Chapter 1523: Upon Reflection, I Was Wrong (Part 3)

"...What did you say?"

This wasn't just a startled response.

To his utter disbelief, Beopjeong couldn't comprehend the words he had just heard.

The Bangjang of Shaolin had reached the point where he could grasp the underlying message of even a few phrases, he couldn't understand the meaning of the words he had clearly heard a while ago.

Indeed, it was a rare occurrence, and it was entirely plausible. Even the one delivering this news had doubted his own ears multiple times.

"During the upheaval of the Beggar's Union... Shaolin got involved..."


Beopjeong couldn't hide his bewilderment.

"What nonsense is this! We're openly here, how could Shaolin be involved in the events of the Beggar's Union!"


Reluctant to speak, Beopgye hesitated, struggling to find words. The normally composed Beopjeong finally lost his temper.

"If you have a mouth, speak! What is this absurdity!"

"Bangjang... it seems that those in Song Mountain were involved."

At that moment, Beopjeong froze in his tracks. It was as if he had been hit by an unexpected blast of icy water.

"Hye Bang?"


"Are you saying that the child was involved in the Beggar's Union events?"

"Given the circumstances, it seems that way..."



Beopjeong's face contorted with anger. It soon erupted into fury. Beopjeong, now with a tense face that extended beyond his features, shouted.

"A mere first-class disciple! He involved himself in the affairs of another sect, dragging even disciples within the monastery into an affair of a different sect! Without my orders! Did he act on his own accord? That brat?!"

In the face of Beopjeong's vehement outburst, Beopgye seemed to pale, speechless.

"How! How could such a thing happen! The discipline of the Thousand-Year Shaolin is supposed to be upheld with dignity! What kind of absurdity is this, to defy all the principles and laws of our path that have existed for a millennium?"

Even in the long and illustrious history of the Thousand-Year Shaolin, this was an unprecedented event. When Hye Bang first resisted the command and left the Yangtze River, Beopjeong chose not to punish him, thinking he must have had his own reasons.

He understood when other disciples refused to follow Beopjeong's orders, believing that their own paths might not align with those of the Buddhist disciples.

But this was different.

In every aspect of the world, there were principles to follow and laws to uphold.

Wasn't this act a complete disregard for all those principles and laws?

"...Is it true?"


"I asked if it's certain!"

When Beopjeong slammed the table, Beopgye sighed before answering.

"A message from Song Mountain arrived just a while ago."

"What did it say?"

As Beopjeong tightened his expression, Beopgye answered in a reluctant voice.

"Hye Bang wishes to take responsibility for all this and has entered into repentance. He says he will plead guilty when you arrive..."


The sound of Beopjeong pounding the table echoed ominously.

Normally, Beopgye would have tried to calm him down, but this time, he dared not utter a word.

This time, from Beopjeong's perspective, it was tantamount to treason.

How could he bring himself to soothe Bangjang when he knew the impossibility of uttering calming words in this situation?

"Bangjang... What about Hye Bang..."

"Is that what you're asking?"

Beopjeong shouted with bloodshot eyes.

"After having his Dantian abolished, he will be expelled from Shaolin!"


Beopgye, taken aback, inadvertently raised his voice.

"Why? Is it too much?"

But Beopjeong glared at him with a stern gaze.

"Answer me. Do you think the penalty I imposed as the head of Shaolin is excessive?" [not sure]

"Could it be otherwise? The appropriate punishment for a violation of the laws is only expulsion."


"However, Bangjang... In the history of Shaolin, there has never been a case where someone who entered the repentance hall voluntarily was brought out. Moreover... the excommunication ceremony must be performed in front of the Sect Leader."

Beopjeong bit his lip. This meant that to expel Hye Bang, he had to go to Song Mountain. But at the moment, he couldn't leave the northern region.

Beopgye spoke cautiously, sensing the tension in the air.

"And... Bangjang."

"I understand."

Beopjeong cut him off as if there was nothing more to hear, chewing on his lips. Despite the boiling anger, his well-disciplined rationality prevailed over emotions.

"If I proceed with this, it will ultimately become an act that publicizes to the world that there are those within Shaolin who resist my orders."

"...Yes, Bangjang. I apologize, but that's the reality."

Beopjeong bit his lips, trying to calm his mind.

Certainly, his pride wasn't the most important thing. However, if his reputation was tarnished, it would shake the standing of Shaolin. Moreover, at this moment, he absolutely couldn't afford to let that standing slip away.

"For him to come this far..."

"That, that's not likely. Hye Bang isn't the type to calculate things so shrewdly, is he?"



"As you said, Hye Bang isn't a quick-witted person. Do you think such a person would move on his own to go to the Beggar's Union?"

Beopgye sighed softly. Only then did did understand what Beopjeong meant. Beopjeong spoke as if chewing harshly.

"Exactly! It means someone instigated him!"

There was no need to painfully mention who that someone might be.

Truly, it was truly a headache. Despite it was such an absurd event from Shaolin's perspective, they had to keep it hushed, quietly concealing it to prevent it from leaking.

Perhaps when someone asked about this incident, they might have to falsely say that all these events were Beopjeong's will. Truly humiliating. Where on earth and how could this be unraveled?

"Send someone to the main hall. From now on, anyone leaving the temple without my permission will be strictly handled with repercussions. Spread the word."


Having forcefully controlled his emotions with rough breaths, Beopjeong, now slightly composed, asked.

"How did the Beggar's Union turn out?"

"It seems the Sect Leader side has quelled the rebellion."

A natural result. If Hye Bang led Shaolin's disciples into battle in addition to the Mount Hua Sect disciples, the outcome was too obvious.

Yet, Beopjeong didn't ask this question to hear an obvious answer.


Cold sweat trickled down Beopgye's face.

"Well... Sect Leader Pungyeong Shin Gae is taking responsibility for this incident and seems to be stepping back from his position."

"Step back? In this situation? The Evil Tyrant Alliance is on the verge of starting a war, and they want to change the Sect Leader? Is that what they're saying?"

"Yes, according to the information we received..."


Beopjeong felt a sense of dismay. What did everyone think of the current situation? It was becoming unbearable.

"So... who will be the next Sect Leader?"

"First of all, Hong Daegwang is being mentioned."

"...Hong Daegwang?"

"Yes. He was the Louyang branch leader in the past, and he was called the Luoyang Eccentric (洛陽怪乞). He was once a candidate for the successor, discussed among the senior monks..."

Beopjeong's face stiffened as he heard Beopgye's report.

"Hong Daegwang. Hong Daegwang. It's a name I've definitely heard before."

"Perhaps him?"

"Yes. He..."

The reason Beopgye sweated cold was here. Reluctantly, he found the answer.

"As the current Hwaeum branch leader, he is the representative figure of the pro-Mount Hua faction within the Beggar's Union."

For a moment, Beopjeong felt a dizziness, closing his eyes tightly.


A wry smile surfaced.


"Send someone to the Beggar's Union. No, go yourself."


"We must prevent the Beggar's Union from turning towards the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Without them, we'll end up like sitting ducks."

"Bangjang. But realistically..."


Beopjeong opened his eyes. The anger that had subsided for a moment suddenly surged up again.

"Is it realistic for the Mount Hua Sect to interfere in the affairs of the Beggar's Union, turning a puppet into their Sect Leader?"

Beopjeong's outburst left Beopgye with no words.

Who would have imagined that such a thing would happen? Moreover, in the current situation where the Evil Tyrant Alliance was thrusting its dagger under the nose of the North.

"Whatever it takes, block it. Whether through pleading or coercion, use any means necessary! If that's not possible, at least secure an agreement from the new leader of the Beggar's Union that they won't cut off support for the Ten Great Sects!"

Beopgye bowed deeply with a dark expression.


Beopjeong uttered several mantras as if trying to calm his inner self before continuing.

"Severing ties with us won't be so easy for the new leader either. Since the one ascending to the new leadership position is still young and lacks experience, even if it's my will, the elders won't leave him be."


"Even if it's bound to happen someday, now is not the time. Even if the Heavenly Comrade Alliance gains something that can't be stopped, we must minimize our losses. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"...I will do my best."

The more he thought, the more disheartened Beopjeong became, letting out a bitter laugh. Never did he imagine that they would aim for the Ten Great Sects in such circumstances. It was truly curious what ideas were swirling in that person's mind.

To accept this as Heavenly Comrade's declaration of war was out of the question.

Now, there was no need to discuss the strained relationship again. In the current situation, the relationship between the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects had long crossed an irreversible river.

If someone were to blame Beopjeong for being lax when the relationship was already bad, that wasn't the case either.

If Shaolin hadn't participated in this incident, even if the Heavenly Comrade Alliance soared, it wouldn't have escalated to this extent. At that point, who would have expected those confined in Song Mountain to move without the leader's permission?

It was ultimately Shaolin. Yes, it was Shaolin.

Beopjeong created dissidents within Shaolin, and not properly addressing it led to this avalanche.

It couldn't be said that he was lax, but there was no escaping the accusation of incompetence.

"...It's become quite a spectacle."


"He's probably being warmly welcomed as a hero in Hwaeum by now." [every time he says this...]

Beopjeong tightly shut his eyes. The vivid scene of Chung Myung bursting into laughter flashed through his mind.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword....'

On Beopjeong's hand holding the prayer beads, blue veins pulsed noticeably.

* * *

Contrary to Beopjeong's expectations, Chung Myung did not receive a warm welcome or any praise.

"Hold your hands up straight!"

Once again, he was kneeling there with one eye bruised blue.

In front of him were the three gods of hell, who were gnashing their teeth.

"A Mount Hua disciple wearing Southern Edge's clothes?"

Hellfire spewed out of Hyun Sang's two eyes.

"Pretending to be a Southern Edge disciple? Southern Edge? Not anywhere else but Southern Edge?"

Even if you killed someone, asked for a reason, or broke a building, these were all matters of principle for the strong.

But wearing clothes of another sect was an unforgivable sin, where nothing could be said even if you were beaten to death?

What could one do? That was the rules of Kangho.

"You can wear a Southern Edge's clothes."

But Hyun Jong was different.

He didn't care about such trivial matters. Although he was overflowing with pride in Mount Hua, wasn't his concern for the safety of his disciples more important?

"But to wear that and sneak into the Beggar's Union? What? Fight with the elders?"

Flames erupted from Hyun Jong's mouth.

When the reprimands of the two deities combined with Hyun Jong's scolding, the disciples of Mount Hua Sect, became the shameless servants of Hell and intentionally escalated the situation, who could have simply apologized and left, rampaging in the Beggar's Union in Southern Edge's uniforms.

And... the final god remained.

"...Did you destroy the ledger?"

The anger of the last person standing was the most intense.

As if a devil possessed him, Hyun Young howled from the bottom of hell.

"Even if you had to drag your fight into the Beggar's Union, you should've set aside the information, membership fees, and everything else! What? Did the cash and the ledgers really fly away as the headquarters crumbled, turning them into real beggars?"


"As if we didn't have enough money to survive, you bring in a new hundred thousand beggars? Money? Have you earned any money yourselves?"

"Hyun Young-ah, that's a bit..."

"Maengju-nim, please remain silent! Where could there be a more serious matter than this!"

"Uh... well, anyway, you guys!"

"This guy!"

"Damn you!"

Under the torrent of rebukes from all sides, Chung Myung's spirit gradually faded away.

The voices he heard at the Beggar's Union rang in his ears in a vague and warm way.

- Sword Saint Sir.

- Honored Sword Saint.

Ah, if only he hadn't come to the Mount Hua Sect and had just continued on his way as a beggar...
