Chapter 1571: Not Just Any Fox (Part 1)

The distorted eyes of the Black Dragon King glowed with a sinister blue.


Struggling to continue speaking as if due to old age, the Black Dragon King, with a voice barely holding on, forcefully infused his internal strength into the hand holding the scimitar.


Hye Yeon, who was blocking the scimitar with both hands, couldn't overcome the force and was pushed back.

"You little brats!"


Immediately, the Black Dragon King, clad in black energy, unleashed an explosive wave of his sword towards Baek Cheon. It was a violent scene as if a black Imoogi [dragon-snake] carrying all the evil in the world was flying through the air.

The blood drained from Baek Cheon's face for an instant.


It was not Baek Cheon who blocked the blow, but a young swordsman from the Mount Hua Sect who leaped forward towards the full force of the Black Dragon King.


"Yoon Jong!"

Red blood poured out from Yoon Jong's mouth.

Mount Hua's sword was incredibly light, agile, and fierce. However, in terms of defending, it was not quite suitable.


The Black Dragon King roared, bringing down his sword. Just as Yoon Jong's sword was about to be swept away and rebound.


Another sword flew like an arrow, intersecting with Yoon Jong's sword, blocking the Black Dragon King's scimitar.

It was distinctly different from Yoon Jong's Plum Blossom Sword. Slightly more robust and shorter than the Plum Blossom Sword, it looked solid.


"This petty sect!"

A slight tear appeared on Lee Songbaek's lips as blood oozed out. However, his sword, despite shaking, firmly blocked the Black Dragon King's scimitar.



With the sound of fluttering clothes in the wind, a black shadow cast over the Black Dragon King's head like a hawk targeting its prey. It was Yoo Iseol.


A continuous downpour of red energy!

The Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang distorted his face and retracted his scimitar, pounding the ground.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The narrowly avoided energy stabbed into the place where he stood, cutting through the Black Dragon King's chest fabric, and soon, blood began to seep out.

"How dare you!"

"What are you muttering, you Evil Sect scum."

Before the Black Dragon King could unleash his anger, a cold and arrogant voice came from behind.


White energy like snow poured out towards the Black Dragon King's entire body. It was a dazzling and violent movement of energy that even the large scimitar couldn't even dare to block it.


At that moment, the Black Dragon King chose a simpler method.


The scimitar swept horizontally.

At the end of the long, spear-like scimitar, a wide blade, and black streams of energy sprayed out. It looked like a black avalanche covering the world, overshadowing the raging snowstorm.


Having thrown away the flashy and fierce energy in one stroke, the Black Dragon King plunged the sharp tip directly into the chest of Jin Geumryong, whose complexion had turned pale.


Although Jin Geumryong managed to avoid the sword piercing his heart, he was pushed back.

"This guy."

There was a slight hint of surprise in Jin Geumryong's cold eyes. It was an incredible force. It was only a momentary collision, but his hand that held the sword was in pain.

If he had reached out a moment later, his wrist would've broke, and the sharp end of the scimitar would have pierced through his chest.

'This is...the Black Dragon King.'

Jin Geumryong's face hardened. It was only now that he truly felt who he was fighting against.

The overheated air subsided for a brief lull.

The Black Dragon King, finding a moment of respite after the breathless battle, looked not at his opponents but at the one standing by his side.

"You... "

"Now, wait! Black Dragon King! The ones who showed up not just no one...!"

"Shut up!"


The Black Dragon King swung the scimitar. The head of the one who had been terrified was separated from his body in an instant. Blood, which shot up like a fountain into the sky, was scattered on the ground.

"...Useless bastard!"

It was a mistake to keep someone sent by that Ho Gakmyung by his side from the beginning.

Despite knowing that, for them, the Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang was nothing more than a temporary ploy...

He gritted his teeth. Even after cutting off his neck, the anger did not subside, so he kicked the limp corpse away.


Having dealt with obstacles, there was now no one to stop him. The Black Dragon King emitted a sinister madness as he glared at those surrounding him.

'Mount Hua... And Southern Edge.'

They were nothing more than kids.

However, the Black Dragon King knew. Just because they were called kids didn't mean their swords couldn't pierce him. The belief that the strong always succumb to the stronger was nothing but a delusion of those who had not experienced the realities of strength.

"So... Do you think you can cut my neck, you brats?"


Hye Yeon spoke calmly.

"The Grand Siju has committed too many sins. It is time for him to pay for those sins."

"Sins? Did you say sins? Hahaha!"

The Black Dragon King erupted into loud laughter.

"Yes, that's right! I am a sinner. It may twist my belly to hear it from a monk reeking of the stench of blood, but it's true!"

Hye Yeon's complexion stiffened at the Black Dragon King's words.

At this moment, it was an undeniable fact that his hands were soaked in the blood of countless enemies.

"But you little brats! The concept of sin has meaning only when there is someone who can judge and condemn. Do you know what the world calls someone who commits sins but is not condemned?"

The Black Dragon King slammed the end of his scimitar into the ground.

"None other than a king!"

Simultaneously, an immense force explosively emanated. Hye Yeon, who had been cultivating the serene inner strength of Shaolin, paled at this overwhelming force.

"I am a king! Who dares to condemn me?"

Indeed, it was an imposing dignity befitting the title of the Ruler of the Yangtze River.

"Even these little cubs! Do you think I would be captured by the likes of you just because I lost an arm?"

A fierce blue glint accompanied his piercing gaze.

"I'll kill you all!"


The Black Dragon King slammed the ground and charged straight towards Jin Geumryong.

As his twisted waist fiercely snapped back, the scimitar, with added elasticity, tore through the air with a fearsome force. It seemed like he would split Jin Geumryong in half at any moment.


Jin Geumryong retreated with all his strength.

However, the Black Dragon King's scimitar was not only powerful but also incredibly fast. It was almost unbelievable that someone with such a severe injury could wield a weapon at such speed.

Judging that his waist would be cut in half if things continued like this, Jin Geumryong summoned all his inner strength, infusing it into his sword.


The collision of the end of the scimitar and Jin Geumryong's sword in mid-air caused Jin Geumryong's body to be ejected like a bullet.


A cry burst from Lee Songbaek's mouth, and wrinkles of anger appeared on Baek Cheon's forehead.

"Don't be complacent! The opponent is..."

At that moment, Baek Cheon couldn't finish his sentence. The Black Dragon King, who had sent Jin Geumryong flying, glanced back at them and threw himself towards the open path instead of charging towards them.

The momentum that just moments ago seemed capable of tearing everyone apart now appeared feeble.

"Catch him!"

Baek Cheon's face was flustered.

That person hadn't given up on escaping even now. No, not that he had given up, but rather, even if he were to surrender, at least he had no intention of fighting while surrounded.

"What are you doing! You useless bunch!"

As the Black Dragon King's thunderous roar resounded, enemies rushed towards them like a swarm. However, instead of charging, the Black Dragon King threw his body towards the open path, avoiding the onslaught.

The imposing momentum that had threatened to tear everyone here to pieces now seemed feeble.

"Catch him!"

Confusion flickered on Baek Cheon's face. The author had not given up on escaping even now. No, not that he had given up, but rather, even if he were to surrender, at least he had no intention of fighting while surrounded.

"What are you doing! You useless bunch!"

As the Black Dragon King's thunderous roar resounded, the pirates rushed towards him like a swarm. However, before they could reach him, Yoon Jong leaped forward to block their path.

"Protect the Black Dragon King!"

"Can't let him go!"


Yoon Jong's sword sliced through the air like Jo Gol's, piercing the throats of the enemies.

But at that moment.

Yoon Jong realized that the massive body of the Black Dragon King, which had just been showing its back and fleeing a moment ago, had suddenly returned right in front of him.



The Black Dragon King swung his scimitar horizontally.

Yoon Jong desperately retrieved his sword, but because the sword had been embedded in the neck of the enemy, his reaction was delayed for a split second.



The scimitar, which had split the waist of the collapsing enemies in an instant, dug into Yoon Jong's side.

Yoon Jong's sword, a breath too late, managed to block the attack, but it lacked proper force.


With a short and powerful boom, Yoon Jong's body was thrown away.


Screaming, Jo Gol flew towards Yoon Jong.

"This guy... don't take your eyes off the enemy!"

Amidst the chaos, Yoon Jong yelled at Jo Geol, now in disarray. However, his voice didn't reach Jo Gol's ears, and only Yoon Jong's side, pouring blood, was visible.

"Even in this situation..."

Jo Gol quickly bit his lips and skillfully stopped Yoon Jong's bleeding. Knowledge that Tang Soso had crammed in as nagging advice somehow came to his mind.

He even took out the bandage he brought, but Yoon Jong pushed Jo Gol's hand away and struggled to stand up.



Jo Gol bit his lips tightly.

The figure of the Black Dragon King, eyeing everyone among the enemies, appeared. Compared to others, he had a more imposing presence, a figure truly befitting the title of a great leader.

Yoon Jong cursed inwardly.

'... Damn it.'

He wanted to curse him as a coward. He wanted to criticize him for using the corpses of his own subordinates as bait.

But he couldn't. Now he understood. In the battlefield where lives were at stake, there was no such thing as justice or cowardice.

What seemed cowardly was actually cunning and clever.

The Black Dragon King laughed mockingly, as if the fierce momentum he had displayed just a moment ago was all a lie.

Then he spoke.

"Attack! The target is..."

The Black Dragon King slowly scanned the surroundings. His gaze soon stopped at Jo Gol. No, more precisely, it stopped at Namgung Dowi, who was riding on his back.

"That guy who's dying."

Immediately, the enemies shouted and charged.

"Damn it!"


When they were about to rush towards Jo Gol from all directions, Baek Cheon and Yoo Iseol leaped towards him.


As Yoo Iseol's feet left the ground, the Black Dragon King flew towards her like a lightning bolt.



Her body was thrown backward. However, Yoo Iseol was Yoo Iseol. Even in that situation, she swung her sword, and blood spurted from the Black Dragon King's wrist.


Turning in mid-air, Yoo Iseol lowered her posture and landed. A streak of blood ran down her white chin. Her internal organs were shaken by the blow.


The Black Dragon King, after briefly examining the blood flowing from his wrist, shook it off roughly.

"Did you think it wouldn't be a big deal to kill me if you could catch up with me?"


"Did this Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang seem like a mere pirate to you? Did you really think the world praised you for your abilities? You fools who don't even know your place!"

Clear mockery and scorn were thrown at them.

Now everyone understood. The one standing here wasn't just a mere Evil Sect member, spewing evil without emotional control.

He was a Kangho veteran who had tenaciously survived on numerous battlefields and finally climbed up here.

"I'll make you see what happens to a fox cub that loses a tiger behind its back!"

The enemies, revitalized, began to push forward like a black tide.