Chapter 1460: It Won't Be Easy (Part 5)

"Get lost!"

Chung Myung's heel fiercely struck the forehead of a fleeing Evil Sect member.



The Evil Sect members who filled the roadside screamed in confusion at the unbelievable sight of a person being kicked like a ball.

"Mount, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword!"

"Plum Blossom Sword Demon! Plum Blossom Sword Demon is here!"

Fame is truly strange.

Just because a person's fame rises doesn't mean their skill increases accordingly. Just because Chung Myung's fame soared through the events in Southern Island didn't mean his skill skyrocketed as much.

However, the Evil Sect members facing Chung Myung couldn't think that way.

"Ugh, aah!"

Just the fact that Chung Myung appeared here spread a huge fear that there was no way to even think about escaping. But there was no need to make an effort to escape. Before the two characters 'escape' could come to their minds, Chung Myung had already rushed in.



Chung Myung sent the Evil Sect members who were trying to resist flying with a single blow. Those struck by the sword couldn't even scream and were bounced away.

"These guys!"

They were no match at all. Of course, it was obvious. How could the half-rate martial artists here defeat Chung Myung, whom even the elites of the Myriad Man Manor couldn't handle?

Just swinging a sword with one hand was enough to sweep them away like fallen leaves. But the sword wielded by Chung Myung had an unnecessarily stronger force than their opponents.

Seol So Baek sighed as if understanding.

"As expected of Dojang! Even when catching a rabbit, the tiger does its best..."

"You bastards from Gangnam! You must have felt good back then! I'll kill every one of you! Euraaaah!"

"...That's one way to put it..."

Chung Myung leaped around like a hungry wolf, his eyes gleaming. The frail(?) Evil Sect members screamed and collapsed. Seol So Baek, who felt something subtle, looked up at the sky for a moment and quickly regained his composure.

"Let's go together, Dojang!"

"I'll kill them!"

Leaving behind Seol So Baek's strangely weak voice, Chung Myung swung his sword down. The eerie madness in his eyes was enough to make it terrifying to meet his gaze.

"...He seems to be having a lot of fun."

Watching Chung Myung kicking the fleeing Evil Sect members, Im Sobyeong clicked his tongue. After all...

'It's strange that he hasn't caught a stomach disease yet.'

He wasn't a patient person to begin with, so how frustrated must he have felt to have been hunting rabbits from Southern Island to here? If there was any fault in what they were experiencing now, it was that they had fallen into the hands of Chung Myung.

"But Nokrim King!"


Im Sobyeong glanced back. Namgung Dowi, who had a pale face as if squeezed out of his strength, was standing there. He asked as if he couldn't understand.

"Is it okay to run wild like this now? Isn't it right to quickly do what needs to be done and quickly leave Chengdu? If the Myriad Man Manor comes here..."

Im Sobyeong looked at Namgung Dowi with a sly smile. Then he spoke.

"Maybe there was something else that was really frustrating."

"Are you swearing at me right now?"

"Oh. Your head may not be good, but your senses are sharp. As expected of Namgung."

"This guy?"

As Namgung Dowi tried to retort, Im Sobyeong answered with a deep voice.

"There's no support. At least until we rampage Chengdu and return."


"So, right now, the Myriad Man Manor won't be in a situation to come here. At least for about three days. Somewhere from the east, isn't it?"

Namgung Dowi stared at Im Sobeong with eyes that seemed to say, 'What nonsense is this bandit talking about?' Im Sobyeong shrugged.

"Just understand it that way."

"Don't just pass it by like that, explain it properly."

"Oh, an explanation?"

Im Sobyeong looked at Namgung Dowi with a triumphant smile. And he said.

"Just endure it."


"It's the chief's orders, do you need an explanation? If you're going to endure it, just endure it. Tsk tsk. Haven't you figured out the situation yet?"


"Hmm. This is really comfortable. My mouth doesn't hurt either."

"...This bandit?"

"Chief! Chief! Namgung Sogaju is playing around here!"

"Damn it! I'm going, I'm going!"

Namgung Dowi, spewing profanities that didn't suit his dignified nature, ran towards them. Im Sobyeong laughed as he watched his back. And he glanced at Chung Myung.

'Anyway, he's a remarkable guy.'

Im Sobyeong was also aware that the situation in Chengdu had become vulnerable. But that idiot Jang Ilso wasn't a fool, and he was also worth emptying Chengdu for.

To the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Chengdu had been a source of misfortune for a long time, where there was nothing to gain and full of dangers. If they tried to occupy it recklessly, there was even the risk of being surrounded by the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

So usually, it was more sensible to withdraw without enduring such risks. And it wasn't urgent to lead the people from Chengdu to Hwaeum?

'...That would be a normal way of thinking.'

However, that guy turned it upside down.

If there was nothing to gain from occupying it, don't occupy it. If there was a risk of being surrounded when entering the castle, just bring a small number to avoid being surrounded. If it was difficult to deal with those who defended Chengdu with the same number, bring a small number that were skilled in terms of strength.

The result? They must be experiencing it now.

"Don't run away! Those who run away will have to endure Ryeonju-nim's anger!"

"Those who retreat will die! Didn't I say I'll kill them!"

The Myriad Man Manor that inserted themselves between the Evil Sect members shouted threats.

However, those who were completely terrified didn't stop their desperate escape, ignoring their threatening acts. Crossing over walls, even riding over their comrades behind them.

"These... these bastards!"

The Evil Sect was still the Evil Sect.

When their momentum was high, they were more terrifying than anything in the world, but once they lost their momentum, they were no different from grains of sand.

And unfortunately, these people had no power to gather the scattered grains of sand again.

"Unit Leader! It's collapsing! They're coming!"

"This... this is..."

The face of the one called the Unit Leader turned pale at the news.

"Why are these damn bastards! Why did they come here! Why!"

They weren't people whose strength could be judged by counting heads. With those numbers, they could probably sweep away several major sects in one night without a trace.

It was unheard of. The leaders of such sects gathering in one place, leaving their subordinates behind to fight.

Wasn't there a minimum level of common sense in the world? However, the unfolding scene was destroying all common sense.

"Re-request support, right now!"

"Where should I request? Ryeonju is now..."

"Request it anywhere! Fuck it, anything!"

"L-Leader! Ah, in front! In front!"


He reflexively turned his head and saw it.

A pure white blade approached in front of him. And on that blade, there was even a youthful, red energy.



With a loud sound, a head soared into the air.

Chung Myung, who had quickly severed a head, wiped the blood off his sword, then twisted his neck once.

"Talking about support when falling over."


"Well, they're a bunch of useless bastards from the Evil Sect. Honestly, if you criticize them, they're the type of guys who can take it, so there's no need to stick a knife in their backs... but..."

Chung Myung laughed brightly.

"You're not like them. Right?"


The Myriad Man Manor members hesitated and stepped back in front of Chung Myung. Had there ever been a time when the Myriad Man Manor's uniform felt so cursed?

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, don't worry. Honestly, if I were to unleash my grudges, I could recite them for three days and nights, but fortunately... it's not just me who holds a grudge against you guys here."


"Easy, easy. If it's too much, people get scared."

Doubt lingered on the faces of the Myriad Man Manor members. And soon enough, they came to understand the meaning behind his words.


People who spewed murderous energy from their eyes appeared behind Chung Myung. The Myriad Man Manors members figured out their identity just by looking at the swords in their hands.


A desperate scream echoed in the sky. Chung Myung chuckled.

"Tsk. Anyway, they don't listen even if you tell them nicely."

"Come here, Boss!"

"Oh, no, now outside..."

"If you stay there, you'll get hurt! Don't you know that ignorant people like us can't even pick our bones if we get swept away in a place like that?"

"...Yes, I understand. But..."

Jo Woong, while physically moving, kept looking towards the door with a face full of lingering regrets. It was evident that something significant had happened outside, but lacking knowledge of martial arts, he had no ability to grasp the situation from a distance.

"But there is undoubtedly a battle taking place. Perhaps..."

"Ah, Boss! What did you say to me just a while ago? You said there would be no such thing! If you recklessly stick your neck out now and something goes wrong, not only Boss but everyone will die! Don't you understand?"

Jo Woong closed his mouth tightly and nodded his head. It was a valid point. At times like this, the best course of action was to remain hidden.

"What are you all doing! Stop dawdling and get inside immediately! Hurry!"

"Yes, yes! Boss!"

The individuals who were hesitating with some expectation put their regrets aside and turned away. But at that very moment.


The already once broken gate burst open again. Everyone turned their heads toward the surprising situation.


Rising dust revealed the figure of a person. A swordsman with a bloody sword hanging on his shoulder. His gaze was chilling.


The cold eyes of the swordsman scanned them coldly. Even though he seemed emotionless, he suddenly tilted his head slightly.

"Uh... is this not the place?"

"Yes! You crazy bastard! Why destroy someone else's gate!"

"It's already broken! Why blame me!"

At the entrance, the two arguing people caught everyone's attention. In that bewildering situation, everyone turned their heads to look.

"Chung...Myung Dojang?"

"I-it's him!"

Jo Woong's mouth hung open. W-why was that crazy guy here...?


Jo Gol shouted, looking at Jo Woong.

"Haha! I've come to rescue you!"

It was truly an overwhelming moment. Jo Woong's heart, which had been filled with despair and anxiety had filled his heart, was overwhelmed by a different warmth and emotion. As he was about to surrender to those emotions, the slightly teasing voice of the subordinate rang in Jo Woong's ears.

"You said he wouldn't come because he was fast at calculations."




Jo Woong chuckled with a nonchalant smile and mumbled.

"I guess he was dumber than I thought."

"Huh? Hyung-nim, what did you say?"


Truly, nothing.