Chapter 1398: To Where You Belong (Part 3)

Holding the unconscious Chung Myung by the shoulders, Baek Cheon gently trembled.

Was he still alive? Was he still breathing?

He was afraid to even check. The faint warmth transmitted to his fingertips felt like it could vanish any moment.

"Chung Myung..."

To Baek Cheon, Chung Myung was like a great mountain.

Unwavering, showing no weakness in any situation, a mountain that one couldn't understand even if they tried.

But now, this mountain-like figure, who had always remained steadfast, lay unconscious with injuries so severe that it wouldn't seem abnormal if his breath ceased at any moment.

Why do we sometimes forget?

He, too, was just a person. Someone who hurted, felt pain, and contemplated like anyone else.

Baek Cheon placed his hand on Chung Myung's abdomen and infused him with energy.

"Just wait a little. I'll take you to a safe place soon. Just...hold on until then."

Baek Cheon whispered to the already unconscious Chung Myung and pulled him along.

Baek Cheon's gaze, as if suppressing anger, shifted away from Chung Myung to another direction. There, Ho Gakmyung, with his cold mask broken, stared at this place.

Confusion clearly flickered on Ho Gakmyung's face.


Certainly, until a moment ago, he hadn't been detected by his senses. But in an instant, he appeared as if space had collapsed. Moreover...

Ho Gakmyung's gaze lowered slightly.

There, the lifeless body of Sipbi, who had lost his head, lay crumpled. No matter how specialized he was in guarding and assassination, Sipbi was a formidable expert with skills enough to stand out even in the Kangho.

And he was dealt with by a single stroke of a sword.

Of course, Ho Gakmyung wasn't that great of a martial artist, so it wouldn't have been too difficult to deceive him. Cutting the distracted Sipbi's throat in one stroke might not be such a perplexing feat.

But the problem was that according to what Ho Gakmyung was aware of, that was impossible with Baek Cheon's level of martial arts.

Did that mean his martial arts had risen sharply in that short period of time?

Ho Gakmyung faced Baek Cheon's penetrating gaze and muttered.

"The Mount Hua people...they have a knack for surprising people."

Whether it was admiration or mockery, even Ho Gakmyung himself couldn't clearly discern his intent.

'Well, it won't change anything.'

Ho Gakmyung looked at Baek Cheon coldly.

Baek Cheon's body was covered in wounds. Blood stained his clothes, dripping heavily. Chung Myung's injuries were severe, but Baek Cheon's were no less severe.

He likely rushed here without taking care of himself.

Thanks to him, Chung Myung's head didn't roll off. However, it would be impossible for him to escape this place while carrying the unconscious Plum Blossom Sword Demon with his own strength.

"Are you willing to die together?"


"It is too reckless to call it loyalty, and too foolish to call it righteousness."

These words were a provocation aimed at the unconscious Baek Cheon, confirming his state and trying to provoke him.

However, surprisingly, Baek Cheon didn't show any reaction, just staring at Ho Gakmyung with lifeless eyes.

A gaze devoid of emotion. Even Ho Gakmyung felt a faint chill in that expression.

Feeling his stomach twist, Ho Gakmyung opened his mouth, and at that moment, Baek Cheon spoke first.




It was a voice devoid of emotion. However, beneath that apparent coldness, profound anger gradually revealed itself.

"Do you dare to kill someone?"

Hearing that voice, Ho Gakmyung couldn't help but smirk. It seemed like he considered it fortunate to confirm the opponent's anger.

"Do you think you can return alive?"

"...It might be difficult for me."

"I know..."


Baek Cheon spat out the words.

"It's different for us."

At that moment, something flew above them. As Ho Gakmyung hastily raised his head, the Myriad Man Manor members surrounding the area quickly enclosed him, protecting him.


With a sound resembling the slicing of silk fabric with a sword, the heads of two Myriad Man Manor disciples next to Baek Cheon floated into the air.


The figure who killed two people with one strike and descended lightly and turned to look at Chung Myung.

For a moment, the indifference that always enveloped her face seemed to crack.

Yoo Iseol, who had been staring at Chung Myung for a while, bit her lip and turned her gaze towards Baek Cheon.

Before any questions could be asked, Baek Cheon spoke briefly.

"...He's alive."

What she wanted to ask was probably that. At Baek Cheon's answer, Yoo Iseol faintly nodded. Then, slowly turning her body, she stared at the Myriad Man Manor members surrounding them.

One after another, figures descended from above.


A powerful landing sent dirt flying in all directions. When the dust settled, those present saw the back of a person wearing a red tunic.

The surroundings fell silent involuntarily.

The descending monk stared at Chung Myung without any movement, like a stone statue. After a long time, he slowly turned his head, causing a chill that made everyone retreat unconsciously.

A slight twitch.

The Myriad Man Manor members who met his gaze unknowingly stepped back.

It was an unimaginable gaze coming from a monk wearing ceremonial attire. In it, the burning hatred suppressed everyone.


Hye Yeon bit his lower lip.

Anger flowed out, becoming palpable. Even the veins in Hye Yeon's fist, forgetting that he was a Buddhist, throbbed visibly.

However, before that anger could explode, several shadows flew in succession.

"Chung Myung-ah!"

Jo Gol ran towards Chung Myung with all his might. The hand that reached out intensely stopped right in front of Chung Myung.

He couldn't bring himself to touch him. There was no place on Chung Myung's body that was free of wounds, no matter how hard Jo Gol looked.


Jo Gol's hand trembled unknowingly. It wasn't because of anger. It was the fear of losing something important.

"Sasuk. Sasuk... Chung Myung-ah..."

Right beside him, Yoon Jong silently stared at Chung Myung. He stared at each and every wound engraved on his body as if vowing to remember them all.


Tang Soso rushed forward, sticking to Chung Myung. With lightning speed, she inserted several needles and shouted towards the others.

"Elixir, quickly!"


Tang Soso, who rapidly received the bottle offered by Tang Pae, opened Chung Myung's mouth and poured the liquid inside. Then, with trembling hands, she quickly touched a few acupuncture points and injected the medicine into Chung Myung's throat.

"Here... Here too..."

It was confusing where to apply her hands.

There was not a single area without a significant injury. It was a miracle that Chung Myung was alive, considering the severity of the injuries he had suffered. Moreover, the existing wounds were aggravated.

Chung Myung had survived numerous injuries until now, but this time he was not in a state of such optimism.

"Please, Sahyung... Please!"

Tears flowed incessantly from Tang Soso's eyes.

Although she thought he would be on the brink of death, she didn't expect it to be this severe. Seeing the layers of wounds carved onto Chung Myung's body vividly conveyed how much pain he had endured.


Seol So Baek's face was almost soulless. Shock, sadness, fear, and anger overwhelmed him all at once. His whole body trembled like a tree in the wind.

However, no one here tried to comfort or reassure Seol So Baek.

Everyone's attention was focused on Chung Myung. There was not a single person here with the capacity to spare attention for Seol So Baek.


The cold aura in Namgung Dowi's eyes overflowed. Even Im Sobyeong's face twisted as it naturally revealed the hatred within. Unavoidable rage. Hatred that felt like it would burn one's body.

If they had arrived even a little later, Chung Myung would have left this world. No, perhaps he already could no longer be called a living person.

That was why there was no choice but to resent. There was no choice but to hate.

The path of life they had walked, the path that had been relatively easy, was supported by Chung Myung's blood and pain.

"Sahyung... Sahyung, please."

Tang Soso worked frantically to stop Chung Myung's bleeding and applied medicine. It was doubtful whether she could properly treat him with such rushed and trembling hands, but Tang Soso's hands did not stop for a moment.

At that moment, the chilly voice of Baek Cheon reached Tang Soso's ears.

"...Can he survive?"

Tang Soso's body noticeably twitched. She couldn't bring herself to give a confident answer, so she just continued to tend to Chung Myung wounds.




In the end, Tang Soso glared at Baek Cheon with eyes full of resentment. There was venom in her gaze.

But Baek Cheon, without a hint of movement, again pressed her.




Tang Soso bit her lip until blood appeared.

"Like this..."

At that statement, Baek Cheon's eyes involuntarily closed.

A hellish silence ensued. At the end of the silence that no one could break, Baek Cheon's eyes opened again.

"Like this, he will die."


"That means, unless it's like this, he can survive. What's the method?"

Tang Soso's pupils trembled intensely for a moment. Baek Cheon pointed out something she hadn't even thought of yet.

"Ah, Father."


"Father! We have to go to Tang Gaju-nim! If it's Tang Gaju-nim!"

"I understand."

Baek Cheon nodded decisively without hesitation.

It would undoubtedly be difficult to go through and reach Tang Gunak. However, compared to watching Chung Myung dying, it was much easier.

The thoughts of others were not much different. Since the words 'Tang Gaju' were mentioned, everyone seemed ready to move.

Red energy flowed from Yoo Iseol's sword. The energy conveyed anger more vividly than any words or expressions.

Thick murderous intent poured out from everyone's bodies. A firm resolution stood upright in their eyes without a hint of wavering.

Baek Cheon tightened his grip on Chung Myung's shoulders a bit more.

'Maybe you'll get angry.'

It would be foolish, undoubtedly. But everyone here had only one thought.

They would save Chung Myung at all costs.

'I will take the anger as much as you want. So... So don't you dare. Absolutely... Absolutely!'

Baek Cheon stood up with Chung Myung, still continuously infusing energy into him.

"You know what to do, right?"

There was no returning answer. It was never needed in the first place. Meaningless words were not necessary now. Action, not words, was required.

At this moment, there was only one thing Baek Cheon needed to say.

"Let's go."

Different sects, different origins, different perspectives.

All of it broke down now into a single purpose. Those united by a single strand of resentment shot towards the path they had to take.