Chapter 1504: Who Am I? (Part 4)

The entire hall was immersed in silence.

It was not right to intervene in the affairs of another sect's event when invited. However, it was difficult to reprimand rudeness and point out the flaws in Mount Hua's actions because the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua intervened in a matter that did not contradict the principles.

"Deputy Sect Leader... I understand what you're saying, but it seems appropriate to discuss that after the ongoing matter is concluded."

"I have one question."


"Have the elders and others here already paid their respects to the late Sect Leader?"

The elders' faces showed confusion at his words. None of them had thought about that fact.


Before the elders could answer, Baek Cheon struck.

Baek Cheon's words ended cleanly. The disciples of Mount Hua exchanged glances discreetly. And, inaudibly, they whispered with their mouths.

'Oh... It's really like cleansing a dirty pond.'

'When Sasuk spreads the mat, he goes crazy. He only comes to his senses when the mat is laid out.'

'Exactly. We need to differentiate between Dong Ryong and Baek Cheon.'

None of the elders of the Beggar's Union dared to speak in this situation. This meant that Baek Cheon's words were well-received.

As the only outsider here, representing the Kangho, having Mount Hua pay respects to the predecessor would undoubtedly elevate the status of the Beggar's Union.

Wasn't that why whenever there was a retirement ceremony for a sect leader, they would invite external figures?

The elders' wandering gazes finally focused on Ilho Shin Gae. At this moment, only Ilho Shin Gae could respond to Baek Cheon's request and give an answer.

Ilho Shin Gae flashed a bitter smile in the midst of their gazes. He noticed the doubt in the elders' eyes.

'This is why we shouldn't have accepted outsiders.'

If an outsider attended, it would introduce an uncontrollable variable. Especially when dealing with troublesome figures like those from Mount Hua, it became even more challenging.

Fortunately, his leadership hadn't been relinquished yet. Taking a deep breath, Ilho Shin Gae looked directly at Baek Cheon and spoke.

"Deputy Sect Leader, on behalf of the Beggar's Union, I express gratitude for your deep consideration."

"You're too kind."

Baek Cheon bowed slightly, expressing humility. Before a vile expression could fully form on Chung Myung's face, Yoon Jong quickly grabbed Chung Myung's head and pushed it down.

Ilho Shin Gae, who hadn't witnessed the scene, spoke.

"Unfortunately, it is difficult to comply with Deputy Sect Leader's request. Currently, the physical body of the predecessor the Sect Leader is not here."

"What do you mean?"

Baek Cheon asked with confusion, prompting Ilho Shin Gae to respond with a grim expression.

"Unfortunately, the predecessor the Sect Leader passed away in another place, not here. So, we haven't been able to enshrine his body yet."

"Another place?"


"Then what is the sign of the Sect Leader?" [idk]

"Deputy Sect Leader, you were aware that the Sect Leader was suffering from a serious illness."

Baek Cheon nodded silently. The story was widely spread in Kangho, and there was no need to verify the facts.

"Nevertheless, Sect Leader could not ignore the threats from the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the actions of the Demonic Cult. WIth his ailing body, he personally went to inspect them. Unfortunately, things went wrong..."

"Was he ambushed?"

"That is not certain. We need to investigate thoroughly. What I know is that the Sect Leader is no longer in this world, and the position of the Sect Leader cannot remain vacant for long."

Baek Cheon's mouth twitched faintly.

On the surface, it sounded plausible. Those who didn't know the truth might admire the spirit of the predecessor the Sect Leader, who, despite his illness, led his body into danger to spy on the enemies.

But Baek Cheon, who knew the truth, could clearly see Ilho Shin Gae's lies with an awkward expression of regret written all over his face.

"Did Elder [referring to Ilho Shin Gae] hear the news?" 


"Only Elder knew about it?"

At Baek Cheon's question, Ilho Shin Gae paused for a moment.

"...What does that mean?"

"Are you saying that only Elder knew about such a significant event as the death of the Sect Leader?"

Ilho Shin Gae furrowed his brows and stiffened his face.

'Do these guys... perhaps know something?'

No, that couldn't be. The Sect Leader was not someone who could reveal himself. Moreover, it was impossible for someone who was not part of the Beggar's Union to know about the Sect Leader's actions.

"I represent the elders of the Beggar's Union. So, there's nothing strange about me hearing it."

"Then who brought this news?"

"The one who was performing the Sect Leader's duties. A trustworthy person. He confirmed the truth and conveyed it to me."

Ilho Shin Gae spoke slowly, observing the elders' reactions with a sidelong glance.

'Oh no...'

Those who had firmly sided with him showed no signs of disturbance. However, among those who did not support him, there was undoubtedly a subtle sense of doubt.

They realized that all the evidence for this situation was solely based on Ilho Shin Gae's words, and their suspicions were aroused.

Especially Chumyeongae, who had openly opposed him, was watching this situation with bright eyes.

'This can't go on.'

If the conversation continued, even if he became the Sect Leader, there could be repercussions. It would undoubtedly be a significant obstacle to Ilho Shin Gae's control.

"You may have many questions, but now is not the time to reveal everything in detail. Remember, the Evil Tyrant Alliance and the Demonic Cult are involved in this matter."


"Information sometimes needs to be handled discreetly. Deputy Sect Leader understands this, I believe."

"Of course, your words make sense. Especially in the Beggar's Union."

"That's exactly what I mean."

"However, Elder."

At that moment, Baek Cheon straightened his shoulders and stared directly at Ilho Shin Gae.

"What if this crucial information is incorrect?"

"What do you mean?"

"If the information about the Sect Leader's passing is wrong, who will take responsibility for all this?"

"What? This is outrageous!"

Astonished elders shouted from various places.

Although the elders were not unaware, at this point, they understood that Baek Cheon's question was not merely to solve a doubt.

"Deputy Sect Leader! How can you speak so recklessly from an outsider's perspective?"

"Even if you represent Mount Hua, this goes against the situation!"

"Are you disrespecting the Beggar's Union right now?"

However, they could only ring hollow accusations without directly blaming or taking action.

The reason was simple. The Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua, Baek Cheon, and the backing force of Mount Hua.

Mount Hua was no longer the fallen sect of the past. It was now the most prominent sect in the world, a major sect that had proven its strength many times over.

There was no way to suppress someone representing Mount Hua, guardian of Shaanxi and the head of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Baek Cheon looked at everyone with a cold gaze and spoke.

"I just want everything to be clear and certain. We are here, and it could be a disgrace if we don't handle things properly."



Ilho Shin Gae raised his hand to silence the elders. Then, he casually smiled as if drawn.

"If there is a problem with the information, I will naturally take responsibility."

"Are you saying that, Elder?"

"Of course. Since everything started with me, naturally, I should take responsibility. Is that now satisfactory?"

Baek Cheon stared at Ilho Shin Gae for a moment before nodding firmly.

"Yes, that will be sufficient."

"I appreciate Deputy Sect Leader's consideration. Now, let us congratulate the Beggar's Union on welcoming the new Sect Leader with the arrival of the new era."

For a moment, Ilho Shin Gae paused, observing each elder carefully before speaking again.

"And elders, please don't be too upset. This is all due to the oversight of the original sect leader, who, in the urgency of the situation, failed to follow proper procedures."


"If that's what you're saying."

Ilho Shin Gae's face was relaxed. He glanced at Baek Cheon and the group behind him, muttering inwardly.

'It seems like they've caught on, but there's nothing you can do.'

From the Mount Hua Sect's perspective, they would undoubtedly want to prevent him from becoming the sect leader. The moment he became the sect leader, the Beggar's Union would return as a full-fledged member of the Ten Great Sects. It wouldn't be pleasing for both the Mount Hua Sect and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. However, no matter how much resistance there might be, the predetermined result couldn't be reversed now.

'All of this was done by none other than you, right?'

Ilho Shin Gae's gaze shifted from Baek Cheon to Chung Myung, who stood behind.

It was his first time seeing Chung Myung's face, but anyone living in the world of martial arts wouldn't fail to recognize Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, Chung Myung. When their eyes met, Ilho Shin Gae let out a faint smile.

'Throwing a tantrum won't help. You can't do anything.'

Now, to wrap up everything, Ilho Shin Gae opened his mouth. At that moment, a triumphant smile spread across Chung Myung's lips.

Caught off guard, Ilho Shin Gae's heart sank.

"You got caught."


Chung Myung's muttered words pierced through Ilho Shin Gae's chest like a dagger.

Chuckling, Chung Myung turned to someone behind him and asked.

"Is this enough?"

"Thank you, Chivalrous Sword."

Finally, a man from behind Chung Myung slowly walked forward. He had been overlooked because of his plain appearance, hidden in the presence of Mount Hua's group.

'Who is he?'

Ilho Shin Gae quickly turned his head with a stern face.

An unfamiliar face. Even after searching his memory, there was no information about this stranger. But why would such a person suddenly step forward in this situation? What did he intend to do?

The man who stepped forward looked around and then took something out of his embrace.

A simple wooden club, a form very familiar to the followers of the Beggar's Union, on the boundary between a stick and a rod.

With everyone's attention, he opened his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

At that moment, confusion appeared on the faces of the elders.



Because the voice of the unfamiliar man was so familiar.


The man's club was infused with a jade-colored energy. The club quickly changed its color. In an instant, the faces of all the followers of the Beggar's Union turned pale.

This martial artist...

"If you are truly followers of the Beggar's Union, show respect before the rightful Beggar's Union Sect Leader."

A surreal voice echoed from the man, who was enveloped in jade energy throughout his body.