Chapter 1570: A Walk Is Good On Days Like This (Part 5)

"Why on earth are the Southern Edge Sect people here!"

At the forefront, the patterns shaped like clouds were engraved on the chests of those who unleashed ruthless swordsmanship. Even the Black Dragon King could clearly see this scene.

If the Southern Edge was almost like Mount Hua's archnemesis, why would they come all the way here to help with Mount Hua?

Moreover, it was evident that they were targeting only the Black Dragon King.


As he gritted his teeth, muscles bulge on his sturdy jaw, which was adorned with a black beard.

At that moment, a sneer reached his ears.

"...Are you scared?"

The Black Dragon King's head turned heavily. Just by looking at his chewed lips and bloodshot eyes, it was clear how deeply insulted he felt.

At the end of his fierce gaze, Namgung Dowi, who seemed to be on the verge of death, was laughing heartily.

"Really? The Black Dragon King of all people?"

"I'll rip your mouth apart!"


With a sound that tore through the air, the Black Dragon King's scimitar swung fiercely. Namgung Dowi raised his sword, blocking the fierce swing of the scimitar with a faint white glow.


Of course, it was not enough. Namgung Dowi's body repeatedly hit the ground like a child throwing a water ladle. But even this time, he stubbornly got up, vomiting blood.

"Hmm... The value of a person... comes out when they die..."


Just as the Black Dragon King was about to charge towards Namgung Dowi with his scimitar raised, a soothing voice sounded.

"Calm down, Black Dragon King. You must retreat now."

The Black Dragon King's head turned sharply. He seemed to disregard the dying Namgung Dowi and expressed his determination to throw away those who tried to stop him. [not sure]

But even facing the fierce momentum, the face of the one restraining the Black Dragon King remained calm.

"Don't forget your mission."


The Black Dragon King ground his teeth. The hand holding the scimitar trembled uncontrollably with anger.

The Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang. The leader of the Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses and the ruler of the vast Yangtze River.

To him, and not even Jang Ilso or Ho Gakmyung... no, a lackey of Ho Gakmyung!

"Black Dragon King!"

However, the moment the energy that had rushed into the scimitar suddenly dispersed.


Biting his lower lip as if in a fit of rage, the Black Dragon King lowered his scimitar, tasting the bitter flavor of blood pooling into his mouth.

"All because of those bastards..."

"You don't need to take risks here. There will be plenty of opportunities for revenge. Killing those few is not your only goal, is it?"

The Black Dragon King glared at the Myriad Man Manor member with an unpleasant face. Even in front of that gaze, the Myriad Man Manor member remained expressionless.

'A strategist, was it?'

Those guys raised under that Ho Gakmyung... Surely, they were fellows who knew how to mock.

And the Black Dragon King knew. What he lacked were precisely these guys.

"What should I do?"

"Those are nothing but pawns."

The Myriad Man Manor member turned its gaze towards those rushing towards this place. Certainly, a formidable momentum.

"Arrows are frightening. Especially arrows coming from behind that even a veteran general can't avoid."


"But arrows without a target are at best signaling arrows (信號箭). They can't be more or less than that."

"You have a knack for suggesting running away in a fancy way."

"I'm not suggesting running away for a moment. If we put it that way, every hero in history is nothing but a coward for avoiding death."

The Black Dragon King briefly observed the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect and the Southern Edge Sect charging towards them.


In the past, he would have immediately crushed those guys without hesitation. Even if it was considered a dangerous act, his choice would not have changed.

In front of so many subordinates, he couldn't have backed down from these youngsters.

But the current Black Dragon King was different.

"In return... if those guys manage to survive here, I'll tear you apart first."

"There won't be such a thing."

With calm certainty, the Black Dragon King nodded heavily.

However, despite his determined demeanor, he couldn't completely avert his gaze from the approaching individuals.

"Black Dragon King!"

The strategist's voice carried a strange urgency.


As the Black Dragon King gruffly lifted his body, he asked.

"Where... are you going?"


Just as he regained composure, fierce anger surged on the Black Dragon King's face as Namgung Dowi, who had managed to stand up with difficulty, staggered towards him.

"You... cowardly bastard..."


"It's just a temporary battlefield, Black Dragon King! Please leave him alone!"

The Black Dragon King glared at Namgung Dowi as if he wanted to incinerate him with his eyes but turned away again.


However, at that moment, somehow gaining strength, Namgung Dowi leaped, flying towards the Black Dragon King once more.

His momentum unleashed the anger that the Black Dragon King had barely contained.

With a roar like a beast, the Black Dragon King swung his sword with all his might towards Namgung Dowi.


Namgung Dowi's body was repelled at an even greater speed.


The Black Dragon King, ready to swing his scimitar once again to shatter him, was once again halted by a voice.

"Black Dragon King! Are you planning to die here?"


The Black Dragon King's arm trembled slightly.

"Don't forget the time when you lost that arm."

This story seemed to trigger madness in the Black Dragon King's eyes.

Growling towards the strategist, he threatened.

"If you mention that again, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

"Please calm down."

The Black Dragon King reluctantly lowered his scimitar. His hands were still trembling with humiliation.

"I... can't..."

Now, Namgung Dowi, unable to stand up, was crawling towards him with a sword in hand.

A momentary sense of boredom flickered in the Black Dragon King's eyes.

As Namgung Dowi awkwardly raised his head, his pupils were unfocused and vacant. In an instant, the Black Dragon King felt his heart sink.

"What the hell are these guys..."

"Black Dragon King!"

"Step forward!"


Humiliation, anger, disgrace, and perhaps even discomfort.

With all these emotions tightly suppressed, the Black Dragon King walked forward following those who stood at the forefront.

"Where are you planning to go?"

"We're blocked by the remaining Yangtze River, so it's not a good plan."

"I have my ship on the Yangtze River."

"So, it's not a good plan. First, it's better to escape to the west."

Unintelligible words, but it probably won't involve any tricks. If the youngsters behind him caught up, he'd be the first to die.

"Then, move without wasting time!"


Jo Gol's sword had already pierced through the enemies' necks several times. Yoo Iseol deftly cut off the wrist of an adversary aiming for him.

"Get out of the way, you bastards!"

Jo Gol poured out a harsh curse.

At this rate, Namgung Dowi would die. It was evident to anyone. He didn't want to witness the moment someone he knew died in front of him any longer.

"Get lost... Huh?"

At that moment, Jo Gol widened his eyes.



"The Black Dragon King is escaping!"


Yoon Jong, who was swinging his sword, was startled and looked up. Soon, his eyes widened.


He had seen it too. The leader of the Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses, one of the most renowned figures in the Evil Sect, the Black Dragon King, was retreating into the distance.


Yoon Jong was momentarily speechless.

Running away? It was possible. It was common sense to withdraw when faced with danger.

However, the Black Dragon King couldn't afford to do so. If the widely renowned Black Dragon King were to escape from mere young leaders of the righteous sects, what would the world think? Even if he survived, he would have to endure a lifetime of ridicule and mockery.

So, the sight of the Black Dragon King fleeing in such a manner wasn't something anyone had anticipated.

"Darn it..."

A groaning sound, suppressed in Baek Cheon's throat, finally escaped.

They could pursue, but could they capture the Black Dragon King?

It seemed challenging.

It was clear as day who had the upper hand in achieving their goals - the ones chasing through the battlefield or the Black Dragon King who was effortlessly distancing himself.

However, there was no stopping now.

They had already rushed into the midst of the battlefield. If they turned back now, they would have to face the same enemies again. Moreover, these enemies were now more organized and composed than before.

Those around them might somehow survive, but the safety of the Namgung Family and those left behind were uncertain.

"You fool."

Before Baek Cheon's internal conflict could be resolved, someone's sword swept through the air like a comet.

Jin Geumryong, who had mercilessly cleaved through the chests of three enemies horizontally, sneered coldly.

"Is it possible to retrieve an arrow that has left the bow?"

"Jin Geumryong."

"I'll open the way. Right now, there's no other choice."

It was undeniably correct. Baek Cheon quickly acknowledged it and nodded.

"Do whatever it takes to open the way!"


Under Baek Cheon's command, the swords of the Mount Hua Sect disciples changed slightly from a moment ago.

They had conserved their strength, leaving room to insert the sword into the Black Dragon King's body at the last moment. However, now they poured all their strength into opening a path.

"Clear the way! Move!"

"If you block, you die!"


The swords of Mount Hua Sect and Southern Edge Sect ruthlessly crushed the enemies, indifferent to their cries.



Those who blocked were swept away by the screams, and those who hadn't blocked yet staggered back in fear.

However, despite their efforts, the Black Dragon King's figure continued to shrink. The gap between them was widening.

"Namgung Sohyeop!"


Jo Gol, who had just reached the fallen Namgung Dowi, almost ran towards him on all fours, supporting and lifting him up.

"Are you okay?"

"Dammit, how did it come to this...!"

Yoon Jong and Jo Gol simultaneously expressed concern and anger.

"The Black Dragon... is he...?"

Before Namgung Dowi, now breathless, could finish his sentence, Jo Gol's face stiffened.

"Now chasing..."

At that moment, Namgung Dowi tightly seized Jo Gol's shoulders. The strength he displayed was surprisingly formidable, leaving one to wonder where such power had been hiding.


"Lift me... lift me!"

Jo Gol quickly nodded. Even without hearing, it was clear what Namgung Dowi was saying.

He lifted him onto his back. Then, he followed his Sasuk, who was opening the way.

"What about him!"


Jo Gol gritted his teeth. In the meantime, the Black Dragon King was getting further away.

"Damn it! Is he running away because he's scared of kids?"


Behind Jo Gol, a strained laughter flowed. 


Jo Gol momentarily stiffened his face, unable to fathom how much bitterness might be contained in that laughter. Missing the one he wanted to kill so badly and now having to worry about his life.

However, Namgung Dowi's muttering that followed was unexpectedly irrelevant.

"The net of heaven is cast wide but not too wide (天網恢恢 疎而不失)."


"That saying... seems fitting."

Just as Jo Gol wondered why that topic came up, he turned his head.

"Gol-ah! Over there! Hey, over there!"

"What's going on all of a sudden?"

Jo Gol looked. No, he heard it first.

From afar, a faintly echoing sound. Unexpected, yet more than welcome and heartwarming.


Now, a very familiar golden glow and the resounding Buddhist chants.

"Seuni-i-i-i-i-i-im!" ['monk']

"Hye Yeon Seuni-i-i-i-im!"

Hye Yeon, leading the disciples of Mount Hua, appeared and blocked the path of the fleeing Black Dragon King.

"Now's the time! Catch him!"


Baek Cheon, who had been conserving his strength until the last moment, forcefully injected his internal energy into his sword. At that moment, his determination breathed the same sophistication into his sword as in the past.

A crimson plum blossom bloomed.

Although the color was not clear and rather murky, it was just as heavy, if not more deadly.



Those swept up by the sword energy spat out blood from their entire bodies, falling away. Thus, Jin Geumryong charged forward.

"You fool! If you're weak, stand back!"

White sword energy scattered like a snowstorm. However, the internal energy within it was not cold but rather warm.


Jin Geumryong's sword dispersed the enemies, and above it, a straight and firm vertical sword energy descended. A sword so straight and firm that it seemed capable of splitting the world into two.

A sword energy only Lee Songbaek could recreate.

"Go, Deputy Sect Leader! Jo Gol Dojang!"

There was no time for expressions of gratitude. Jo Gol, with Namgung Dowi on his back, and Baek Cheon, sprung away like arrows.

Their sole target was the back of the Black Dragon King, facing off against Hye Yeon.


His white robe waving like a flag, Baek Cheon swooped like an arrow and swung his sword through the air.


The Black Dragon King, who was pushing Hye Yeon away, desperately twisted his body.


But a long and red line instantly appeared on the Black Dragon King's face.


The engraved wound and the single stream of blood etched a red "丁" on his face.

Baek Cheon pointed his unwavering sword at the Black Dragon King's neck.

"It ends here, Black Dragon King."

The Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang's face contorted horribly.