Man Manor disciples flew towards his neck without any hesitation.


At that moment, someone shouted loudly, like a seizure.

The sword, about to make contact with Gohong's neck, stopped in place.


With the blade against his neck, a trickle of blood flowed down from the cracked skin.

"I will speak."

The one who shouted was Yugong. He opened his eyes wide, clenching his lips tightly.

"Sa... Sahyung!"

Ho Gakmyung's sharp gaze turned towards Yugong.

"I have no intention of giving more time."

"No, no Sahyung. No!"

As Gohong desperately pleaded, Yugong opened his eyes and stared at him. The cold blade against Gohong's neck began to emit a chill again.

Yugong finally pointed to a large tree in front.


His fingertips were trembling slightly. It was a scene that revealed how complex his inner feelings were, but no one paid any attention to his emotions.

"Sahyung! Stop...!"

"There is a pattern carved into that tree."

Gohong bit his lips until they bled. Ho Gakmyung glimpsed at his reaction, and from that alone, it seemed that Yugong wasn't lying.

On the large tree Yugong pointed to, there was a faint pattern that would be hard to notice without close inspection.

"What does it mean?"

"It's hard to explain in words."



Gohong shouted with a tortured expression. However, Yugong, as if resigned, openly revealed what he knew without any concealment. After all, it was impossible to deceive Ho Gakmyung.

"That is the sword mark of Chilchoshik, one of Southern Island's Jangpungparang sword techniques."


"The sword, or... no, any blade will do."

When Yugong stretched out his hand as if asking for a weapon, the Myriad Man Manor disciples sought Ho Gakmyung's permission.

"Give it to him."


They handed over the weapon they held. Yugong took an unfamiliar sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and unfolded the unpracticed swordsmanship.

"And that concludes the Chosik."

As the briefly unfolded Chosik came to an end, the tip of the sword pointed in one direction. All eyes turned to that direction. The end of the sword pointed towards a certain forest.

"Do you understand?"

Nodding as if understanding, Ho Gakmyung spoke.

"You've used your head quite well."

Indeed, it was rational.

No matter how sophisticated a code is, it will eventually be exposed. Using a code that the opponent can quickly decipher leads to irrevocable damage.

However, with this method, deciphering the meaning of the code is difficult. Only disciples who have learned Southern Island's sword can interpret it.

'A prestigious sect is indeed a prestigious sect.'

Each sect member will surely confirm and interpret this code. Even while moving quickly, those with keen eyes will not miss this trace.

Ho Gakmyung nodded lightly and asked again.

"The distance?"

"I don't know."

Yugong shook his head.

"Generally, this mark is used with ten li as a reference point, but it can vary depending on the situation. We can't know how they agreed upon it."

"But if you follow this direction, the next mark will appear."

"That's right."


Ho Gakmyung stared at Yugong with cold eyes.

"You may meet those who are ahead of you."

A faint resentment that was hard to discern in Yugong's eyes flowed weakly at his words.

"That may happen."

"In other words, to find them, it means we need to keep you alive. Is that correct?"


"I thought you were explaining it too willingly."

Ho Gakmyung silently nodded.



"I won't allow any time-wasting. Since you seem clever, you can probably guess why I brought several people with me."

"...I know."

"Lead the way."

Yugong silently nodded. As he took a breath to move forward, he suddenly felt someone staring at him. It was Gohong. His eyes were bloodshot.

'Is he harboring resentment?'

After all, coming this far already made him a traitor who sold out the sect. Why would he sacrifice his only life now for something he should have protected until the end?

If he had the determination from the beginning, he wouldn't have come this far.

Seeing him just looking for someone to blame, without having the courage to risk his life or betray his martial brothers, filled him with indescribable disgust.

He must survive.

The only goal left for Yugong now was that.

His pride as a Southenr Island sword disciple, and the path he had dreamed of, were all thrown into the fire.

Now, all that remained for him was his life and the safety of the remaining disciples in Southern Island. However, Yugong couldn't bring himself to meet Gohong's eyes. He strangely avoided eye contact first.

"Let's go."


Watching Yugong run forward with determination, Ho Gakmyung smirked.

"Let's go."


Others followed Yugong into the dense forest.

'Surely, the move you prepared was fatal, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.'

However, Chung Myung also certainly wouldn't be aware of it. On this side, a move that they hadn't anticipated was also prepared.

"You wouldn't expect mountain cats to act like dogs. Even if you're the best in the world."

Even if they anticipated it, it didn't matter. This battlefield was already in the hands of the one who must seize everything.

The strange enthusiasm emanated from Ho Gakmyung's gaze.

He also wanted to confirm. No, because of that, he wanted to confirm it more desperately.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. No, the Plum Blossom Sword Demon. How would Ryeonju trample on such an overwhelming monster?

What will happen when a ruler who has shown puzzling favor to the Plum Blossom Sword Demon, finally draws the a buried sword?