Chapter 1524: Upon Reflection, I Was Wrong (Part 4)

Chung Myung had truly been soaked to the bone on this rainy day.

Jo Gol realized how long a person could keep their head bowed, and Yoon Jong deeply reflected on his own mistakes. Tang Soso discovered something more terrifying than Tang Family's reflection room, while Yoo Iseol confirmed that there were one hundred and thirty-two stains on the ceiling of Sect Leader Hyun Jong's office.

Surprisingly, the most pitiful figure in this incident was not Chung Myung, as expected.

"He's the Deputy Sect Leader!"

Jo Gol whispered to Yoon Jong, glancing at the demons (?) standing in front of them.

"Is blood coming out of Sasuk's ears?"

"...If it's only from the ears, that's fortunate."

Wouldn't most people lose their minds in such a situation?

They say that as people age, they become more naggy. The three elders in front of Baek Cheon seemed to confirm this ancient saying.

"Instead of stopping him, you even abetted him?"

"After ordering the Deputy Sect Leader to make sure he doesn't do anything foolish!"

"Pack your bags and leave!"

Baek Cheon, who had always been confident, suddenly shrank without limit. In truth, he had no room for excuses. If Chung Myung was planning something insane, he should have naturally stopped him. But this time, didn't he openly sympathize and cooperate?

"And, what? Jin Geum...."

Baek Cheon flinched. At that moment, Hyun Jong reached out like lightning and covered Hyun Sang's mouth. When Hyun Sang looked puzzled, Hyun Jong shook his head firmly.

"...Even if we have to sacrifice his soul, there's a limit. Don't mention that(?)."

Hyun Young nodded with a touch of sorrow.

They wouldn't know. Rather, that action probably depressed Baek Cheon even more...


Hyun Jong sighed lightly and put down the reports in front of him. There were two reports - one sent by the current Sect Leader of the Beggar's Union, and the other sent by the future Sect Leader of the Beggar's Union.

"...Hwaeum Buntaju is the new Sect Leader."

"Is that so?"


"To be honest, Uncle Hong is a bit unsatisfactory."

"You guys?"


Chung Myung and Hyun Jong looked at each other with eyes that didn't understand each other.

"That's enough."

"Wow, Great Sect Leader. You really have a wide tolerance for human beings."

"At least, Hwaeum Buntaju won't sneak out and fight with other sects, right? And he won't he destroy the headquarters of another sect after leaving?"


"All my wishes would be fulfilled if there were just one person like him in Mount Hua."

At those words, the Five Swords all discreetly averted their gazes.


Hyun Jong made a sigh and looked at Baek Cheon.

"So... the Beggar's Union wants to join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"




"What are you looking at?"

The young people exchanged puzzled glances as Hyun Jong's eyes clearly asked, 'What are these crazy guys thinking when they join the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?'

Baek Cheon didn't say anything and lowered his gaze.

"In addition... Shaolin and Southern Edge. Southern Edge, huh..."

A hollow laughter spilled out of Hyun Jong's mouth.

Among the sects in the world, excluding the Evil Sects, the two sects with the worst relationship with Mount Hua were the long-time enemies Southern Edge Sect and the rapidly rising (?) enemy Shaolin.

Yet these ridiculous guys fought alongside the two enemy sects. It looked like Laotze, the Buddha, and Confucius had jointly sent their applause, considering the situation.

Kangho was not originally the land of grace. Grudges only deepened, and reconciliation was rare. Hyun Jong, who had lived in Kangho for a lifetime, knew this best. But...

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

Another deep sigh flowed from Hyun Jong's mouth.

This guy, this guy! When it came to stirring up trouble in Kangho, he was in first place, and when it came to holding a grudge without mercy against others, he was in first place!"

How should this be interpreted?

"...Alright. I understand."


"We will inform you separately about your punishment, so go to your lodgings and reflect for now."


One person did not respond.

"...Rather than lodgings, should we send them to the Plum Blossom Cave?"

At those words, Chung Myung's mouth, which was pouting out like a duck, retracted as if it was never there.


The reason for that behavior was obvious even without hearing it. Anyway, looking at the results, they returned after achieving success, so why give them a punishment? 

Hyun Jong had no strength left to wrestle with them now.

"...Get out."



Chung Myung chuckled.

"It's good that we can leave, but since the disciplinary action isn't confirmed yet, can we stop by the inn on the way to the lodgings?"


"No, I couldn't eat properly in a hurry. Just one drink... No, just one meal...."

"Get out!"

Everyone rushed out as if fleeing, and as they sighed, Chung Myung grumbled.

"The temperaments of those respected leaders have really worsened. It didn't seem like this in the past."

Chung Myung. It's all because of you.... A person should have a conscience.

"Sigh, Sahyung. What punishment do you think will be imposed?"

"...In my opinion, at least a fortnight in Plum Blossom Cave."

"Is, is that so? What crime have we committed to deserve that?"

Baek Cheon, who was listening to the conversation between Jo Gol and Yoon Jong, smirked.

"It's nothing much."

"Is that so?"

"While others were working themselves to death, we ran away on our own. Escaping from Shaanxi without permission. Impersonating another sect. Fighting with elders of one of the righteous sects. Completely demolishing another sect's headquarters...."

"Upon reflection, I was wrong."

"Seeing that we haven't been beaten to death, it's clear that Great Sect Leader has gained some enlightenment through the Tao."

"If it were me, I would've executed the Crushing Bones Severing Arteries." [i forgot the name of the punishment]

"Just for sparing our lives, we're grateful. We'll bow towards Mount Hua for the rest of our lives."

"We live on Mount Hua, you fool!"

Yet, it's only a modest fortnight of reflection in the Plum Blossom Cave. How merciful was this punishment?

At that moment, unexpectedly, Jo Gol glared at someone with a sharpened gaze.

"It seems there's one person who escaped from all of this."

Everyone's attention was directed towards the 'escaped person.'

"Oh, Amitabha. Th-that's..."


"Despicable being."



Sweat beads formed on Hye Yeon's bald head.

"I-it's not my fault. I'm not a disciple of the Mount Hua Sect...!"

"Look at that, look."

"Before, he had a pure taste, but now he's no longer a newborn. Attached to Mount Hua, then attached to Shaolin."

"He chooses which sect to eat with. That guy should be double-slapped by the Buddha and Laotze."

"In the end, he's a stranger. Even so, I thought he was different from other strangers."

"Soso, don't cry."

Hye Yeon stepped back hesitantly. It was unfair. Maengju-nim told him not to come in, but what on earth was this nonsense!

But Hye Yeon didn't bother to make excuses or resist. To hungry tigers, stories about the prey's background are not important.

After gnawing on Hye Yeon just enough not to die, the Five Swords turned their bodies with a refreshed look.

And now, with a strangely puzzled expression, they looked around.

"But... Is this really Hwaeum?"

"I guess so?"

If you separate for three days, it's an occasion for attention. (士別三日則更刮目相對: When scholars part ways and meet again after three days, they should wash their eyes and observe anew.) They say even mountains change in ten years, but...

"How long have we been away?"

"About ten days?"

The disciples of the Mount Hua Sect looked around with a blank expression.

"Why has it changed so much?"

Hwaeum was now half-formed as a city.

Tang Gaju-nim, Guild Master, and... Nokrim King. What on earth did they do in the past ten days?

My goodness....

* * *

"Chung Myung Dojang and the Five Swords are back?"

The rumor that they had returned to Hwaeum spread throughout Hwaeum in an instant.

Hwaeum was originally the homeland of the Mount Hua Sect. It was natural for news about the disciples of Mount Hua to spread. Among them, the news about Hwaeum's Five Swords, who received the most attention, was more likely to spread quickly.

And that news spread even to the deepest, darkest, and gloomiest places in Hwaeum without exception.

"...They're back?"

"Yes. It's the news that just came in."

Tang Gunak nodded slowly. Dark shadows were cast beneath his eyes.

From the beginning, Tang Gunak had an extraordinary presence, but now he seemed almost close to an emperor.

His eyes gradually emitted a dazzling light like the sun.

"They're back... They're back."


"At last...."

The sound of teeth grinding emerged from his lips.



At that moment, someone who had been lying on a desk in the corner suddenly sat up, then collapsed onto the floor.


His legs gave out.

Silence ensued. No one could muster a smile. Tang Gunak and Hwang Jongui simply gazed sadly at the scene.


The man, Im Sobyeong, slowly ground his teeth, trembling as he extended his thin hands and grabbed the edge of the desk. Eventually, he raised his head, and his face was contorted like a hideous and evil creature.

"Hehehe.... Finally, you've returned. Finally...."

No, more precisely, he seemed like a sinner who had endured the torment of heinous crimes for a very long time. He looked like an old man awaiting his day of death, perhaps today or tomorrow....

Whatever the case, it seemed that his remaining days were numbered, as Im Sobyeong opened his eyes with a face that suggested imminent demise. Venom dripped from his mouth.

"The things who left people in this hell and fled!"

"...We must kill them."

"This time, I strongly agree."

Tang Gunak, Hwang Jongui, and Im Sobyeong, the three crucial figures in the development of Hwaeum, were filled with resentment.

"Leaving Hwaeum without a word is forgivable."

"We can forgive leaving the position vacant for ten days."


As Im Sobyeong spoke, he gritted his teeth.

"To carry out their plan while abandoning us, leaving us to handle everything and escape on their own—it's unforgivable even if we die!"

This was pushing it to the limit. No, it would have been more of a problem if there had been no intention to push it.

"For ten days.... I couldn't even sleep."

"...Eating while working."

"...Couldn't even bathe."

The three men ground their teeth simultaneously.

"I will report to Maengju-nim and ensure they are severely punished!"

"As expected of our vice lord!"

"I believed in you!"

"Kkuu, I knew it!"

"We should at least confine them to the Punishment Hall for two months! Let them survive by eating moss!"

"Let's infest it with snakes and centipedes. Do you have them?"

"You mean these snakes?"

The two men were formulating an aggressive plan, but Hwang Jongui, who suddenly became practical, raised a realistic question.

"Well, but... if we confine those guys to the Punishment Hall for two months... Doesn't that mean we have to continue doing this for two more months?"



"If that's the case, we might as well be the ones punished...."

The brains of the two martial artists, stiffened by fatigue, began to creak and rattle. After a moment, both of them sighed simultaneously.



"Shouldn't we survive first? Let's cover up the grudges for now and resolve it peacefully...."

At that moment, a slightly familiar voice was heard from outside.

"G-Guild Master!"

"What's going on?"

"Um... about the Mount Hua people. The Five Swords. They're currently on Mount Hua. They climbed up for some reason."

"Huh? Mount Hua? Why?"

"According to the report, they said they had done a survey and gave their greetings to the Investigation Hall." [where they're currently working]


"Since it's bothersome to come down, they said they'd just stay in Plum Blossom Cave until someone decides how many days they'll be there...."


"No way!"

"Stop them!"

After several sleepless nights, it was uncertain where they found such strength, but Tang Gunak and Im Sobyeong rushed out like lightning.

Unable to match their speed, Hwang Jongui wished for their success(?) with a fervent cry.

"No, no! You must stop them! Absolutely!"