Chapter 1431: You'll Have To Kill Me First (Part 1)

"Lean back."

"...I'm okay."

"I'll help you."

A firm strength was felt in the grip that held his arm. Although there was a momentary strange resistance, Tang We couldn't ultimately free his arm from the woman who held it.

He knew that if he delayed, others would be in danger too.

"Cough, cough."

Tang We, who coughed weakly, let out a bitter smile.

'I've become quite a sight.'

Tang We had been the de facto leader of the Tang Family since the death of the previous family head... No, perhaps even before that. After all, he was the one who had controlled the real power of the Tang Family. Now, he found himself relying on a woman who hadn't even mastered martial arts.

Would the situation be different if his martial arts hadn't been lost?

Could the mighty Tang Family have prevented the absurd situation of fleeing from the Evil Sect?

'Probably not.'

Tang We unconsciously nodded his head. The current situation was not easily manageable by the strength of one person alone. Even if he hadn't lost his martial arts, it wouldn't have changed much.

'It's pathetic.'

He believed that everything he had done was for the sake of the Tang Family. The current family head, seemingly strict on the outside but weak on the inside, would never lead the Tang Family to prosperity.

But now, he was running away having, lost the foundation of the Tang Family, poison and craftsmanship. Where did it all go wrong?

"Cough! Cough!"

"Are you okay, Elder?"

"...I'm fine."

Tang We lowered the hand that had covered his mouth. There were no visible signs of spitting blood, but he could sense it instinctively. His remaining life was not long.

What would happen to the Tang Family after his death? Could the Tang Family, which had lost its roots in the midst of the ongoing chaos, survive? Even if survival was somehow possible, could they regain the past glory with the Tang Family having lost both martial arts and hidden weapons?

Frustrating. It felt like a big piece of iron was pressing on his chest.

At that moment, the hand that held his arm pulled him a little stronger. Tang We unconsciously turned his gaze in that direction.

"Lean on me a little more."


"I still have strength left. Don't worry."

For a moment, Tang We was speechless.

'Strength left?'

That was unlikely. Even though Tang We had lost his martial arts and only had a frail body left, it should be equally difficult for this woman, who had never mastered martial arts in her life.

Yet, she calmly spoke these words.

'She's strong.'

A strange admiration welled up in Tang We's heart.

"Thank you."


Tang We heard a perplexed voice but chose not to say anything more, closing his eyes tightly.


The image of Tang Jopyeong came to his mind.

Tang Jopyeong said that what the Tang Family had to protect was not poison or martial arts but the people themselves.

Honestly, Tang We still couldn't fully empathize with those words. But he understood what Tang Jopyeong was trying to say. Even if there was the world's best poison or unparalleled martial arts, they were useless without someone to wield them.

Perhaps, until now, what had kept the Tang Family going was the strength of these nameless individuals.

"Who is your father?"

"My father's surname is Gaowei (高偉)." [not sure]

"Tang Gaowei...?"

Judging by the unfamiliar title, it seemed to be a branch sect. Tang We subtly examined the woman's face.

Was she barely eighteen now? Although she had an ordinary appearance that could be seen anywhere, her expression was extremely dignified.

However, Tang We sensed an underlying unease that she couldn't completely conceal.

"Don't worry."


"The Tang Family will rise again."

Tang We forced strength into his throat as he spoke. These may not have been words of comfort for the child but rather something he said to himself.

"Even if the family burns, loses its poison and hidden weapons, the Tang Family is still the Tang Family."

Tang We hesitated slightly before continuing.

"The family head is an excellent person; he will definitely revive the family."

After finishing his words, he let out a bitter laugh inwardly. He never thought he would say such words while still alive.

'Family head.'

But there was no regret in uttering these words aloud.

Now, Tang Guanak would have to endure long-lasting suffering.

Thinking about the hardships he would face, even Tang We, who was not particularly fond of Tang Guanak, involuntarily sighed.

"If you continue to believe and follow the family head, someday the Tang Family might become the ruler of Sichuan."

Tang We, who spoke, didn't think this was a particularly convincing statement. However, in the current situation, he thought it was essential advice for these children.

However... the response he received was slightly different from Tang We's thoughts.

"The Tang Family... well, yes, the Tang Family will be fine."

"That's right."

"But... I don't think I can be a support to the family head, Elder."

A slightly perplexed Tang We looked at the woman and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Because I can't help. I'll have to marry soon." [not sure wording is right]

Tang We's face twisted oddly for a moment. Marry soon. Uttering such words in this situation meant that eventually, she would become an outsider, and she seemed to imply that it wouldn't matter much for someone like Tang Guanak.

Everyone prioritized their own affairs, but hearing such words from a Tang Family member, and not just anyone else, gave Tang We quite a shock.

Tang We looked at the woman and said.

"Of course, that might be the way of life for women, but... shouldn't the family take precedence in the current situation?"

"If I marry, I won't be a Tang Family member anymore."


"I've been taught that way, until now. If one gets married, they must forget everything about the Tang Family and live as if one never had even the slightest memory of it."

Tang We was momentarily speechless.

"That... "

What she said was the Tang Family law. It was an effort to protect the poison of the Tang Family, and Tang We had revered and upheld that law that has been passed down from ancestors.

But now, the words he had spoken so often were coming back to him.

"...Of course, that may be true, but aren't you still a Tang Family person?"

"But... oh."

The woman, who seemed to be trying to continue speaking, suddenly looked at Tang We and bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry. I..."

It seemed a bit awkward for her to have revealed her inner thoughts in front of Tang We. If it were the usual Tang We, he might have sternly reprimanded her and turned his head away.

But for some reason, Tang We wanted to hear the hidden words behind. Perhaps because his days were numbered. Or maybe because this woman was still steadfastly supporting him.



"Can you tell me what you were trying to say?"

"I... I'm sorry. I..."

"Please tell me."

The woman, appearing thoughtful, sighed and then spoke.

"Elder, you may not be aware, but when the situation becomes difficult, children like us tend to quickly get married. We have to reduce unnecessary burdens"

Tang We furrowed his brow slightly. However, upon hearing it, he realized that her words weren't entirely incorrect.

In the Tang Family, women didn't offer much help, making it difficult to lead the family to revival. So, even in a household that wouldn't normally send its daughters away, they ended up getting married, and in return, they secured support for the Tang Family.

"And even if that doesn't happen, people like us won't be of any help."

"People like us won't be of any help?"

"All we can do is cook and do laundry."


"Women from prestigious families can wield a sword or throw a punch if a crisis arises. But we can't."

Tang We, who was momentarily speechless, asked the woman.

"Do you resent it?"

The woman raised her head slightly at his words.

"No. I'm not expressing resentment. We also have a strong desire to help the family head. But there really is no way we can help."

Tang We felt a strange tightness in his chest. He wanted to say that even small actions could be helpful, but he couldn't bring himself to. In reality, he knew that such things wouldn't be of much help to the Tang family.

Burdens. Although it wasn't an appropriate term for members of the prestigious Tang family, in these circumstances, the women of the Tang family were nothing more than burdens.

It was the Tang family and Tang We himself who had made them into such.

"So... are you going to find a husband right away?"

Tang We asked, and the woman responded with a bright smile. A artificial smile that was clearly forced.

"That could be a way, but who would willingly accept a bride from a troubled Tang family... That's the question."

Tang We's throat felt itchy, and he was about to cough when she spoke.

"So... I'm thinking of leaving the family when we reach Shaanxi."

"Leaving the family? What does that mean?"

"...I'm heading to Mount Hua."


For a moment, Tang We forgot to cough and widened his eyes. What on earth was she saying? To Mount Hua?

"Other places probably won't accept us, but Mount Hua might, you never know. Besides, we already have Sister Soso there."

"...Are you relying on Mount Hua?"

"No, I... I want to try learning swordsmanship there."


The woman nodded, her eyes gleaming.

"Do you want to learn swordsmanship?"

"It's not necessarily like that..."

The woman hesitated slightly.

"But... I thought if I could learn to wield a sword at Mount Hua, I might be able to do something with my own strength. And in case of trouble, I might be able to protect myself. Sister Soso has already shown us that."


"If Sister Soso had stayed in the Tang family, she would probably have been married into a powerful family in Sichuan by now. Then she would be living a completely different life. Although everyone thought Sister Soso was strange, secretly... we envied her."

The woman's words were etched into Tang We's mind.

"Can we live like that if we go to Mount Hua? Will there be a day when we are called by our own names rather than just women of the Tang family? But until now, I never had the courage. We're not like Sister Soso."


"Yes, this time, I want to gather the courage. Of course, I know Mount Hua is a harsh place, and I've heard that training there is tough, but still... if I go there, I might be able to do something. If I say I was going to Mount Hua, Gaju-nim probably wouldn't object."

The woman gestured with one arm, pretending to swing a sword without holding Tang We.

"Who knows? Maybe I unexpectedly have talent for the sword, and I'll become a famous swordsman!"

While speaking, the woman's face was filled with bright hope. Then, suddenly turning back to Tang We, she apologized with a start.

"I'm sorry. I talked too much, didn't I?"

"...Too much?"


"Within the family... are there many children who think like you?"

"Well, that's..."

"Don't be scared. Just tell me. An old man who has lost both power and authority has nothing to be feared."

The woman scratched her forehead with her finger, speaking lightly.

"There aren't that many... It's not so few either. The direct descendants may be able to find different paths, but since we are like this, we have no other choice."

Tang We suddenly looked up at the sky, silent.

It was truly clear and serene. However, on this day, the vast blue sky felt strangely oppressive.

"What is your name?"

"Me...? I'm..."

"I'm not trying to scold you. I'm just curious."

Relieved, the woman nodded.

"I'm Sobo (小寶) ['Xiao Bao', little treasure]. But my mother calls me Sobu (小步) ['Xiao Bu']."

"Sobo.. 'Small steps.' "

Tang We's lips trembled slightly. It was a moment when he, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to want to say something.

"Chief Elder!"

An urgent shout came from behind. Startled, Tang We quickly turned around.

"At the rear! They're coming!"

The color drained from his wrinkled face.