Chapter 1397: To Where You Belong (Part 2)


Chung Myung's sword slashed through the air. It was a sword imbued with all his strength.


However, the sword, unable to penetrate the opponent's defenses, rebounded.


Chung Myung, holding the deflected sword with both hands, screamed and struck the enemy again and again.

"This, this madman!"

Witnessing Chung Myung relentlessly attacking the already fallen opponent, the members of Myriad Man Manor were horrified.


One member of Myriad Man Manor swung a sword towards Chung Myung's back.


The thrown daggers struck Chung Myung's back. Thick blood splattered.

Chung Myung thought.

Was there a place for him?


Members of Myriad Man Manor surrounding him leaped from all directions, attacking Chung Myung with their swords. Without hesitation, Chung Myung rolled on the ground, avoiding the flying blades.

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!

Blades that grazed his body left shallow wounds all over Chung Myung. Rising from the ground, grabbing soil in his hands, Chung Myung stood up and swung his sword like a seizure. Screams erupted from all around.


"My, my leg!"


Coughing up blood, Chung Myung, trembling, continued his assault on the fallen bodies.

Was it there?

- Who's peeking into someone else's room? Are you a thief?

Chung Myung never thought so. Because this wasn't where he should've been. Because he had lost that place.

He knew. The end he would face someday. From the beginning... from the beginning, he knew.

Because was a ghost that should've been left behind. Because the fate of someone who shouldn't exist was destined to end.

So, if he could do what he hadn't done before the end came, it would be enough. But...

- What's your name?

- Yoon Jong!

Chung Myung confessed, that sometimes, he himself forgot that fact.


As Chung Myung tried to stand, his leg momentarily lost strength. His body lost balance and toppled forward.

"This is our chance!"

Starving tigers wouldn't let a wounded beast go. Those who confirmed Chung Myung's weakness rushed towards him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Trying to defend himself, Chung Myung swung his sword, striking both spears and swords consecutively. However, he couldn't defend against the spear that flew from behind and plunged into his back. Unable to overcome the impact, Chung Myung staggered forward and collapsed.


Cutting the throat of that guy! That was an undeniable accomplishment. When the giant fell, someone with desire smothered across their face, flying towards Chung Myung with twisted intentions. But before he could swing his weapon, Chung Myung's hand unexpectedly shot out and grabbed his throat.


As Chung Myung and the opponent fell forward, entwined.


Gritting his teeth, Chung Myung managed to twist his body even as he fell. The body of the person caught by the neck was forcibly turned upwards. Gradually, what entered his eyes were countless blades pouring down, aimed at Chung Myung.

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!

With eyes wide open, his body was ruthlessly punctured by blades.


As all light faded, he saw something flying in, turning the world black.

Thud! Thud!

Like rain, countless blades poured down, piercing through the lifeless body whose breath had already ceased. "


Despite the corpse still having vitality, the relentless swords and blades, as numerous as rain, mercilessly penetrated even through Chung Myung's body beneath.


Without mercy, Chung Myung swung his sword to cut the embedded weapon from his body. Without a moment's hesitation, he vigorously rolled on the ground.


An explosion erupted, energy pouring down onto the place where he had stood just a moment ago.

Unable to withstand the aftermath, Chung Myung's weakened body was thrown out like a leaf in a storm.

- Who are you?

But now... Yeah, he knew now.

From the start, there was never a place where he should've been. Just... he only had a place he wanted to be.

He realized it a bit too late, though.


Chung Myung's body convulsed. A tremendous shock enveloped his entire being for a moment. But somehow, he held onto consciousness. Letting go of consciousness meant the end of everything.


Chung Myung, kicking the ground again, rolled his body.

Clang! Clang!

Successive thrusts of blades pierced the ground, digging in like mud. In the midst of it, a blade that couldn't be avoided in time brushed against Chung Myung's neck.

The deeply cut neck spurted blood. However, without a moment to feel the pain, he raised his sword towards the approaching enemy.

In his ears echoed the sound of heartbeats and rough breaths.

'Plum Blossom...'

Plum blossoms had bloomed countless times. But his sword could no longer bloom the plum blossoms. It was halfway drawn then faded away futilely.


Like a plum blossoms withering in winter, his sword also withered.


Taking advantage of that opening, the enemies leaped towards Chung Myung, striking with their weapons.

He avoided the blades with pure instinct, nothing more, nothing less. Rolling on the ground, he narrowly dodged the blades. Without a moment to catch his breath, numerous soldiers poured their blades towards him.

Squelch! Squelch!

Evading the attacks, rolling desperately, but now clear and distinct wounds added bit by bit to his body.

"P-Please die...!"


With desperate hearts, Myriad Man Manor members lunged towards Chung Myung. His sword pierced the chest of one of them.


However, the sword that hadn't precisely pierced the vital spot left room for a counterattack. Before the one with a pierced chest could fall, the thrown fist hit Chung Myung's chest with impact.

Spitting blood, Chung Myung staggered backward.

Thud! Thud!

Bouncing off the ground, Chung Myung fell again. When he tried to get up with difficulty.


A flying iron spear pierced through Chung Myung's leg, planting itself in the ground. As he tried to push forward and rise, his body fell back down.

His face slammed into the dirt. In a place already soaked with someone's blood.

A feeble groan, as if about to break, barely escaped.


Wasn't it enough now?

Wasn't it time to let go?

How much more pain must be endured? How much longer must he endure this hell?

He could let go. If he let go, he could find relief. Hadn't he done enough?

'To Mount Hua...'

Chung Myung laboriously lifted his head. Thick blood flowed down his face to the ground.

His weakly moving head eventually turned backward with difficulty. Shivering, he reached out and grabbed the spear embedded in his knee.


But even with all his strength, the spear wouldn't come out. The hand, slippery with blood, only kept sliding, not moving as he wished.

In the end, Chung Myung forcefully pulled the spear towards himself. Holding the twisted spear, as if embracing it, he bit it with all his might.

No strength in his hand, just pulling it out, even if it was through his teeth.

Drip. Drip.

The spear, stained with the blood flowing from his mouth, was slowly pulled out through his knee. Even the Myriad Man Manor members who were about to rush towards him stopped and watched.

It was miserable. Even though they were enemies, witnessing such a figure was unbearable.


The spear, laboriously pulled out, fell to the ground. Gasping for breath, Chung Myung slowly lowered his head.

- Who is the little brother? I haven't seen that face in Hwaeum.

His fingertips were numb. Should he be relieved that he could still feel the chill to some extent?

He wanted to be comfortable. He wanted to let go.

But just as much... he also wanted to live.

- Chung Myung, look over here!

What did he mean to them?

Did they see the back he tried so hard to resemble? Did they see him from where he wanted them to see?

Chung Myung's hand, which hadn't moved for a moment, trembled.

Everyone watched in breathless silence as that feeble hand moved so slowly. The hand, moving as if it were suffocating, eventually grasped the sword on the ground.

Someone let out a breath-like sigh. 

Eyes half-closed, a body in complete disarray with no place unscathed, that person, who should have died several times over, still clung to the will to fight.

Complex emotions appeared on the faces of the members of Myriad Man Manor.

Were they afraid? No, it wasn't that. What was there to fear about someone ending up like this?

But their feet didn't easily falter.

Ultimately, they too were martial artists. Regardless of the criticism they received, they were individuals who had staked their lives on martial lives.

If you had lived as a martial artist, there was no way you could avoid feeling awe at this sight.

If only they could turn away their heads and leave this place. They wanted to escape from this situation.

Even though that man had killed countless of their comrades and was undoubtedly an enemy that had to be killed, the silence spread like suffocation.

Only the faint sound of Chung Myung's breathing, as if it would cut off at any moment, quietly echoed in the silence.

"What are you doing?"

At that moment, breaking the dry stillness, a cold voice resonated.

Everyone was startled and turned around to see Ho Gakmyung standing there with an emotionless face. He, who had been in the background until now, had suddenly revealed himself.


"I asked, what are you doing."

The members of Myriad Man Manor couldn't bring themselves to answer and avoided Ho Gakmyung's gaze. Ho Gakmyung, who had scanned them briefly, soon turned his cold gaze towards Chung Myung.

The members of Myriad Man Manor hesitated and retreated, creating a path between him and Chung Myung. However, Ho Gakmyung didn't bother to walk that path. He simply gazed at the pitiful sight of Chung Myung.

It was an incredibly miserable sight. It was so pitiful that it was hard to believe this was the Sword Demon who had tormented Myriad Man Manor and him so much.

However, Ho Gakmyung did not release the last bit of his vigilance.

"...Kill him."

A heavy voice resounded. Despite the austere command, the members of Myriad Man Manor couldn't move easily.

Ho Gakmyung squinted his eyes and clicked his tongue silently.

Why didn't they understand?

Hesitation would only prolong the man's suffering.

The best respect they could show to him now was to end his pain quickly.

No matter how much resentment they held, no one would want to see someone of such stature groaning in pain and dying miserably.

Even Ho Gakmyung, who resented Chung Myung the most, felt the same.

"Sipbi (十匕)."

"Yes, Commander."

"Bring the Sword Demon's head."


The person standing behind Ho Gakmyung, who had been coldly watching, walked mercilessly towards Chung Myung. The dagger revealed from his sleeve emitted a eerie light.

A chilling presence approached.

Death, in a more distinct form, was coming for Chung Myung. It had a pale, freezing glow.

But even as he felt the impending death, Chung Myung couldn't resist.

No matter how hard he tried, his body wouldn't move anymore. It seemed like every part of his soul had turned to ash, leaving nothing behind.


He wanted to live. He wanted to step on the land of Mount Hua again.

Among the fragrance of the plum blossoms filling Mount Hua, he wanted to laugh and chatter with his martial siblings in intoxicated voices.

That was all he wished for, as always.

'...Cheon Jin.'

It seemed he would know now. What was on Cheon Jin's mind as he died alone in his final moments?

'You must have thought the same.'

Now, he could understand. What remained for Chung Myung was not resentment, regret, or worry. He just wanted to see those foolish guys again.


At that moment, a fierce energy shot towards Chung Myung. A tremendous shock covered his entire body, making it instantly heavier, like soaked cotton.

The consciousness he was holding on to slowly drifted away.

It was a sensation he had felt before. Surrendering his body to it, Chung Myung fell into an endlessly floating and chilling place.

Endless buoyancy and a cold chill.

- Little late

In that space, something warm wrapped around Chung Myung's shoulders.

The awkward warmth made his eyes, which had closed tightly, open slightly.

In the hazy world, something began to take shape. Soon, the one he faced was the face he had missed so much.


Cheon Mun. He was smiling at Chung Myung as if proud.

An emotion too large to comprehend surged within Chung Myung.

'Sahyung, I...!'

There were too many things he wanted to say. Trying to say something, he found he couldn't articulate any words.

Cheon Mun just waited for Chung Myung with a warm smile.

Words of resentment, words of longing, things that couldn't be expressed with words...

Whenever he tried to bring something up, Cheon Mun face, which had been facing him, once again became blurred.

From a familiar face to an unfamiliar one, yet strangely... a familiar face.

'Sa.... Sahyung?'

At first, he couldn't recognize him. Perhaps it was because of the face covered in blood. But when that face took on a complete form, a word unconsciously slipped through Chung Myung's lips.


Even though it was a face battered to the point of being unrecognizable, the eyes, stained red with moistness, were unmistakably Sasuk's eyes that Chung Myung had seen countless times.

Was this an illusion before death?

Even if it were an illusion, this was too cruel.

At that moment, a familiar voice flowed into his ears.

"...Waited, didn't you?"

The blood flowing down from Baek Cheon's hand spread warmth to Chung Myung's shoulders.

"...Sorry for being late."

The tremors felt on his shoulders told Chung Myung everything. This wasn't an illusion.

Speechless, Chung Myung stared blankly at Baek Cheon.

But only for a moment. Exhausted, Chung Myung's body slowly crumbled forward.

Baek Cheon carefully caught Chung Myung as he collapsed.

"...Let's go back, Chung Myung-ah...To where you belong."