Chapter 1503: Who Am I? (Part 3)

Ilho Shingae took a short breath.

As if the decision had already been made, there would be no more variables. Regardless of how he conducted himself here, the position of the Sect Leader would ultimately be his.

Nevertheless, Ilho Shingae was tense to the point where his muscles stiffened. The position of the leader in the Beggar's Union was as important as that. He spoke with a solemn voice.

"I, Hon Gae, am to take the position of the next leader of the Beggar's Union."

Pausing for a moment, he looked around at everyone seated in the room. It was a gaze filled with certainty.

"I believe I should ascend."

Some elders stirred uncomfortably. No one was unaware that Ilho Shingae wanted to ascend to the position of the leader. Even if they put aside their reservations, everyone knew his intentions.

The reason some elders were so shocked was that this entire process was too explicit. Chumyeongae frowned.

'He's just pretending to have been chosen.'

The position was already under Ilho Shingae's control. He could have maneuvered other elders to endorse him for the position, and he might have had to reluctantly accept their opinions.

However, Ilho Shingae seemed to consider even that simple process unnecessary, confidently declaring the position of the leader.

He looked at everyone once again with a sharp gaze.

"If anyone disagrees, please come forward and speak now."

A heavy silence filled the room. It was a stillness unsuitable for the noisy beggars in the street.

A glint of satisfaction flickered in Ilho Shingae's eyes. Beggars were generally talkative and discontented. If given the opportunity to voice their opinions, the situation could become shaky.

In such situations, even if it meant enduring some dissatisfaction, it was right to assert dominance with strength. If he could ascend to the position of the leader, any dissatisfaction could be dealt with later.

"Is there anyone who disagrees?"

"I don't."

"Other than Elder Ilho, it seems there is no one else suitable for the position of the leader."

"Given the circumstances, it is only natural. If it's not Elder, who will lead the Beggar's Union in the upcoming war?"

Those who had long been swayed by Ilho Shingae's influence seized the opportunity to express their agreement.

Only now did some individuals grasp the situation and wear uneasy expressions. However, it was too late to change the atmosphere. Numerous beggars nodded in support of Ilho Shingae's legitimacy.

They didn't yet know what would happen when someone who gained significant power unchecked or someone convinced of their righteousness seized authority.

Ilho Shingae looked at everyone once again with a sharp gaze.

"Any dissenting opinions?"

Ilho Shingae was about to nod confidently when a resolute voice suddenly blurted out.

"Is it permissible to choose the leader in this way?"

It was an impatient Chumyeongae who opened his mouth. Ilho Shingae glanced at him briefly. Even though Ilho Shingae held a beggar-like appearance, Chunmyeongae looked incredibly more shabby by comparison. Ilho Shingae looked down at him with a sidelong glance and spoke.

"So, what do you suggest we do?"

"According to the laws of the Beggar's Union, when the leader has not appointed a successor and dies suddenly, there is a method to choose the next leader."

"Of course, there is. However, that process takes at least half a year."

Chumyeongae bit his lip tightly.

"Elders, do you think leaving the position of the leader vacant for half a year in such a situation is truly appropriate? What if the Beggar's Union faces an attack without a leader? Who will take responsibility for that?"

A sigh escaped Chumyeongae's lips.

The rise of the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Sichuan's defeat were powerful reasons. They had shattered all established laws.

"I, too, do not want to resort to this method. I genuinely wish to elect the leader in a just manner. However, if we tie ourselves to that legitimacy and the Beggar's Union suffers as a result, who will bear the responsibility!"

Chumyeongae found himself unable to continue. If someone heard, they might think Ilho Shingae was enduring hardship because of this situation.

Ilho Shingae looked at him with a sly glance and said.

"So, what do you suggest we do? I have no choice in the method. The important thing is not the method but the person. So, Elder, do you have anyone to recommend as the next leader of the Beggar's Union?"

This question was also sharp. The reason Chumyeongae had been silent until now was precisely because of this.

While he thought Ilho Shingae didn't suit the position of the leader, there was no one better than him. So, no matter what Chumyeongae said, it didn't carry any weight.


Eventually, feeling the pressure, Chumyeongae retreated. Ilho Shingae nodded slowly.

"I, too, feel regret. But considering the tasks ahead, there is no choice but to take this path. I believe the elders will understand my struggles."

A chilly gaze swept over everyone again. Now, no one met his eyes. Though there had been some minor disputes, in the end, this confrontation had completely fallen into his hands.


Ilho Shingae clenched the hand hidden in his sleeve tightly. Now, he was finally becoming the leader of the Beggar's Union.

"If there are no further objections, since the elders' opinions align..."

Finally, the words flowed from Ilho Shingae's mouth. How long had he waited for this moment?

"Ilho Shingae, the Elder of the Beggar's Union, as the sect leader of the Beggar's Union..."

But another variable blocked him. Ilho Shingae, who had been continuing his words as if holding something back, exploded in anger.

"What's this disturbance!"

It was the moment when the leader of the Beggar's Union was being decided. Even if it was a formality, this moment required solemnity. However, the noise from outside kept intruding into his sharp nerves.

"What's happening outside...!"

At that moment, with a thud, the door leading to the confrontation swung wide open. A group confidently walked in. Ilho Shingae's face stiffened.


Outsiders here? How could such a thing happen? What had the leaders of the Beggar's Union outside been doing to bring outsiders into such an important gathering?

He almost couldn't contain his anger, but Ilho Shingae managed to calm himself. It was an endurance acquired through years of experience.

However, he couldn't smooth his expression when he confirmed the identity of the outsiders. The leader of the group who walked in. More precisely, the pattern engraved on his chest looked familiar.

Why were those with that pattern on their chests here?

Thud. Thud.

The person who had entered the center of the confrontation without anyone realizing it glanced at Ilho Shingae once before slowly scanning the surroundings. The imposing and tidy posture momentarily overwhelmed the Beggar's Union members gathered here.

"I am..."

Before the elders could recognize him, the man clasped his hands and gestured to everyone.

"I am Baek Cheon, the Deputy Sect Leader of the Mount Hua Sect. I express my deep gratitude for inviting us to this important event."

Ilho Shingae's insides twisted. Everything about him, his words, and actions, was irritating.

The statement that the Beggar's Union had invited the Mount Hua Sect was not entirely incorrect.

They had indeed sent invitations to the leaders of the Mount Hua Sect. However, it was under the assumption that they wouldn't arrive on time. But Baek Cheon had suddenly attended as the 'Deputy Sect Leader.' No one could have anticipated this.

Baek Cheon's actions were also problematic.

Although Ilho Shingae clearly stood on the platform, Baek Cheon gestured to the elders on both sides. Depending on the interpretation, it could mean that he didn't recognize Ilho Shingae's authority. No, that was undoubtedly the case.

But Ilho Shingae couldn't express his anger. If this person, Baek Cheon, had really come as the Deputy Leader of the Great Mount Hua, it was equivalent to congratulating the Beggar's Union on behalf of the external world. He couldn't treat such an envoy lightly.

Ilho Shingae smiled with a tense expression and opened his mouth.

"I didn't expect Mount Hua to send someone here. I couldn't anticipate it due to urgent matters. Thank you for representing Mount Hua and expressing your deep condolences on behalf of the Beggar's Union"

"Oh, not at all. It's only natural. We happened to hear the news while passing nearby. On behalf of Mount Hua, I extend sincere condolences to the Beggar's Union during this important event."

"...Thank you."

His speech and gestures were flawless, really. Even though it felt like scratching an itch, Ilho Shingae thought calmly.

'Unexpected, but well, it is what it is.'

Of course, there was no plan to bring outsiders here, but, in reality, it wasn't a significant issue. If they had arrived a little earlier, it might have been embarrassing. However, at this point, everything was already agreed upon.

Thinking about it, it might even be a good thing. The sight of the elders unanimously acknowledging him as the leader, validated by the 'Mount Hua Sect,' might work in his favor.

'Let it be. They didn't come with good intentions, but there's nothing they can do.'

"Please make way for the guests, quickly."

"Yes, Elder!"

The disciples in the corner quickly made space and guided the people from the Mount Hua Sect.

"What about this... Oh? So, Southern Edge?"

"That's... well..."

One of the disciples was surprised, and Lee Songbaek's face turned pale. The faces of the Beggar's Union members were also filled with confusion.

The people from the Mount Hua Sect attending the Beggar's Union event, and among them, there was someone from Southern Edge? Unless someone didn't know Kangho, everyone would be surprised.

Baek Cheon grinned.

"He is a part of our group. It seems appropriate for one more person to congratulate."


"We have someone from Shaolin among our party. Would that be awkward?"

All eyes turned behind Baek Cheon. A man with a pattern on his shiny head was visible. The sight of heads nodding involuntarily was observed.

"We will seat them here."

"Thank you."

The seats for the Mount Hua group were arranged towards the boundary with the elders and disciples. Since it was a Beggar's Union event, there were no chairs or prepared refreshments, but the location alone spoke of a hearty reception.

Ilho Shingae, who had been waiting for the Mount Hua to take their seats, took a short deep breath.

Nothing would change.

He would now ascend to the position of the leader of the Beggar's Union, with the Deputy Leader of the Great Mount Hua as the witness.

"There has been a slight delay. Now, let's conclude as agreed earlier."

Some elders glanced at Mount Hua's side, but seeing no particular reaction, they soon closed their eyes in resignation.

"If the elder council's decision is to inaugurate the new leader..."

"One moment."

At that moment, Baek Cheon spoke up, inserting himself into the conversation.

Ilho Shingae's face froze cold.

"Does Deputy Sect Leader have something to say? Just a reminder, this is an event of the Beggar's Union."

It meant that simple attendees like them had no right to decide.

Baek Cheon nodded calmly as if he knew.

"I just want to confirm something. Everything I do here represents the will of Mount Hua. So, it's good to be certain in all matters."

"What do you want to confirm?"

"The reason for the Beggar's Union choosing a new leader is the sudden death of the previous leader, correct?"

"That's correct."

"In that case, this is not appropriate."


Baek Cheon nodded calmly.

"I don't want to argue at a moment like this, but as a Taoist, I must follow certain procedures. If the previous leader of the Beggar's Union has transcended due to an unexpected event, it is only proper to offer a simple memorial to the respected person who has passed away."

Baek Cheon stared directly at Ilho Shingae and continued.

"Where did the late sect leader of the Beggar's Union find peace?"