Chapter 1541: Isn't That Enough? (Part 1)

The situation in Kaifeng was chaotic.

Hong Daegwang's face was ashen, showing signs of despair.

"Report! The Evil Sect has appeared near Nanjing. The estimated number is less than thirty!"

"There are reports of individuals presumed to be from the Hao Sect attacking nearby martial arts clans! The enemy's numbers are unconfirmed!"

"Urgent report! There's an attack in Suzhou, and the enemy's identity and number are unknown!"

"This is insane..."

Hong Daegwang's eyes trembled as he observed the unfolding chaos in the Central Plains. The large map was gradually turning red, indicating areas under attack.


"Quiet! Let me think!"

Hong Daegwang shouted, clenching his lips.

'What should we do?'

His blood ran cold.

Pungyeong Shin Gae, who silently observed Hong Daegwang, let out a short breath, aware of the need to calm him. As a young sect leader, it was understandable for him to be bewildered. It was a moment for Pungyeong Shin Gae to calm Hong Daegwang.

"Compile the incoming reports!"

Hong Daegwang's voice burst out rapidly and clearly.

"The first thing to determine is the enemy's numbers. Among the places where reports of attacks are coming in, select the ones where the enemy's numbers are unreported and send a reconnaissance team! Use any means necessary! Mobilize everything available, whether it's elite or not, to determine the enemy's numbers! Immediately!"


"As soon as the numbers are confirmed, use the Information Bureau to find out the distribution of the Evil Sect infiltrating the North! Don't wait for the analysis results! Report to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance as soon as you identify the locations where the enemy's numbers are confirmed! Ignore formality and structure! Use any means to convey the situation as quickly as possible. Report every piece of information as it comes!"


The subordinates swiftly moved into action.

"Sect Leader! What about the Ten Great Sects?"

"Mobilize the remaining reconnaissance teams and manpower to inform them as well!"

"But, Sect Leader. The Beggar's Union is already..."

"You bastard! In a situation where lives are at stake, is affiliation important now? How have you survived with that attitude until now?"

Hong Daegwang's anger erupted, and the beggar quickly lowered his head.

"I-I apologize!"

"Instead of apologizing, go do something! Hurry! Even a moment's delay is irreversible!"


Meanwhile, the reports of the Central Plains that Hong Daegwang was watching continued to turn the map red.

'Damn it...'

Although Hong Daegwang was the Beggar's Union sect leader, he didn't expect much from the sect in terms of a proper analysis.

If the Beggar's Union had such analytical capabilities, they wouldn't have survived relying on Shaolin's leftovers. [not sure]

So, all Hong Daegwang needed to do was convey the information accurately. The strategy would be decided by the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, not him.

"…Please figure something out, Mount Hua's Divine Dragon."

With an anxious heart, Hong Daegwang's tightly clenched lower lip turned pale.

* * *

At the successive reports flying in, Hyun Jong muttered as if his mind had gone blank.

"This... it's..."

The situation erupted so suddenly that it seemed like his mind had come to a halt.

At that moment, Tang Gunak's gaze quickly turned to Im Sobyeong.

"Nokrim King! The enemy..."


However, Im Sobyeong firmly silenced Tang Gunak. He was absorbed in his thoughts, gripping the fan as if he might break it. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded.

"Based on the reported facts so far, it seems that the Evil Tyrant Alliance, which was staying in Zhang Jia Jie, and the remnants of the Evil Sect within Gangnam have united and crossed into Gangbuk."

This much was obvious.

"Judging by the situation, the enemy seems to be spreading across the entire Gangbuk, dividing into small groups rather than moving in large numbers. We need a response to this situation."

A moment of silence fell upon everyone. However, Jo Gol seemed to express his incomprehension.

"W-Wait, is that possible? Even if they aren't experts, nobody noticed these Evil Sect guys coming into Gangbuk?"

"It's possible."

"I don't intend to deny what has happened, but I really don't understand the situation. Unless we're missing something...!"

"It's possible."

"Chung Myung?"

Chung Myung, sitting in a chair with a stern face and clenched fists, spoke up.

"It would be difficult under normal circumstances. Although the number of Kangho members is small, it is impossible to avoid the eyes of everyone in the Central Plains when they are scattered across the entire region."

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Yes, when they are scattered across the entire Central Plains."

At that moment, Jo Gol's face stiffened, understanding Chung Myung's implication.

"Chief's words are correct."

To those who still didn't understand, Im Sobyeong explained.

"Monitoring the entire Yangtze River was impossible from the beginning. But, as Chief mentioned, in such situations, not only the Beggar's Union but the eyes of all martial artists become a surveillance network."

Some nodded in agreement. Wasn't that common sense?

What they saw would be transmitted to nearby martial arts clans, and those clans would spread it through the Beggar's Union. This was a true Heaven's Net (天羅地網) over the world, as proven by the history of Kangho.

"But not now. Right now..."

Listening to Im Sobyeong's words, Tang Gunak interjected.

"All those Kangho members are gathered in one place."

"That's correct."

The Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects.

Both had competitively drawn in smaller martial arts clans. Originally, those who could have revealed the enemy's whereabouts even at the cost of their lives had left their strongholds.

Im Sobyeong glanced subtly at Tang Gunak.

"And... even the common people living along the Yangtze River have moved in large numbers."

Tang Gunak muttered with a stiff face.

"But even so, to this extent..."

"It's not a large number."

"What does that mean?"

"If the invading force is a single martial arts sect, it's difficult to hide the infiltration into Gangbuk, whether crossing the river or through Sichuan. Even if it's not a single martial arts sect or a single clan, the same applies. Even if only a hundred people gathered, they would be exposed." [not sure]

Im Sobyeong's gaze turned towards Chung Myung. It was a strangely chilly look.

"But if the number is extremely small, even if it's enemy territory, they can infiltrate without being noticed. We've already proven that. Paegun, too, must have learned about it."

"But wasn't that possible because those who went to Southern Island were skilled individuals?"

"No. It's even easier for the Evil Sect."

In response to Hyun Jong's question, Im Sobyeong asserted.

"Gangnam is a land where righteous sects cannot set foot. No matter how they disguise themselves, they cannot completely hide their aura and awkwardness. So, they must become inconspicuous to human eyes."

"That makes sense."

"But in Gangbuk, there are already Evil Sects. No need to mention Nokrim."

Yes. Hyun Jong had to acknowledge it with a stiff face. Even if someone discovered a few individuals moving, they probably wouldn't find it strange. After the incident at the Yangtze River, such scenes had become commonplace in Gangbuk.



Just as Jo Gol was about to raise another question, Chung Myung tapped the table with his palm. When all eyes were on him, he spoke in a cold voice.

"It doesn't matter how they attacked. The deed is done, and now all that's left is how to respond."

Everyone agreed. It might have taken a long time due to the shock, but as Chung Myung said, there was no time to spare now.

Chung Myung nodded at Im Sobyeong.

"Speak. What should we do?"

"We shouldn't move."

At Im Sobyeong's words, Seol So Baek exclaimed in surprise.

"Aren't we gathered here to stop them? And yet, you say we shouldn't move? While this is happening...!"

"Yes. The commoners will die."

Im Sobyeong cut off Seol So Baek's words, seemingly already knowing.

"But having us move to suppress this situation is the enemy's intention."

"Explain in more detail."

"Since the outbreak of the Evil Sect's turmoil across the entire Central Plains, we have to stop them. But if we try to block everywhere, we naturally have to split our forces. In doing so, the structure will collapse."


"In the first place, dispersing power is the worst thing in military strategy. In particular, such finely divided forces are useless in large-scale conflicts. The reason Jang Ilso is doing such a stupid thing is only one. He needs us to scatter."


Tang Gunak murmured in a low voice. Im Sobyeong's words continued.

"They will advance through those gaps. If our structure collapses at that moment, we'll suffer much greater losses than we anticipated. Who we have to deal with are not those clumsy bastards scattered everywhere, but the main force stationed in Zhang Jia Jie. Do not forget that."

All the sect leaders were deeply immersed in thought.

"They won't keep us waiting for too long. The main force of the Evil Tyrant Alliance in Zhang Jia Jie will definitely move, too. It's a test of patience, no different from a battle of endurance. The one who moves first loses."

With clenched fists, Chung Myung couldn't suppress a smirk.

"My house is on fire, and the one who moves first loses?"


"What if it burns down in the meantime?"

"Whether you burn to death or get stabbed to death, what's the difference?"

Their eyes briefly collided in the air. After a moment, surprisingly, Chung Myung withdrew. Leaning against the chair, he closed his eyes as if burying himself.

Instead, Baek Cheon spoke up.

"Nokrim King. No, Commander."

"Speak. Deputy Sect Leader."

"If the reports are correct, attacks are happening from all directions, but the numbers in each area don't seem to be that significant."

"That's correct. So, as a decoy..."

"Then, can't we respond with just a minimal number of forces?"


"If we allocate only to one or two sects separately..."

"Not possible."

Baek Cheon projected a heavy aura as he stared intently at Im Sobyeong, but Im Sobyeong remained resolute.

"We won't take any action until the main force of the Evil Tyrant Alliance moves."


"Because more will die! Can't you understand?"

In the end, Im Sobyeong's sharp voice echoed loudly. Even the Five Swords, who secretly sympathized with Baek Cheon, flinched, and Baek Cheon bit his lips tightly.

Im Sobyeong took a long breath as if to cool his heated head.

"...In the end, those who invaded won't fare any better than salt poured into the sea. Even through they may seem impressive, they can't do anything more than this. Deputy Sect Leader's feelings, I understand. But please wait a little longer."

Baek Cheon, who faced Im Sobyeong with sharp eyes, sighed. Regardless of what was right or wrong, it wasn't possible to undermine Im Sobyeong's authority, who held the position of the commanding strategist in the current emergency situation.


Im Sobyeong tightly gripped the fan in his hand.

"Paegun is not so patient. Once he moves, it will be more destructive than before. So, just be patient for a little longer. When he moves, we will definitely counterattack."

It was a declaration and almost an oath. And within that, the deepest emotion was... hatred towards Jang Ilso. Knowing this fact well, the members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance could only nod their heads.

Right at that moment.

"Reporting! An urgent message from the Beggar's Union!"

"What's the content?"

Entering forcefully, Gwak Hye read the report he held. Even though he was suppressing it desperately, his hands were trembling.

"Now, the Evil Sect is crossing in large numbers from Gangnam!"


"The number of ships is estimated to be hundreds or more! The location..."

Everyone held their breaths in unison.

Gradually, Kwak Hye's voice broke out.

"From Yue Yang (岳阳) to Chang Zhou (常州). Now, it covers the entire region along the Yangtze River!"

It was as if the conference room was struck by lightning.

"The entire region along the Yangtze River? Is that true?"


Chung Myung's gaze slowly turned beyond the window. Dawn was breaking, dispelling the thick darkness that had covered the world. Chung Myung bit his lips tightly.


The red dawn that announced the morning now seemed like an ominous, blazing fire in Chung Myung's eyes.

'Jang Ilso.'

Chung Myung's gaze turned to the south. In his two eyes, there was a boiling hatred.