Chapter 1429: So This Needle Is A Failure? (Part 4)

Tang Gunak stared at Chung Myung with a stern expression.

Chung Myung's face remained nonchalant, as if nothing bothered him. However, Tang Gunak, who knew Chung Myung's physical condition the best, couldn't be unaware of how much he was straining himself.

There was only one thing to say.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. I appreciate your intentions, but we will decline the proposal."

Chung Myung, who had been groaning and massaging his waist, turned to look at Tang Gunak.


"...We won't go to Tang Family."


After taking a short breath, Chung Myung asked with a nonchalant expression.

"Why not?"

"Because it's the right thing to do."

"The right thing to do?"

Tang Gunak nodded heavily.

"We are grateful for your willingness to help the Tang Family, but the Tang Family can't bear that burden. Could we possibly led more blood be shed for the lives of a few Tang Family members?"


"Let us go to Diancang. That's the right thing to do."

Tang Gunak's tone was firm, but his heart felt as if it were being cut with a knife.

He knew. Once Chung Myung stood up and said these words, no one would oppose going to the Tang Family to save their family. Just by remaining silent, they could save their families.

But Tang Gunak couldn't do it. Because he was Tang Gunak.

"Ga, Gaju-nim. Even Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is saying such things..."

"Shut up!"

Tang Pae, who was trying to turn Tang Gunak's mind around during this opportunity, bowed deeply at the chilly gaze of Tang Gunak.

"My decision won't change. So this time, to Diancang... Are you listening to me now?"

"Yes, go ahead. I'm listening."

Although Tang Gunak spoke seriously, Chung Myung's reaction didn't seem serious at all.

Chung Myung, who was absentmindedly picking his ear with his pinkie finger, blew on the finger, then looked at Tang Gunak with a round face.

"Do you have anything left to say?"

Tang Gunak's face trembled for a moment.

He had forgotten. No, he hadn't forgotten.. Even though he hadn't forgotten, he forgot. That this bastard was originally this kind of person.

"Are you done?"

"Well, you see..."

As Tang Gunak was about to say something, Chung Myung called out to Baek Cheon with a chubby face.

"Hey, Sasuk."


"Did anything strange happen while I was asleep?"

"What are you talking about?"

"No, if someone didn't put poison in Tang Family's head, why is he holding such a heavy burden?"

"Ah, it's not about poison or anything. Tang Gaju-nim has always been like this... Ah, I'm sorry."

Baek Cheon, who received a cold look, quickly coughed and avoided eye contact. Tang Gunak's face twisted miserably.


How reliable was Baek Cheon when Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword lost consciousness? He thought it would be hopeless for Tang Pae to even follow half of him.

But as soon as Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword regained consciousness, that trustworthy figure disappeared as if it never existed, and an ordinary villager was standing there.

Others were the same.

When Chung Myung regained consciousness, the sharp energy surrounding the Mount Hua disciples seemed to loosen as if it were a lie. Even Jo Gol, who seemed ready to swing his sword with evil intentions, was grinning.

"No, so what's the conclusion?"

"I said we have to go to Diancang!"

Tang Gunak shouted irritably.

"If we don't go to Diancang, Beopjeong will surely ask us for the price. Won't someone of your standing know that?"

"I don't accurately know the situation... Well, maybe?"

"So why are you being so stubborn?"

"Wow, I didn't know that, but you're funny."


Tang Gunak looked blankly at Chung Myung.

"No, think about it. A person who knows so much about Great Bald Head is saying that?"

A moment of doubt flashed across Tang Gunak's face. What was this guy saying?

At that moment, Chung Myung spoke.

"Well, what if we go to Diancang as that guy wants and save them? The big bald head would be moved to tears, saying 'I've seen Heavenly Comrade Alliance in a new light! Now we are blood brothers bound by fate! Let's fight together against the Evil Tyrant Alliance!' or something like that."

Tang Gunak was momentarily speechless.

The answer to that question, however, came not from Tang Gunak but from others.

"No way."

"Is that even possible?"

"Amitabha... That's not likely."

Tang Gunak stared blankly at the Five Swords as if he had just taken a blow. Even Hye Yeon was shaking his head.

Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"Thinking about it, he probably said something like, 'I'll give you a chance this time.' So what do we gain from this? The Ten Great Sects looking favorably on Heavenly Comrade Alliance? Why should we throw away what we have for something for that?"

"...Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

"Get a grip, you fool."

Suddenly, a sharp energy emanated from Chung Myung. Startled, Tang Gunak unconsciously took a step back.

But that energy disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and what remained was Chung Myung, who was laughing mischievously as usual.

"If you feel like your blood is rushing to your head, let it out. Scum is everywhere. I know it works because I've tried it. It's effective in releasing pressure."

Chung Myung laughed and turned to Tang Soso. Tang Soso, who had been silently biting her lips, had tears streaming down her large eyes.

In a moment of embarrassment, Chung Myung turned his head and muttered.

"...Why is she crying again?"

Coughing loudly, Chung Myung, this time, looked at Hyun Jong instead of Tang Gunak.

"Sect Leader."

"Oh, no, I'm currently the Great..."

"Don't listen to the nonsense of a person who's lost his mind. Let's hurry and go. You should know how to handle a child throwing a tantrum. Are you going to waste your time listening to him? What a waste."

"...I'm sorry."

In response to Chung Myung's openly scolding words, Hyun Jong unintentionally apologized. He didn't know what he did wrong, but looking at the grimacing face of that arrogant guy, it seemed like he should apologize.

"Anyone else have something to say?"

No one opened their mouth. Then Tang Gunak bit his lower lip tightly.

"This situation is.."

"Boy, you're persistent. If that's the case, then take the people with you who want to go to Diancang. But I don't know if anyone here will follow Gaju-nim." [ouch]

At those words, Tang Gunak inadvertently looked around at his family members.

The elite members of the Tang Family all turned their gazes away as if they had no intention of going to Diancang. These were the people, who just a moment ago, seemed willing to follow Tang Gunak and even jump into hell.

"...These guys..."

"I will take the consequences."

Speaking on behalf of them, Tang Pae opened his mouth.

"Even if my limbs are cut off in rebellion, I will endure it. But, Gaju-nim. No, Father."

Tang Pae looked directly at Tang Gunak with a resolute gaze.

"I remember what Father said to me. You clearly said that the head of the Tang Family must be a person who can do anything for the Tang Family, right or wrong."


"So, at this moment, I can't follow Father's words. I will go to save my family. That is my decision as the Sogaju and member of the Tang Family."

Tang Gunak tightly bit his lower lip. After scrutinizing Tang Pae for a while, he observed the one who had caused all this turmoil. Tang Gunak, who seemed on the verge of erupting in anger any moment, soon let out a sigh.

"How are you going to handle this?"


"Your words are probably right. It must be like that. Even if we go to Diancang, Beopjeong will not look kindly upon us. But it's incomparable to truly becoming enemies with them. And the way people all over the world look at us won't be the same as before. How are you going to handle that? Who will bear the cost..."

"I will."

For a moment, Tang Gunak's eyes widened. It was Chung Myung who responded indifferently.

"Who will bear it, you say? I'll bear it. What a trivial thing."


"I'll take care of it. If you want to swear at me, go ahead. Since when have I only what others wanted? I'm just living the way I want. What's the big deal?"

"That's true."

"It's a bit too much. No, way too much."

"People should be considerate of others. How can someone live like that?"

"These bastards?"

As Chung Myung squinted, the Five Swords turned their heads away. Chung Myung looked back at Tang Gunak.

He knew it too. Why Tang Gunak wanted to go to Diancang now.

But Chung Myung couldn't accept that, even if died. He knew how hellish someone's life would become after sacrificing what shouldn't be sacrificed. He knew how painful it was.

So he couldn't push Tang Gunak into that hell.

" 'I will die for the world.' That's a hero. I think such a person is admirable. But..."

Chung Myung's face twisted.

"People who scream that you have to die for the sake of the world are just idiotic zealots. Even more so if it's your family."

Under the wide sleeves, Tang Gunak's hand trembled faintly.

"And if your friend is going crazy like an idiot, you have to smack him to bring him to his senses. That's the right thing to do, isn't it?"

Chung Myung's gaze, thrown sharply, made Tang Gunak close his eyes.



When he opened his eyes again, Tang Gunak's eyes seemed to burn like a fire.

"Do you really have the determination to bear all this?"


"Not just out of sympathy for us, but with the determination to bear all that responsibility, are you doing this? Is that really the case?"

Instead of answering that question, Chung Myung shouted.



Baek Cheon threw the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword he had been holding to Chung Myung. Taking the sword, Chung Myung drew it in one go. The sharp line drawn by Chung Myung's sword touched Tang Gunak's neck.

The green tassel hanging from the tip of the stopped sword shook greatly.

Chung Myung spoke as if growling.

"If I were going to avoid responsibility, I wouldn't have taken up this sword."


The neatly retrieved sword returned to its scabbard. The sword made by the Tang Family returned to Chung Myung's waist. Where it belonged.

"So. Stop talking nonsense and say what you need to say again. What you should have said as the head of the Tang Family."

A complex and strange light shone in Tang Gunak's eyes. The fist clenched so tightly under the sleeves that each knuckle turned white.

The words he wanted to say the most. Even so, he couldn't say it.

Tang Gunak lowered his head deeply.

"As the head of the Tang Family, for the Tang Family..."

Suppressing the surging emotions, he opened his mouth again.

"Please help the Tang Family."

"As much as you want."

Chung Myung grabbed Tang Gunak's shoulders once and turned his head towards Mount Hua, shouting.

"Did you hear, you bastards?"


"There's no time! Let's go!"

The sharp momentum exploded again. The Tang Family's elites, who now had the strength to go where they needed to go, pulled their energy as much as possible.

The ones who had been exhausted regained their vitality like a taut bowstring. It was a change too big to be called a change made by one person.

"Hurry up, Chung Myung!"

"After pretending to be dead, did you come to your senses? Are you okay now?"

"It won't be too late to go now, right?"

Amidst the laughter and greetings from here and there, Jo Gol also ran over with a bright smile on his face. Seeing him, Chung Myung grinned.

"Before that, Sahyung."


"Pick me up."


"My legs are like jelly."



...Was this kid is really okay?

Jo Gol's shoulders slumped weakly.