Chapter 1461: Aren't We The Main Force? (Part 1)






"You'll pass away like that."

At Un Am's words, Hyun Jong, with his tongue against his cheek, widened his eyes.

"No, you! What are you doing...!"

Hyun Jong's voice, growing louder, was interrupted by sharp criticism from both sides.

"Oi, I'm the Sect Leader!"

"Other people are watching too!"

The elders shot disapproving looks. Hyun Jong, with a hint of frustration, lowered his voice once again.

"Ugh... What did you do, sending the kids away? Do you even know what might happen! If those Evil Tyrant Alliance guys target those kids!"

"Well, Chung Myung will handle it."

"Have you seen such a helpless guy! Hey, you! Is that what a Sect Leader should say?"

Un Am shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I do? That kid is smarter than me. I can't oppose him right away, can I?"

"Well, what, what... Uh!"

With a reddened face, Hyun Jong grabbed his stiffened back.

"Oh my. Please control your temper, Sahyung!"

"...Why do people become weirder when they become older? In the past, he was still dignified."

"Loud, you guys!"

Hyun Jong pushed aside the elders trying to hold him and shouted at Un Am.

"Is the position of the Sect Leader supposed to be like this?"

"Well, that's a good point. That's correct."

"Is that so?"

"So, think about it. I'm also uncomfortable, and it doesn't seem right, so as soon as we return to Shaanxi, I should hand over the Sect Leader position to Baek Cheon. It seems like that's the..."

"What, you? Is this... Uh!"

"Oh my. You might actually ascend."

"Come on, take a deep breath. Slowly."

Hyun Jong lightly tapped his chest as if feeling frustrated. Seeing this, Un Am smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

Un Geom asked quietly. Un Am replied casually.

"It's something Chung Myung decided on his own, so let him handle it."

"Well, that's true, but... I understand why Great Sect Leader is worried. Sect Leader, no matter how you think about it, isn't this too dangerous?"

"Then you be Sect Leader."

Un Geom gazed blankly at Un Am.

"Don't want to?"

"N-no, Sect Leader. What's that..."

"Then just stay still and don't interfere."

Un Geom closed his mouth with a disapproving expression. It was unclear whether he didn't like following Un Am orders or if he found that firm statement not typical of Un Am.

Seeing that expression, Un Am chuckled.

"Un Geom-ah."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"Actually, I thought becoming the Sect Leader would be meaningless. Until recently, I considered it an unnecessary process and was eager to quickly get rid of the uncomfortable Sect Leader position."


"But now I realize that I was the one who had to become the Sect Leader."

"What? What do you mean..."

"Isn't it true? If it were Baek Cheon who is the Sect Leader now, wouldn't Great Sect Leader and even you try to interfere in the judgments of the kids at every turn?"

Un Geom closed his mouth in silence. Already, similar events were unfolding here.

"I don't intend to..."

"Intentions alone don't make everything right."

Un Geom finally lowered his head.

Un Am was a person who didn't reveal himself easily. Therefore, he wasn't easy to deal with.

Perhaps, as Un Am said, what was needed most in Mount Hua right now was someone like Un Am.

"There is nothing meaningless in the world."

Un Am sipped his tea. And advised.

"Don't worry unnecessarily, just keep an eye on Shaanxi. We need to arrive at Hwaeum before they return."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

Un Am glanced back slightly. On the opposite side, far away, the kids would be there.

"...I hope you don't go too wild."


"No, nothing."

Un Am shook his head as if feeling frustrated. Surely, they wouldn't go too far. Surely.

❀ ❀ ❀

"That... "

Jo Woong scratched his head nervously. Instead of feeling more stable as the initial confusion disappeared, he was overwhelmed by an even greater sense of absurdity.

If the first question that struck him was how Jo Gol was here, the current question dominating his mind was why Jo Gol was here.

"Hyung-nim, please get ready quickly. We're going to leave Chengdu with the members of the company."

"Wait, just a moment."

"No, we don't have time!"

"Whether it's time or not, do you know where you are? Do you even know where this is!"

At those words, Jo Gol made a bewildered expression. It was a face as if looking at a madman.

"Where is this? It's the Four Seas Merchant Company. Did you hit your head or something?"


A dry cough burst out of Jo Woong's mouth. Seeing his little brother's eyes that seemed to ask, 'Does this guy not understand the situation?' made it even more difficult to know where to start.

"Hey, you bastard! Do you know where you are? Do you have any idea how dangerous this place is? Did I teach you to just walk in here with your own feet, unaware of the risks? Even if you're worried, causing trouble for the sect with your personal choices is unacceptable!"




At that moment, Evil Sect members erupted over the tall gate of the Four Seas Merchant Company like fireworks.

"Uhahaha! Step aside, Tang Gaju! These are mine!"


Tang Gunak was running over the wall like a black shadow. Jo Woong stared at the scene dumbfoundedly. His mouth opened involuntarily.

"From the Evil Sect?"

There is certainly common sense in the world, but sometimes that common sense loses its power.

"...No, well..."


At that moment, Chung Myung abruptly intervened.

"Let's settle the brotherly dispute later; we're busy now, so let's move."

"Chung Myung Dojang?"

"I'll explain later. For now, I didn't come here as Jo Gol Sahyung's Sajil and disciple of the Mount Hua Sect. I'm here as the chief of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."


"That means the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is gathering people from the Four Seas Merchant Company, not Jo Gol or the Mount Hua Sect. Let's make that clear for now."

Chung Myung nodded towards those behind Jo Woong.

"Get ready quickly. We need to leave right away."

Jo Woong nodded hastily in response to the urgent situation. He didn't understand how things were unfolding, but for now, they had to escape from Chengdu as they were told.

"We don't have much to prepare. There aren't many people left inside right now, so just follow those you see. But I'm not sure if we can escape from Chengdu..."

"Good grief, you don't seem to understand words. No wonder they're brothers."


"I told you to prepare, didn't I? Prepare?"

"...W-what is that..."

It was right at that moment.

"Over here!"

"Move quickly! To your positions!"

"Yes, Sasuk!"

The Five Swords, pouring into the Four Sease Merchant Company through the broken wall, quickly scanned the surroundings and rushed towards a particular direction.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


The Five Swords stared at Jo Woong with determination. The carts that had been parked in a corner of the yard was now in their hands. [...cart-nim's comeback...]


Jo Woong instantly understood their intention and nodded quickly.

"Everyone, get on the carts! They're..."

"What are you saying?"


In response to Chung Myung's shout, Jo Woong flinched and turned to look.

"Who do you think you are, having healthy legs and riding a cart? Royalty traveling long distances?"

"Well, why a cart..."

"Really... Sahyung!"

In response to Chung Myung's loud voice, Jo Gol approached Jo Woong and whispered in his ear.



"Order someone to load all valuables from the warehouse."



...Jo Woong nodded weakly.


The wall of the Four Seas Merchant Company burst open, and numerous carts revealed themselves through the rising dust.

Wealth was piled up so high that it seemed miraculous that the wheels could bear the weight. Chung Myung, who had climbed on top, gracefully pointed his sword forward.

"Let's go! Sasuk, Sago, Sahyung!"

"Hey, you crazy guy! Why did you break down the intact wall! There's a gate, you know, a gate!"

"Ah, we need everything to come out for everyone to see! Do I have to explain everything in detail?"

"What are you saying, you crazy guy!"

Jo Gol, who received only a scolding in return for making a common sense point, stood up and glared at Chung Myung. It was a common sight in Mount Hua.

But for Jo Woong, who was hanging from the top of the towering wealth, it was a series of indescribable absurdities.

'What is this?'

Outside the Four Seas Merchant Company, chaos ensued.

The Evil Sect members, who had swarmed like ants around Chengdu, were now scattered and disintegrated as if attacked by anteaters. 

'Is this the power of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?'

Jo Woong realized his judgment was wrong. The land dominated by the Evil Sect was not unreachable for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"Then, are we joining the main force now?"

"Huh? Aren't we the main force?"

"Yes? There are at most six people here..."

"That's right. You saw it well."

Jo Woong's eyes trembled like an earthquake.

"Then, are, are these all the people here?"

"Oh, there are about three more. Come to think of it, where did these guys go? I told them to stay nearby."


No, this wasn't a scene showing that his judgment was wrong. It was a scene showing how insane these people were.

"All right, we've gathered what we need..."

Chung Myung, still in the midst of the chaotic disciples and open nearby gates, looked around. All eyes were on Chung Myung as they silently waited to see what was happening outside.

"Should we finish up now?"


The Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword was unsheathed from its scabbard.

"Huh? What are you trying to do?"

"I'll be back in a bit!"

Chung Myung, leaving his Sahyungs behind, kicked the cart, soaring into the air.


The Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword resonated with a resplendent sword energy. It pierced through the chaos covering Chengdu, spreading out with unparalleled clarity.


Jo Gol's gaze turned towards the sky where Chung Myung had risen. Chung Myung had his back against the setting sun, casting a shadow over Chengdu. The Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword brimmed with a vivid red aura.

"Uh, what is that..."


At that moment, the people of Chengdu undoubtedly saw it.

The sky of Chengdu, which would no longer be as blue as before, revealed the clear shape of a giant, blooming, plum blossom.