Chapter 1430: So This Needle Is A Failure? (Part 5)

"Kkeu... " [Like a mixture between "ugh" and "huff"]

"... " 

"Kkeu-eu-eu... " 

"... " 

"Kkeu-eu-eu-eu-eu... " 

"Agh, seriously! It's so noisy!" 

Chung Myung, who was lying down, shouted and slapped Jo Gol's head in front of him.

"Are you that dissatisfied with carrying an injured person? Huh?" 

"I-I'm injured too, you bastard!" 

"Seeing how noisy you are, you seem fine!" 


Tears welled up in Jo Gol's eyes.

"Why me? Why! There are perfectly fine people out there!" 

"They can't do it. It makes me uncomfortable. They're probably struggling to run with all their might. People have a conscience, you know? How can they carry me there? Oh, Sahyung." 

"Then what about me? Am I not uncomfortable? Can't I be struggling?" 


Jo Gol's head, which had been knocked down in one breath, fell weakly down. Chung Myung chuckled.

"It's okay for Sahyung to suffer a bit. You grew up comfortably." 

"If I suffer too much, I'll really die, you bastard!" 

"Enough! If you have time to talk, run quickly! We're busy now!" 


Jo Gol, with tears in his eyes, rushed forward.

It was annoying, but he wasn't wrong. There was no time to complain and be dissatisfied now. Even at this moment, the people from Myriad Man Manor were probably chasing after the runaway Tang Family.

Hadn't they already experienced how relentless and terrifying their pursuit was? By now, just thinking about Ho Gakmyung's face was enough to raise his murderous intent.


Jo Gol stamped the ground in one go and moved forward.

"But, Sahyung." 


"Are you okay? The Four Seas Merchant Company is in Chengdu. How about going to Chengdu, even if it's just for Sahyung?" 


Jo Gol twisted his face.

"Jang Ilso, that bastard, if he was going to do something, he would've done it a long time ago!" 


"And don't underestimate our company! Do you know how easy it is to make a living by going up and down the country? They're people who have overcome crises many times over!"

"Well said." 

Chung Myung chuckled. Actually, he wasn't too worried. The secret information sent by the Beggar's Union was probably sent under the orders of Hong Daekwang or Neungsam. They would've tried to gather information about Four Seas Merchant Company as well. [Also, I'm pretty sure Jaogae and Neungsam are the same people at this point...]

The fact that there was no mention of the company meant that nothing significant happened to it. If there was even a single mention of the company, Chung Myung would have beaten Jo Gol and sent him to Chengdu.

Jo Gol added.

"Anyways, if we can't stop those guys, no one in Chengdu will be safe. Evacuating family won't be the end. If we're going to protect, we have to protect properly!"

Chung Myung, who had been listening quietly, looked down at Jo Gol. Somehow, Jo Gol's shoulders, who had lifted him, looked broader.

At that moment, Baek Cheon quietly approached Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung." 


"It's not too late, right?" 

At those words, Chung Myung's gaze slightly sank.

Honestly, Chung Myung didn't know. If he had continued to assess the situation without losing consciousness, he might have roughly calculated it, but with only the information he had heard now, it was too insufficient.

They may have already caught up with the Tang Family, or there might still be a long time. But either way, what they had to do didn't change.

"Can we return if it's too late?"


"Okay. Then that's it. Clear your mind and just run. Whether it's late or not, we'll find out when we arrive."

Baek Cheon nodded. Upon hearing those words, the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared cleanly.

At that moment, Chung Myung, who was staring at Baek Cheon, spoke.

"Rather... your face looks very pale. Are you going to collapse soon?"

"Huh? Isn't Sasuk's face naturally pale?"

"Sahyung is noisy. Just run quickly."

Baek Cheon glanced at Chung Myung and smiled.

"Who's worrying about whom right now? You're the weak one."

"Wow, look at that nasty face."

Chung Myung grumbled but turned away with a smile.

"If you try to stop him anyway, he won't listen. Just hold on as long as you can. If it doesn't work out, just collapse."

"You worry about yourself, you damn bastard."

A bitter smile appeared on Baek Cheon's lips.

'Anyway, he's like a ghost.'

His body was probably not in normal condition right now. Despite the intensive treatment from Tang Gunak pouring all his heirlooms, objectively speaking, it was a miracle they gave a corpse barely a breath of fresh air. Didn't Tang Gunak say that himself when he treated Chung Myung?

However, amidst the situation, he assessed and made decisions, even caring about others.

It felt strange. The situation hadn't changed significantly. They were still heading to the Tang Family, and the Tang Family was still in crisis. No, if anything, the situation had become more urgent.

But still, there was a distinct difference in the feeling from before. Watching Chung Myung being carried on Jo Gol's back, Baek Cheon clicked his tongue.

'We can't lose him, really.'

Everyone here knew. Chung Myung's current ability was only a fraction of his usual self.

No, even that might be an overestimation. Perhaps, at this moment, Chung Myung was no different from an ordinary commoner who couldn't wield a sword.

Yet, confidence arised. Just the fact that that damn brat regained consciousness was enough.

Not only the atmosphere of the Five Swords and the disciples of Mount Hua, but also Mount Hua's elders, including Hyun Jong, and even Tang Gunak, had changed.

It was still urgent, but at least they weren't anxious. The intense anxiety that surrounded them seemed to have significantly diminished.

"No, run faster! Haven't you eaten porridge? These bastards, I told them to pay attention to footwork! Try being late, you bastards. As soon as we return..."

Baek Cheon closed his eyes tightly.

'It would be better if that mouth closed a bit.'

Of course, that was an impossible wish.

"So, huh? Usually..."

"Hey! Run faster, more!"


As Baek Cheon quickly interrupted Chung Myung's nagging and shouted, both Mount Hua and the Tang Family increased their speed.

Chung Myung chuckled and looked ahead. His eyes were darker than before.

❀ ❀ ❀

Tang Byeok looked back at Tang We with a worried expression. [I changed it back to Tang We]

"Elder! A-are you okay? Let me carry you!"

Understandably, Tang We's face was soaked with sweat as if a waterfall was pouring over him. It seemed like he could faint and collapse at any moment. But Tang We, with a stubborn expression, pushed Tang Byeok away.

"Don't do unnecessary things."


"If you have strength left, take care of the women! I'm fine!"

Tang Byeok looked at Tang We with slightly trembling eyes.

He looked clearly not okay to anyone. But once Tang We came out like this, there was nothing Tang Byeok could do.

"We have to go faster! Those Evil Sect bastards might still be chasing us. We need to enter Shaanxi before they catch up." [yo?]


Tang We, staggering, forcefully pushed away Tang Byeok's hand trying to support him and turned to look back. Many Tang Family members were following him.

"These idiots! Instead of leaving the children to their mothers, aren't you supposed to carry them yourselves!"

"Uh, we're already doing that."

"Do you elders have no hands? No backs? Are you saving your precious strength for the afterlife? Move quickly!" 

"Ah, I understand!"

Watching Tang Byeok rushing out, Tang We breathed heavily. As he wiped his face, sweat dripped as if he had dipped his hands in water.

But he absolutely couldn't stop his feet.

He still thought this choice was not the right one. The place where a Tang Family member should die is within the Tang Family's manor. The poison and craftsmanship of the Tang Family should never be lost.

However, now that it had come to this, they had to protect what was left. If they couldn't do that, they would be no more than fools who destroyed everything with a stupid choice.

At least, when facing the ancestors after death, shouldn't he be able to justify that he did his best?

"Huff! Huff!"

Tang We moved his trembling legs desperately, exhaling rough breaths.

'To the Shaanxi...'

Jang Ilso probably already considered Sichuan as his own land. And the situation had become so difficult that it was hard to deny that.

But Shaanxi is different. Shaanxi wouldn't be easily invaded by the Evil Tyrant Alliance. If they could reach there, they might be able to shake off their pursuit.

There was one catch. Could they reach Shaanxi before the Evil Tyrant Alliance caught up? That was the only thing.


Tang We bit his lips and shouted with a clattering voice.

"There's not much time left! Just get to Shaanxi. Everyone, muster your strength!"

He didn't expect any response. It was better to muster one's strength to take a step forward than to respond.

'How much is left? 300 li? 500 li?' [93, 155 miles]

If it were all the male Tang Family members, they could've easily overcome that distance. But the ones left here were mostly children and women who hadn't even learned basic martial arts.

The Tang Family's women, if they were direct descendants, couldn't learn martial arts. Even the children of the imperial family were taught simple martial arts and breathing techniques for self-defense, but that was about it.

'The law.'

Indeed, that was the Tang Family's law. A law that had been passed down through generations and should never be broken no matter what happened.

But... if these women of the Tang Family had learned martial arts like men... would they have had to go through such a desperate escape?

No, even if it couldn't be helped, would it have been necessary to fret and run away like this?

For a moment, the face that came to Tang We's mind was none other than Tang Soso, Tang Gunak's daughter. The child who rejected the laws of the Tang Family and left for Mount Hua.

Tang We ridiculed and scorned the child's choice when he heard about it. Indeed, she was like Tang Gunak.

But... the fame that the child gained as a member of Mount Hua shook the world, and it soon reached Tang We's ears.

If that child hadn't made that choice and stayed with the Tang Family all the time, what would have happened?

Probably, there would have been nothing more for her to do than to support the tired men here.

Was that child, was she special?

Tang We looked at the Tang Family's women once again.

Perhaps not. Perhaps everyone here could have lived a life like Tang Soso. Even if that wasn't the case...


But soon, Tang We shook his head.

The choice of the ancestors was not wrong. Women ultimately left the Tang Family and became members of other families. If they passed on poison and hidden weapons techniques, the powerful families of the world would eventually develop immunity to the Tang Family's poison. Avoiding such a situation was only natural, right? 

How could the ancestors not have struggled? Their conclusion was reached after much contemplation. It was arrogant of later generations to judge that choice as wrong just because the situation had changed.

Yes, what he had to do was to...


At that moment, Tang We's outstretched foot caught on a rock. His old body wobbled and leaned forward. At the moment of falling, someone grabbed Tang We's arm tightly.

"Are you okay, Elder?"

Tang We turned his head to look at the one who held his arm.

'Who is it?'

He didn't know. He knew the face but didn't know the name. There were too many people in the Tang Family. He only knew that this person was one of the Tang Family's women.

He felt the hand holding his arm trembling. Not because she was scared, but because of the effort. Even though she was tired to the point where it was difficult to control her own body, she reached out her hand to watch Tang We and held it.

"I'm... fine."

Thanks to the forceful strength of the one holding his arm, Tang We steadied his legs again. He looked at the Tang Family woman who held him with watery eyes. It was a plain-looking face.