Chapter 1462: Aren't We The Main Force? (Part 2)

"What, that's..."

Those who held their breaths, unable to even raise their heads amidst the commotion outside.

They could only accept and endure as the sky changed from one harboring righteous sects to one of the Evil Sects.

A red plum blossom bloomed in the sky that they could only resent for being indifferent and blue. So massive that everyone in Chengdu could clearly see it.

Just a few years ago, it would have been a sight to marvel at, but now everyone in Chengdu knew. No, the whole world knew.

What the red plum blossom symbolized, and who the ones blooming those plum blossoms were.

"It's Mount Hua!"

"Mount Hua Sect…!"

And at that moment, the plum blossom that had bloomed in the sky scattered towards the land of Chengdu.

Boom! Boom!

A loud explosion, like a cannon, spread widely. For a moment, hope surged in the eyes of the residents of Chengdu.

However, that hope quickly collapsed under the crushing weight of reality.

They knew it too. The fact that Chengdu was already occupied by the Evil Tyrant Alliance and they couldn't easily reclaim the past. If there were an easy way for Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance to defeat the Evil Tyrant Alliance, this place wouldn't have fallen into the hands of the Evil Tyrant Alliance so easily.

Yet, the significance of this scene was profound.

"I, I have to go out!"

"Hey, where are you going, you fool! What difference does it make that Mount Hua has come? Don't just get yourself killed for nothing!"

"But we should see it with our own eyes!"

Someone forcefully opened the door, brushing aside those trying to stop them. Then, gradually, the figure of a man descending from the sky caught their eyes.


Dressed in a black uniform, with long, tied-up hair. Even at a brief glance, it was clear that he had a green hair tie and a plum blossom pattern engraved on his chest.

As the door opened, the man standing there murmured as if in pain.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."


Chung Myung landed on the ground and scanned the surroundings slowly.

Between the moment he lifted himself up to bloom the plum blossom and the moment he landed back on the ground, only a short time had passed. However, the surrounding scenery had changed significantly during that time.

Those who had been hiding inside, suppressing their curiosity and fear amidst the disturbance outside, were now peering out through the cracks in the door or over the high walls. Even though they couldn't step out, their gazes were clearly directed towards Chung Myung.

Eyes filled with various emotions were cast upon him.

Chung Myung knew. Occasionally, there were eyes filled with gratitude or admiration, but mostly, they watched with resentment. Most were reproaching Chung Myung for not fulfilling his duty.

But Chung Myung did not avoid them. Instead, he firmly opened his mouth. No, he tried to open his mouth. If someone hadn't blocked the way, preventing Chung Myung from speaking, he might have done so.

"...Tang Gaju-nim?"

"Due to the circumstances, I cannot take everyone with me."

At the moment Tang Gunak stepped forward, the gazes of the people changed subtly.

"On my name... no, on the name of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. We will definitely return. At that time, we will apologize for our mistakes. So!"

Tang Gunak clenched his fist.

"Please endure it for a while longer."

He bowed his head. In the midst of Chengdu where a fierce battle had taken place, it looked out of place.

But a short silence fell over Chengdu.

"Gaju-nim, I..."

As Chung Myung tried to step forward, Meng So, who suddenly appeared, grabbed his shoulder and restrained him.


The grip on Chung Myung's shoulder was strong. Meng So was genuinely trying to stop him.

At that moment, Tang Gunak straightened his back and looked ahead. Just as he had briefly glanced at Chengdu for the last time, he bit his lips briefly. It was at that moment when he was about to convey the words to move.

"Let me go!"


One of the closed doors forcefully swung open, and a man rushed out from inside.

"It can't be done!"

"What the hell! What can't be done!"

The man who came out with forceful steps quickly approached Tang Gunak. Everyone held their breath. The momentum of the approaching man was unusual.

Of course, Tang Gunak wouldn't easily fall victim to an ordinary commoner. But imagine how it would feel to be reproached in front of so many people.

"Tang Gaju."

Startled, Meng So tried to step forward, but Tang Gunak, without turning his head, slightly raised his hand, indicating not to step forward.


The man looked at Tang Gunak with slightly bloodshot eyes. Tang Gunak, too, looked at the man with a calm expression.

"The situation has come to this..."

Tang Gunak spoke, incorporating humility and remorse into his words. However, before the man could fully hear, he unexpectedly pulled something out from his possession.

A statue made of jade. Even at a glance, it appeared precious and valuable. Tang Gunak, who excelled in maintaining composure, was momentarily taken aback. Why was he suddenly presenting a jade statue?

"This is..."

"Take it with you."

The man urged Tang Gunak, shaking the jade statue as if in a hurry.

"Sell it, use it for the military funds, or whatever you like!"

"Ah, father. That's a family herloom!"

In response to the words from behind, the man glared back, showing frustration.

"You fool! What will happen if they go? In just a few weeks, won't those Evil Tyrant guys take everything? If it's going to be taken away anyway, wouldn't it be better for these gentlemen to use it?"

"Well, um..."

The man, covering his son's mouth, looked back at Tang Gunak, staring at him directly.

"This is the family's treasure. Take it and use it. But!"

Desperation flickered in the man's burning eyes.

"Please come back. We will endure somehow."

Tang Gunak's lips trembled for a moment.

Even though the family compound had burned down and numerous lives were lost, he had never crumpled in front of people. However, at this moment, Tang Gunak's normally composed face was clearly shaken.

He spoke with a slightly restrained voice.

"...I cannot accept this. Please return quickly, as it might cause anger."


"Someone may report you."

It was a concern that someone who witnessed this scene might speak of it to the Evil Tyrant Alliance. However, the man frowned as if to say he didn't care about such talk.

"Aren't you the head of the family?"

A look of confusion passed over Tang Gunak's face.

"Does the head of the Sichuan Tang family not know much about Chengdu?"


There was no need for the man to explain. The meaning became clear soon.

"Step aside!"

Another door opened, and an old man rushed out.

"Gaju-nim! Here! This is the most precious thing in our house. Please take it!"


"Here, you must take this too! And please come back. We will endure somehow!"

One by one, the closed doors opened.

Those who had hidden behind walls emerged. What broke through the reality that blocked them was not the power of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance but the will of those who lived in Chengdu.

"Gaju-nim, we are here! Please!"

Some held Tang Gunak's hands and shed tears. Others, as if afraid of being seen, quickly turned away after delivering what they had brought. Some couldn't come out and threw things from beyond the fence to convey their offerings.

The methods were all different, but what they wanted to convey was clear.

Tang Gunak, with tightly pressed lips, observed the accumulating treasures in front of him. Each one was a valuable possession. The smallest and most precious things that only a few could take were piled up.

He couldn't fulfill his duty. So, even if they spat and cursed, he was willing to endure it.

The reason the Sichuan Tang Family had been able to dominate Chengdu for a long time was that those here recognized and supported the Sichuan Tang Family.

But he couldn't protect them. And now, he had to leave with just words, asking them to endure.

Still, they didn't curse Tang Gunak. They didn't abandon him. They only showed desperation.

"You must come back, Gaju-nim!"

"Don't forget us, Gaju-nim!"

"We'll hold on somehow! So cheer up!"

Tang Gunak, who had opened his mouth to say something, ultimately remained silent. He couldn't say anything.


"We brought it already! The carts, right?"

"Pour it in, quickly!"


The Five Swords abandoned the carts they were pulling and rushed to put the accumulated wealth in the new carriage.

"That, that shouldn't be loaded like that! If the items get damaged..."

"Ah, move aside!"

People from the Four Seas Merchant Company swiftly came down from where they had been riding, pushed the Five Swords aside, and efficiently loaded the wealth into the carriage.

"What are you doing! Not loading things?"

"Me too?"

"Then? Palace Lord, don't you have hands?"

"I, I'm on my way now."

Meng So groaned, using his pot-like hands to cradle the riches.

It may have seemed ridiculous. However, no one laughed at this sight. The wealth that had piled up high was quickly organized and loaded onto the carriage.

A loud voice echoed from somewhere.

"Gaju-nim! You must come back!"

"Take care!"

"Please consider us, Gaju-nim!"

Tang Gunak captured the image of each one of them who peeked their heads through the gaps without leaving a single person behind. The silent Tang Gunak, standing there, turned back for the last time to Chung Myung. A slightly choked voice escaped.



Chung Myung stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"We'll definitely come back, so please wait a little!"

There was no pouring of loud cheers, but it was enough for now.

"Let's go!"

At Chung Myung's shout, several carts rushed down the main street simultaneously. Those who were dealing with the remnants of the shattered Evil Sect in the rear quickly ran up and joined.

"Gaju-nim, I...!"

"It's okay."

Tang Gunak, who was pulling the cart, stopped Hye Yeon, who was running towards him. At least, he had to pull this cart himself. Even if he was the head of the Tang Family...

No, because he was the head of the Tang Family.

In an instant, the cart that had rushed forward reached the grand gate of Chengdu. Everyone's eyes turned around as if making a tacit promise.

Those who had looked back, as if not to forget the pouring gazes, looked forward again.

"Let's go."

The carriage left Chengdu's gate.

"Chung Myung."

"It's fine."

As if understanding Baek Cheon's thoughts, Chung Myung nodded. 

"There's no point in saying anything now. We just have to prove it with actions."

"...Right. Your words are correct."

Baek Cheon's gaze turned back to Chengdu. He contemplated for a moment, as if engraving the firm gate into his eyes. In his heart, there was now only one unwavering resolution.

'I will definitely come back.'

And the Heavenly Comrade Alliance of that time would surely be different from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance now.