Chapter 1580: Take It Whenever You Want (Part 5)


A simultaneous burst of hostile energy erupted as if responding to the Buddhist chants.

The momentum flowing from the Shaolin monks charging at the forefront was difficult to perceive as Buddhist.

To an outsider, it might seem majestic, but for those who walked the same Buddhist path, it would be too intense they would frown.

However, for the Shaolin monks, it was only natural.

Ever since the Yangtze River incident, they had endured the most hardships in the world. They lost honor, set aside pride, and even had to contend with internal strife among fellow monks.

Despite having committed no wrong themselves, they had to bear the cruelty of the consequences in full.

And now, the culprit of all these troubles stood before them.


A shout pierced the eardrums like thunder.

The gaze of the Shaolin monks sharpened involuntarily.

Yes, it was him. The one who plunged the world into chaos, took countless lives, and even tainted the purity of Shaolin with his vile deeds—the source of all evil!

He spoke of "evasion."

Could Jang Ilso comprehend how cruelly that single word struck the hearts of the Shaolin monks, conveying that all the suffering they endured was not only meaningless but also unjust?

"Destroy the enemy!"

The aftermath of the anger left by the word "evasion" was more significant than anticipated. Even the calm Beopjeong, who always led the monks with composure, momentarily let go of restraint and heightened his spirit.

And the rage and enmity swelled even more as they gazed at Jang Ilso, who stood arrogantly observing them.

Yes, it was him!

He caused all this, and with his three-inch tongue, he ruled the world like a devil.

Amidst the chaotic turmoil where so many people were intertwined, the dazzling red robes stood out like the North Star.

Everyone, including the Shaolin monks, felt a burning thirst as they witnessed the vivid red glow.

The neck!

Even if they had to endure any hardship, if they could only sever that neck, all this could come to an end.

Then the world would return to what they knew, and the Shaolin, along with the other sects, could once again receive the praise of the world.

If only they could kill him...!

A few Shaolin monks' eyes showed signs of bloodshot.


A golden glow emanated from the leading Shaolin monk as he rushed forward.

In response, the Shaolin monks following him also emitted radiant glows simultaneously.

The effect of Shaolin's internal energy, drawn with extreme polarization.

The figures of monks dressed in yellow robes, their whole bodies bathed in a dazzling golden light, seemed like a golden army charging across the land.

It perfectly demonstrated why Shaolin was known as the strongest force in the martial world.

To the enemy, it instilled fear, and to allies, it boosted morale!

It was a sight so brilliant that even the feet of the Honggyeon, driven by unwavering loyalty to Jang Ilso, faltered for an instant.

And the power of Shaolin did not stop with mere momentum.


Beopjeong, levitating his body, unleashed a burst of energy into the air. The internal energy poured from his palm formed a giant palm shape in the air and shot towards the approaching forces of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"Thatagata (如來)!"


The charging Honggyeons were hit by the force of Beopjeong's energy, splattering blood as they were thrown back.

"There is no mercy here! Do not hesitate to embrace the killing intent!"


The Shaolin monks courageously raised their spirits.

"Follow Shaolin!"

The momentum affected not only Shaolin but also those behind.

The Peng Family and the Kongtong Sect also let out cheers as if intoxicated by the spirit shown by the Shaolin monks.

The Ten Great Sects.

A name that could never fade. The pride they held under that name was exploding on this vast battlefield.

On the other hand, the appearance of those who faced them at the forefront was quite different.


The Honggyeons rushed forward like hunting dogs chasing prey. Their bloodshot eyes and pulsating energy were eerie, yet they did not hesitate, nor did they try to explode their boiling essence.

Fighting. Tearing apart. Trampling and protecting.

For them, it was as natural as breathing. Just like no special preparation or action was needed for breathing and eating, there was no need for any other consciousness for battle.

If the command was to fight, they would fight, and if the command was to die, they would die. Regardless of who the opponent may be. Even if the only thing gained from that sacrifice is a worthless death.

That was why they kept advancing even as they witnessed the spreading inferno.

"Kill them."

Two forces, like piercing spears, collided without any deceleration.


Blood spurted from someone's body like a burst of fireworks, more crimson than the sunset. The power of Shaolin's Section One (一節) Arahat Fist (羅漢拳) ruthlessly struck the bodies of the charging Honggyeons without mercy.


A dull sound, like striking a giant bell with a massive hammer. The Honggyeons, who were trying to take the lives of Shaolin monks with their attacks, were thrown back faster than they could charge, unable to even scream.

What filled the young Buddhist fists was density, not just weight. Rather than breaking, tearing, and cutting, it was a force that pushed away the enemy with a solidity as profound as the life they had preserved.

As much as the Evil Tyrant Alliance had gathered anything they could to become stronger, the history of the Evil Sect was so crude that it couldn't withstand the refined history of the Shaolin monks.

When forces collided, it wasn't about size but density overwhelming everything.

But the Honggyeons didn't obtain their reputation without merit. Even at the moment when a colossal fist like an iron rod struck their chests, the Honggyeon's blades swirled not towards the opponent's throat but towards the opponent's wrist that had pierced their own chest.


Despite the forearm that became harder than steel due to rigorous training, it couldn't completely withstand the strike of the Honggyeon's blade fueled by full power.

The price was just one wound.

Rather than satisfying themselves with cutting flesh and breaking bones (肉斬骨斷), they exposed bones and struck flesh (骨斷肉斬).

The role of a hunting dog is not to sever the prey's throat but to inflict wounds and drive it.

True to their name, the Honggyeons had no shortage of ambition in their blades.

However, no matter how skilled a hunting dog is, it can't withstand a wild tiger.

To be satisfied with inflicting just one wound was impossible, given the overwhelming strength of the adversaries they had to face.


Discipline forged within suffering, adversity, and rigorous training.

The bodies trained in the strict discipline of Shaolin monks resounded with a formidable power, encapsulating not only physical strength but also the anger towards their enemies.


The Honggyeons scattered, spewing blood.

Thousand-Year Shaolin.

Even though they had been dormant for a thousand years, once they spread their wings, they soared like a great eagle. Once they began to unleash their power, Shaolin was indeed fearsome.

As Jang Ilso's hunting dogs, not only the Evil Tyrant Alliance but even the Honggyeons, who had a notorious reputation throughout the martial world, couldn't withstand the power of the Shaolin monks.

"Press on!"


Beopjeong stepped on the ground, raising both hands.

Thousand Buddha Palms (千佛手)!!

Dozens, hundreds of hand-shaped energies emanated from him, sweeping away the approaching enemies like the thousand-armed Guanyin hand chasing away demons.

An enormous roar burst out of Peng Yeop, who blew away dozens of enemies in an instant.

"Punish the evildoers and restore the way of the law!"

Those intoxicated by the spectacle were not the Shaolin monks but Gongdong and Peng Yeop.

'Indeed, Shaolin...!'

Watching the display of power unfolding before his eyes, vice-leader Jonglihyung, shivered uncontrollably.

Strong. Overwhelmingly strong.

It was incomprehensible why they had remained silent with such strength until now.

Of course, the battle had just begun, and Shaolin's actions were merely bringing the momentum of the early stages.

But didn't they say the beginning was half the battle? Since they brought the momentum of the early battle to this huge fight, the advantages were immeasurable.

"We can't lose either! Don't entrust everything to Shaolin!"

"Yes! Sect Leader!"

Even the swordsmen of Kongtong, proud pillars of the Ten Great Sects, had pride. They couldn't let Shaolin take away all the credit.

However, there were even faster individuals here.

"Sweep them away!"

"Peng-Peng Gaju!"

Led by Peng Yeop, the Peng Family's swordsmen penetrated the enemy's flank with a momentum that seemed to be hewn from the solid rock.

If one were to judge by hostility alone, there was no place in the martial world that could match the Peng Family. Powerful strikes emanated from his massive bone structure, landing on the vital points of the enemies.


Along with the horrific sound of splitting wood, the bodies of the enemies were cleaved in half like firewood. It was a ruthless killing technique, not even sparing a moment for cruelty, unlike Shaolin's techniques.


Peng Yeop roared like a beast.

"Today, we shall grasp the title of the best under heaven! Crush them all!"

Shaolin, Peng Family, and Kongtong.

Each of these sects shook the world with just their names. Consequently, their power was truly beyond imagination.

Even the martial artists of the Myriad Man Manor, who boast a reputation greater than the Four Evils [not sure] in Gangnam, dared not oppose them and retreated helplessly.

Even though they were well aware that behind them stood Jang Ilso.

"Ugh, ugh!"

"Where do you think you're going, you Evil Sect bastards!"

Shaolin's martial arts showed no mercy to those retreating. A series of exploding air palms shattered the bodies of those stepping back. The divine fist, unleashed as if spraying, crushed even those who were beyond the reach of the fists.

It was an overwhelming display of power, an entirely one-sided development.

"Jang Ilso!"

At that moment, Beopgye roared, soaring into the air with a resounding explosion. He had spotted a man in the enemy's midst, calmly standing in the distant battlefield.


The power emanating from the extended fists seemed to fly directly towards Jang Ilso. The force was enough that a graze would crush the body!

Yet, Jang Ilso, standing right in front, did not even bat an eyelash, silently observing the powerful force hurtling towards him.


Instead of Jang Ilso, Jeokho, who was standing behind him, leaped forward.


With a deafening roar, he intercepted the power with a fierce knife strike, spewing out an even more intense vigor.

Beopgye couldn't possibly be Jang Ilso's match.

Certainly, that thought might not be wrong. However, there was undoubtedly someone here who could face Jang Ilso.


A whispered mantra resounded softly.

At that moment, Jeokho felt all the hair on his body stand on end. And then, he saw it.

In the middle of the enemy lines, a giant golden Buddha began to materialize like an illusion. It was as if a deity had descended.

Jeokho widened his eyes in disbelief.

The giant golden Buddha and the figure creating that form came into view.

"Beop, Beopjeong!"

At that moment, the golden glow emitted by the golden Buddha shape flew towards Jeokho, or more precisely, towards Jang Ilso standing behind Jeokho.


Jeokho, instead of evading, brandished his knife with all his might against the flying golden Buddha.


However, even with his powerful strike, he couldn't deflect the flying Buddha easily. At most, he managed to slightly alter its trajectory.

"Ryeonju! You must avert...!"


The golden Buddha flew towards Jang Ilso and caused a massive explosion.

"Rye, Ryeonju-nim!"

In a panic, Ho Gakmyung, who had been carefree until now, rushed towards Jang Ilso.

If he were to be hit by such an unreasonable force, even if it were Jang Ilso...!

"Ryeonju-nim! Are you alright, Ryeonju-nim!"

Ho Gakmyung, grinding his teeth, rushed through the rising dust cloud.

However, with the turbulent atmosphere on the battlefield, the wind began to blow. As the dense dust cloud dispersed, Ho Gakmyung froze in his tracks.

It wasn't because he was astonished by the incredible power of Beopjeong.

Even after witnessing the overwhelming power right in front of him, Jang Ilso remained motionless, silently observing the battlefield. His gaze, colder than the cutting wind of the Norther Sea, froze even Ho Gakmyung.

"Rye, Ryeonju..."

Jang Ilso's gaze wasn't on Shaolin, Beopgye, or even Beopjeong.

It was simply on the surging battlefield. The battlefield, where the dark flames of the Evil Tyrant Alliance leaped and danced, absorbing the blood of the fallen martial artists like a dark flower.

"They're quite..."

His red lips curled ominously.


His eyes, deeply submerged in gloom, emitted a serpent-like brilliance.