Chapter 1540: It Will Be Okay (Part 5)

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze. There were too many questions to ask.

When? How? Where?

However, putting aside all those questions, Chung Myung spoke with determination.

"Let's go."


Even though the path was already familiar, Namgung Dowi took the lead as if to guide them. Yoo Iseol followed closely, guarding Chung Myung.


The three simultaneously kicked the ground and rushed toward Hwaeum. As they passed through the rising land and dense forest, a wide-open field unfolded before them.


Simultaneously, a white marten joined them from behind. Chung Myung glanced back briefly before quickly turning his gaze forward again.

Baek-Ah was desperately chasing after them with its short legs. It seemed that Namgung Dowi could locate Chung Myung thanks to Baek-Ah.

And the one who urgently informed Namgung Dowi that Baek-Ah would know about Chung Myung's whereabouts was probably...

"How's the situation?"

"I still don't know exactly. The Nokrim King simply asked for Chief's presence."

"I see."

"He... seemed extremely desperate."

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

Although Im Sobyeong wasn't someone who could be described as calm even in normal circumstances, he wasn't so careless as to appear urgent in front of Namgung Dowi. This probably meant that something unexpected had happened.



The three people and one spiritual creature increased their speed. In an instant, they arrived at Hwaeum.

"Chung Myung!"

Jo Gol, who had noticed them, leaped over the roofs of the lined-up buildings and joined them.

"There's Sago."


"I was on my way to the conference room after hearing the order to come. But..."

Jo Gol's face hardened as he examined the expressions of the three. It was evident that something more serious than expected had occurred.

"Let's go together!"

Just then, Tang Soso swiftly approached from a distance.


As soon as she landed, she stuck close to Yoo Iseol and said.

"Sago! The Evil Tyrant Alliance...!"

"I heard."

Yoo Iseol replied with an unwavering voice. Tang Soso nodded with a stern face. Just hearing about the Evil Tyrant Alliance made her uneasy and anxious, but Yoo Iseol showed no signs of wavering.

At that moment, someone's back entered their sight as they raced down Hwaeum Avenue.


Tang Soso called out loudly, and Baek Cheon, who was running, turned to look. Then, naturally matching the pace, he joined them.

"Sasuk, did you hear it too?"


Jo Gol, biting his lips, asked.

"Did Yoon Jong Sahyung...?"

Namgung Dowi responded solemnly.

"Taoist Yoon Jong is probably already in the conference room. I informed him first."


Jo Gol nodded.

Soon, the conference room of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance appeared before them.


Without hesitation, Chung Myung opened the door and entered.

"Ah, Chief!"

As Chung Myung entered, a moment of relief flickered across Im Sobyeong's face. It seemed like he had been worried about what might happen if they were delayed.

Most of the high-ranking members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had already gathered. The leaders of each sect, Yoon Jong, and Hye Yeon were present. Yoon Jong briefly met eyes with Chung Myung, then turned his head towards Im Sobyeong with a composed expression. Chung Myung also sat down, seemingly unaffected.

"What's the situation?"

Im Sobyeong quickly opened his mouth.

"A message came from Beggar's Union a while ago. They detected movements from the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes, lost in thought for a moment.

Im Sobyeong wasn't someone who would act urgently for minor movements. Clearly, something significant had happened.

"Tell me more precisely."

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance, which has been inactive in Zhang Jia Jie, has finally started to move."

"Where to?"

"The specific destination hasn't been conveyed yet. Since the information came immediately after they started moving, it seems it will take more time to confirm follow-up information."

Tang Gunak sighed.

Everyone in this room was aware of the situation. Jang Ilso rarely moved without reason. Instead, when he moved, it inevitably led to some significant event. The reason the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was firmly stationed in Hwaeum was not only because of various factors but also because predicting how and where a war would break out was nearly impossible.

"If that's the case..."

"The core issue is clear."

At that moment, Meng So of the Beast Palace interrupted Tang Gunak's words.

"Whether they are moving towards us or towards the Ten Great Sects."

The continent had already divided into east and west. Of course, the Southern Edge Sect and Kunlun were still situated in the west. However, it wasn't wrong to say that Kunlun was one of the Ten Great Sects merely in name, a sect within that struggled to continue its lineage.

Zhang Jia Jie was the dividing point between east and west. Depending on which direction they moved, the nature of the war would change significantly.

To be more precise...

"Whose losses will be greater."

Meng So's comment precisely touched the heart of all discussions.

Whether it was the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the fact remained that they had to defeat the Evil Tyrant Alliance. The crucial point was which side would gain strength and which would fall during this war.

And the most dreadful aspect of the situation was that the one holding the reins was none other than the Evil Tyrant Alliance—no, Jang Ilso.

"So, is there still no communication from Beggar's Union?"

"Yes. Not yet..."

Meng So spoke again.

"Is there no news to report, or are they deliberately not relaying the news?"

Hyun Jong looked surprised and turned to Meng So.

"Palace Lord, what is this...?"

"The Beggar's Union promised to be with us, but have they shown us anything practical yet? It is quite possible that they had communicated with the Ten Great Sects and delivered specific information only to the Ten Great Sects."

Meng So was not significantly influenced by power relations within the Central Plains due to his status and position. He had no interest. Therefore, he didn't hesitate to speak out what others might not dare to say.

Im Sobyeong said.

"Probably not."

Meng So nodded without response. But looking at his firmly closed lips, it was evident that he still couldn't completely erase his doubts.

Quickly taking the lead, Im Sobyeong continued.

"Anyway, there hasn't been any follow-up communication from Beggar's Union yet, and there are two possibilities. Either, as the Beast Palace Lord suggested, the Beggar's Union has excluded us, or perhaps defining and predicting the movements of the Evil Tyrant Alliance is not easy, and it takes time to specify clear information."

"The latter."

As several people simultaneously tried to speak, Chung Myung neatly summarized the situation.

"There's no betrayal from the Beggar's Union."

"Then there's only one possibility. The movements of the Evil Tyrant Alliance are surpassing the interpretation of information from Beggar's Union informants."

"Is, is that possible?"

Seol So Baek, who had been listening with a stern face, spoke hesitantly, as if he couldn't understand at all. He heard it with his ears, but the situation didn't make sense to him.

At that moment, Tang Gunak stepped forward to assist Seol So Baek.

"I also find it difficult to understand. Even though predicting and confirming the direction is challenging, they should be able to verify the number of those moving and the sects that have joined. The fact that even that information is not being sent..."

Tang Gunak's voice trailed off. An awkward silence, unsuitable for the urgency of the meeting, settled in the conference room.

At that moment, when an anxious feeling, like being in a fog, pressed on everyone's chest.


Un Am lightly hit the table.

Even though he was the leader of the Mount Hua Sect, Un Am's presence was not particularly notable when the Heavenly Comrade Alliance held a meeting. There was also Chung Myung, and the current leader Hyun Jong. He had thought he would just keep his place. But Un Am awkwardly smiled amid the pouring gazes.

"Sorry, but... I think we may have missed something a while ago."

"What are you talking about?"

When Hyun Jong asked, Un Am calmly spoke.

"Whether we have information about them or not, shouldn't we make clear what needs to be done on our end? It seems right to start with that."

Hyun Jong's eyes slightly widened. It was a valid point. Whether the Evil Tyrant Alliance came here or attacked the Ten Great Sects, the ultimate outcome was a battle. Considering the agility and aggressiveness of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, it was prudent to prepare as soon as possible. Even if there was a temporary setback, it was better than being unprepared and struggling later.


At Hyun Jong's call, Chung Myung nodded and immediately spoke.

"Each sect leader should summon their disciples immediately. We need to respond promptly to whatever movements they make."


"We'll do that."

"And although I don't doubt the sincerity of Beggar's Union, relying solely on their abilities to gauge the Evil Tyrant Alliance would be challenging."

Chung Myung's gaze turned towards Im Sobyeong. Upon which, Im Sobyeong unfolded a myriad of words like a seasoned thief.

"Uh... I understand what you're trying to say. Even though the Nokrim individuals are under the name of one sect, they are not as organized as the Beggar's Union. It will take at least more than three days for the facts seen and confirmed with our own eyes to be conveyed to us. Three days at least. It would be far too late to respond by then."

"I know."

"Well, how..."

"The Ghost Sect."

Instantly, Im Sobyeong's eyes widened.


"Each mountain fortress may not communicate well with each other, and the reporting might be slow. However, we have those who are close to each fortress and are fast on their feet."

Im Sobyeong unknowingly clenched his fan.

Certainly, the Ghost Sect had been using the mountain fortresses of Nokrim like lodgings. Naturally, friendships must have developed. And since the Heavenly Comrade Alliance was scattered all over the place, until they gathered in one place, there wouldn't be anyone in the world as swift as the Ghost Sect to deliver news. [not sure]

Im Sobyeong nodded his head.

"As soon as we get Ghost Sect's approval, I'll proceed right away. Then, at least within Gangbuk, we should be able to perfectly grasp their movements."

"I already got his permission. Just issue the orders."

A glint flashed in Im Sobyeong's eyes.

Since when had he been thinking about this? After the Sichuan incident? Or after the Demonic Cult in Hangzhou? Or...

"I'll do it."

Time was of the essence now. Im Sobyeong nodded quickly.

"Move. Be ready to respond immediately to any news."


Just as Chung Myung was about to decisively get up.

"There's a message from the Beggar's Union!"


Im Sobyeong shouted abruptly.

"Come in! No, just tell us quickly!"

Without a moment to catch his breath, the person who entered forcefully delivered the message.

"Shiyan (十堰)! There's an attack by the Evil Sect on the commoners in Shiyan!"

Everyone in the conference room turned pale. Shiyan was a small city above Zhang Jia Jie, and it was a bit closer to Shaanxi than Hanam.

The edge of the Evil Sect's blade had begun to fly towards this place.


"We need to move immediately!"


Chung Myung clenched his fist. But the news did not end there.


Another person burst in through the door.

"News has flown in from the Beggar's Union. The Evil Sect has appeared near Shijiazhuang (石家庄). They are attacking nearby villages, and a response is needed."



"Isn't that in Hubei?"

"Why are the Evil Sect there?"


Without a moment to even catch their breaths, individuals rushed in one after another.

"The Evil Sect is rampant near Beijing!"

"They are killing people in a massacre near Hefei!"

"The Myriad Man Manor has appeared near Xi'an! Southern Edge is now taking action!"

Everyone's eyes trembled. There were still people rushing towards the conference room. The news they brought was probably not significantly different from the others.

"What on earth...?"

Chung Myung, who was standing firm with a stern face, trembled slightly as he spoke.

"What is happening...?"

As if icy water had poured down, a chill ran down everyone's spine.