Chapter 1350: He Has Decided to Claim His Life (Part 5)

"Sasuk! What's going on?"

"Well, that's... "

The faces of the Mount Hua disciples were somewhat serious.

What they were looking at was the main hall currently used as Hyun Jong's office and residence. A while ago, the senior members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance gathered in that office with stern faces.

"What's happened?"

"How am I supposed to know if you ask me?"

Baek Sang sighed as if frustrated. While it was clear that he was the eldest disciple of the Baek line in the absence of Baek Cheon, there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy about him.

However, since the other disciples didn't know about Baek Sang's position, questions kept pouring out.

Jong Hui asked again with a serious expression.

"Did something happen to Sasuk and Sahyung who went to Southern Island?"

"This guy has a big mouth!"

Instantly, fierce glares shot from all directions. Jong Hui winced at the piercing gaze.

"Oh, no, it's not like that, so everyone, please..."

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance might be on the move, or those Ten Great Sects might be up to some nonsense again!"

"Seriously, the Sahyungs haven't even arrived in Southern Island yet. Does it make any sense for something to happen, you idiot?"

"Shut your mouth before we sew it up for you."

Jong Hui lowered his head deeply, and Baek Sang sighed.

"Let's wait for now. If Sect Leader decides, he'll probably give us some explanation after reaching a conclusion."

"...Yes, Sasuk."

However, the Mount Hua disciples' stern faces didn't loosen at all. Hyun Jong's face, who had just headed towards his residence, looked much more serious than usual. Despite wanting to believe otherwise, just by looking at his appearance, one could sense that something had happened to those who went to Southern Island.

"Sasuk, what if..."

"There's nothing to ask."


Baek Sang said with a firm expression.

"There's no need to ask such things. We have only one thing to do."

"Yes, Sasuk!"

Soon, determination settled on the faces of the other disciples. Everyone's gaze now turned to the distant south.

The faces of the senior members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were all hardened.

"...Are you saying that Myriad Man Manor is pursuing them?"

"That's correct."

Meng So, who seemed momentarily lost for words, spoke as if in pain.

"The Myriad Man Manor..."

There was a brief confusion on Meng So's face.

"Are you saying the Myriad Man Manor went out directly to strike the rear of Southern Island? In a situation like this?"

Hyun Jong nodded without saying a word. However, Meng So, with lingering doubts, asked again.

"And, coincidentally, the attack began right after the Heavenly Comrade ALliance arrived in Southern Island?"

"It seems so."

"Ah... "

He let out a hollow laugh that didn't fit the situation at all. It was just too absurd, and laughter was the only response he could muster.

Coincidence? No, this couldn't be explained as a coincidence.

Originally, it was impossible for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance to arrive on Southern Island so quickly. If they had taken the normal route to Southern Island, it would have taken at least a few months. However, the ones dispatched from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance arrived on Southern Island unusually quickly, allowing them to rescue Southern Island before it was destroyed by the Myriad Man Manor.

"I thought they would attack Southern Island when the war began, but it seems that judgment was wrong..."

"They probably knew."

Tang Gunak spoke with a grave tone. Meng So expressed his doubt.

"What are you talking about?"

"That even if they attacked Southern Island, the Ten Great Sects wouldn't move."

Meng So couldn't respond. In fact, his thoughts weren't much different. When you thought about it, Jang Ilso had a supernatural ability to understand people's psychology. There was no way Jang Ilso would have missed the fact that Beopjeong had no intention of starting a war for Southern Island.

"And now, things like reasons don't matter."

Everyone's gaze focused on Tang Gunak.

"The fact we need to concentrate on is that the children who went to Southern Island are being chased by the Myriad Man Manor. In none other than Gangnam."

Meng So felt a chill running down his spine for a moment.

Gangnam was dominated by the Evil Sect. Who wouldn't understand the significance of being chased by the Evil Sect? The situation could hardly be described with the words "life or death crisis."

Meng So's gaze reached Hyun Jong.

"So, what do you plan to do?"

Hyun Jong met that gaze directly. At that moment, Meng So's expression changed strangely.

Although it was easy to overlook due to his seemingly dull appearance, Meng So was the lord of the Yunnan Beast Palace. And as someone proficient in the martial arts that exploited the characteristics of animals, his senses were second to none in the world.

And those senses were speaking now. Meng So sensed that the Hyun Jong sitting in front of him was somewhat different from before.

"The message sent by the children stated that they would penetrate Gangnam and come to Gangbuk."

Although the words seemed indifferent at first glance, everyone knew that there was a sharp edge hidden within.

"When I first heard the news, the first words that came to my mind were reproach."


"Why make such a reckless choice? Just returning without doing anything for Southern island would have been enough. Why risk their lives for Southern island , which has never shown any kindness? If you call that righteousness, isn't it nothing more than foolishness without a plan?"

A complex light appeared on everyone's faces. What Hyun Jong said now was what everyone had been thinking but couldn't bring themselves to say.

"But right after that, I had such thoughts."

"What thoughts?"

"Even in such a situation where the children were in danger, I was still thinking about what the children did wrong, what they should have done better. Even in such a urgent situation."

Some faces turned red. In contrast, Hyun Jong's eyes were sinking deeper into contemplation.

"You asked what to do?"


"You're asking the obvious. Of course, we'll go to rescue the children."

"To, to Gangnam?"

The faces of those gathered became paler.

Gangnam belonged to the Evil Sect. If they went to Gangnam, they would have to face a war with the Evil Sect. And with their current strength, they would have to be prepared for annihilation if they confronted the Evil Sect.

However, Hyun Jong casually mentioned such a tremendous thing.

"Maengju-nim, this is not a decision to be made emotionally!"

Someone shouted, and Hyun Jong nodded.

"That's right. It's not something to decide emotionally. We must carefully consider and think about what is right."


"But by the time a conclusion is reached, the children will no longer be alive. We may lose what we shouldn't have lost while debating right and wrong."

Meng So was certain at that moment. His feeling that Hyun Jong had changed wasn't wrong.

"If there is something to discuss, it's not too late to do it after the job is done."

"But what do you plan on sacrificing? It's the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

"For those who won't join us, please protect this place."

"...Wh, what on earth..."

"It's a situation where even the time to persuade is precious."

Hyun Jong left the words and abruptly stood up from his seat. In fact, Meng So and Tang Gunak understood Hyun Jong to some extent. But others couldn't hide their bewildered expressions. The Hyun Jong in front of them now seemed entirely different from the familiar Hyun Jong.

This wasn't the Hyun Jong who always gently comforted everyone and tried to listen to even a single word more. The current Hyun Jong seemed to have no intention of listening to the words of others.

"M-Maengju-nim, just a moment..."

Although those who were confused tried to continue the conversation with Hyun Jong, all their actions were meaningless. Hyun Jong, who had risen from his seat, headed outside without any hesitation.

"Wh-where are you going, Maengju-nim!"

Everyone was surprised and followed him out. Since Hyun Jong didn't stop, they had no choice but to go with him.

And those who went outside were confused for two reasons. One was the fact that Hyun Jong had left without even looking at them. The other was that in front of the hall Hyun Jong left, disciples of Mount Hua had gathered without missing a single one.

"When, when did this happen?"

It seemed they didn't gather to know something. They, too, looked surprised at the sudden appearance of Hyun Jong, who rushed out of the door.

Hyun Jong silently stared at those gathered before turning his head.

"Sect Leader." [Hyun Jong speaking]

"Yes, Master."

Un Am politely bowed his head.

"May I bypass Sect Leader and deliver a word to the children?" [Hyun Jong speaking]

"Although I am called Sect Leader of Mount Hua, the relationship with Master is deeper than a mere position. Please do as you wish."

"Thank you."

Hyun Jong lightly nodded to Un Am in gratitude and then turned his gaze to the disciples of Mount Hua.

"Listen, disciples."


All the disciples of Mount Hua immediately kneeled, showing their respect.

"The ones who went to Southern Island are being chased by the Myriad Man Manor. They are in desperate need of help in the hostile territory of Gangnam."

The disciples widened their eyes. However, that expression soon settled into a calm one, just like Hyun Jong's presence.

"And the path to those children is blocked by a group from the Evil Sect. Even if we risk our lives, it's not certain whether we can help those children. No, there's a greater possibility that we won't be able to help them."

The disciples of Mount Hua stared at Hyun Jong without any movement.

"So, I ask you. Will you go with me to help those who went to Southern Island? Will you risk your lives for a seemingly worthless cause?"


Baek Sang, who was kneeling at the front, stood up and unsheathed his sword. And without saying a word, he brought the hand holding the sword to his left chest.

On that chest was engraved the Plum Blossom, their symbol.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The sound of unsheathing swords echoed from various places one after another. The disciples of Mount Hua drew their swords and brought them to their chests unanimously, with a resolute determination that showed no trace of hesitation.

Hyun Jong nodded silently. If even a single person had shown a hesitant expression, he would have turned away. Despite being the former Sect Leader of Mount Hua, he had no right to force death upon his disciples.

However, not a single person among them hesitated.

'In the first place, that's what righteousness is.'

What is right? What is wrong? What is efficient? Such things were not important. What mattered was what they wanted to do now and whether there was no shame in what they wanted to do.

All the disciples of Mount Hua urged him with their eyes, as if they had known that this moment would come someday. As if they had already dispelled any hesitation long ago.

Hyun Jong nodded heavily.

"Mount Hua is heading to the south..."

At that very moment,


Someone shouted with a voice that seemed to tear apart. Startled, they turned their gaze, and someone was running towards them, leaping over the wall of the manor.

"What's going on?"

"Th, they moved!"

"They moved?"

"Ev, Evil Tyrant Alliance..."

At that, a flush drained from everyone's faces. They didn't need to hear the rest to know what would follow.

Like a heavy decree, a sharp and heavy word struck their heads, just like Hyun Jong. 

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance has moved!"

❀ ❀ ❀


The massive main gate of the heavily guarded Evil Tyrant Alliance headquarters opened wide, emitting a deep sound.


The figure that appeared through the open gate flashed a strange smile.

"It's been a while since I've gone out alone."


His foot moved one step outside the headquarters.

People who witnessed the suddenly opened door and the appearance of Jang Ilso, the leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, fell to the ground in terror as if they had seen a ghost.

"So... I should bring something big when I come back, right?"

The corners of Jang Ilso's lips, as red as blood, curled up strangely.

"Something big like the head of the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword! Hahahaha!"

The hem of Jang Ilso's red robe fluttered significantly as he walked forward. Behind him, elite members of the Myriad Man Manor, including the Honggyeon, radiated a threatening gaze as they began their march.

The direction was to the south, towards the land where the scent of blood wafted heavily.