Chapter 1581: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 1)


Jonglihyung, deep in contemplation, steppedstron back and swiftly beheaded the enemy in front of him.

The sensation of the blade brushing against the enemy's neck left a lingering feeling all the way to his fingertips.

It was an emotion that shouldn't be felt as a righteous sect member, but cutting through the necks of evildoers seemed to instantly relieve the pent-up tension within him.

"Just to these lowlifes...!"

Attaching the word 'just' to the Evil Tyrant Alliance might seem audacious, but they were proving it now. The Ten Great Sects were more than capable of labeling the Evil Tyrant Alliance as such.

Watching the Evil Sect members retreat with pale faces, Jonglihyung felt a mix of satisfaction and, oddly, a surge of resentment.

"You dare to rampage like this!"

Like lightning, his nimble sword pierced through the necks of retreating enemies.


Without even uttering a proper scream, the fallen foes collapsed like rotten straw. Jonglihyung shook the blood off his sword with a rough motion.

'What have we been doing all this time!'

Indeed, the Evil Sect members they had faced so far were mostly like this—ferocious in numbers but individually insignificant.

That's why they trembled in front of him.

The moment those who only believed in numbers lost that advantage, they became nothing more than trash.

"Just this much!"

Jonglihyung's sword, filled with frustration, was shot forward towards the front. 

Having pierced through the neck of another Evil Sect member, Jonglihyung sharply aimed forward again.

'My eyes were clouded.'

Certainly, to say there was fear facing the Evil Tyrant Alliance might be an exaggeration, but the uneasy feeling was indeed there. 

There was undoubtedly justification for fearing the Evil Tyrant Alliance. However, in the moment Jonglihyung faced their true nature with his sword, he realized an undeniable truth.

Until now, not once had the Ten Great Sects faced the Evil Tyrant Alliance head-on.

Even during the dreadful Yangtze River Disaster, at Plum Blossom Island, and even in Nanjing and Sichuan, the Ten Great Sects had always been led into battle where the opponent wanted, fighting where the opponent chose.

Forcing the most formidable enemy into the most difficult situation for them to fight.

Even if they wanted to lose, creating a situation where it was difficult for them to lose and then mocking the opponent.

Certainly, it was the power of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, or rather, the strategic prowess of Jang Ilso. 

However, in other words, this meant that in a place where Jang Ilso's strategies couldn't come into play, the Evil Tyrant Alliance was nothing more than a group of thousands of Evil Sect members.


Beopjeong knew this.

Here, there were no cliffs for Jang Ilso to use, no treacherous waters to entangle with the Su Lo Chae's fleet. There were only vast fields.

Here, the Ten Great Sects' strength would fully manifest, and the Evil Sect's advantages would be nullified.

Beopjeong had understood all of this, prompting everyone to charge here, not wanting to miss this opportunity.

'If this is the case, isn't victory natural?'

Whether it was Myriad Man Manor, or Black Ghost Castle, though they seemed impressive, when looked at objectively, they were nothing more than a powerful Evil Sect or an alliance inflated with wealth.

If they could face them head-on, why fear them?

Jonglihyung tightened his grip on his sword.

He didn't want to admit it, but the fear that had lingered within him disappeared.

Now, the vacuum left by fear was filled with a sense of compensation for the time he had spent crouched down, as well as the desire for recognition and glory.

Victory was already secured.

If that were the case, which faction would receive the most praise and glory after this triumph?

Would it be Shaolin, the sect that had orchestrated all this?

'... Maybe, but perhaps not exactly.'

Jonglihyung's eyes sparkled like a bird of prey targeting its prey. If there was a clever strategy in this war, a miraculous victory born from the chaos of battle, then perhaps they could claim the most credit and glory.

However, if that wasn't the situation, the masses would surely pay attention to something else.

What everyone was most curious about.

The value that everyone could only hold in the highest regard. The most crucial thing guiding the course of war since ancient times.

Jonglihyung's burning gaze was fixed in one direction.

Behind the curtain of people unfolded in front, towards a man standing in the most magnificent robe, more dazzling than anyone else.

'The neck of Jang Ilso.'

The world would undoubtedly seek confirmation.

Which sect returned with that neck. Who cut that neck, ending this long war. Who rescued the Central Plains from the clutches of that demon.

Ten years. No, at least a hundred years, maybe even more than a thousand years later the achievement would be spoken of.

At this moment, Jonglihyung's sword was questioning him.

Asking why he would miss such a golden opportunity. What was the reason he had been honing his sword until now?

Some might call it compensation or excessive greed.



Jonglihyung's sword shot out like a beam of light. The confident tip of the sword accurately pierced the hearts of enemies, emerging precisely.

'No! Not this!'

This was neither compensation nor greed. Jang ilso had caused chaos in the world, and someone must cut his neck. This was an undeniable truth.

Who could say that Jonglihyung didn't have the qualifications for it!

Just because Shaolin led everyone to this point did not mean that only they had the right to cut Jang Ilso's neck.

On the contrary, wouldn't the one debating such qualifications here be proving their captivation by righteousness without any concern for the safety of the world? [idk lol]

Jonglihyung's eyes gradually turned red.

Wearing a crimson robe and exuding such brilliance that it was impossible to look away, the man was right there. He could be caught any moment, right there.

"Pierce through! Advance! Cut Paegun's neck!"

Jonglihyung, who had suppressed everything, began to pull up his strength as much as his inner power allowed.


A roar echoed. It was more like the sound of a drawn bowstring reaching its limit than the sound of a sword swinging.

Peng Yeop, who cut through the enemy's waist with a single stroke, gritted his teeth and stared ahead.

Victory? That wasn't enough.

More was needed. More!

A solid achievement was needed to completely secure his position. A clear achievement that would shut the mouths of elders who still watched him with suspicious eyes within the family!


Peng Yeop's older brother was extravagant. No one doubted that he had the talent to shine in the family. He was more 'Peng' than anyone else. That was Peng Yeop's brother, Peng Jaseo.

In contrast, Peng Yeop could not do that.

His innate cautious nature labeled him as 'Un-Peng.' It was not easy to change his innate disposition.

Even if he pretended to be carefree, polished his martial skills, and engaged in duels, the label of being "Un-Peng" did not easily go away.

"Darn it!"

When his brother's extravagance turned into tyranny and the elders extended their hand to Peng Yeop to escape the crisis of losing power.

Even when Peng Yeop, who had joined forces with them, pushed his brother aside and rose to the position of the head of the family.

The elders always doubted Peng Yeop, citing that he was "Un-Peng." [damn the tea]

Peng Yeop was no longer a necessary existence for them. Just a defective item that had to be used temporarily because it was needed. So, when its usefulness is over, it should return to being a useless defective item.

Perhaps they are already looking for someone to replace Peng Yeop. Someone more 'Peng-like', with that damned extravagance.

Did he regret it?

No way.

There were no regrets. Even if Peng Jaseo, whom he pushed away with his own hands and ruined, was his brother. Even if the latter was a brother who cherished Peng Yeop more than his father did, thanks to his extravagant personality.

There was no room for regret.

One who stands at the top does not know. They cannot understand the feelings of someone who can never stand on top forever. Even if they are closer than anyone else, can they fathom the feelings of someone who cannot take the final step, not even gaining the qualification to take that step?

So, he must have seen Peng Yeop with such eyes. Even at the very end, he must have sent a trusting look that Peng Yeop would never betray him.


Peng Yeop's sword swung vigorously. Instead of cutting through the enemy's body, it crushed it. Incredibly strong and unbelievably swift.

However, Peng Yeop now understood. There was something that even strength alone couldn't achieve in this world dominated by strength.

'I didn't want to become the head of the family.'

He just wanted to prove himself. That he could be the head of the Peng family. That there was a possibility of becoming a greater head than his brother.

If even one person had acknowledged him, Peng Yeop would have tried his best to never leave the position of overseeing the Peng family's records.

But there was no such person. No one acknowledged him.

So, he did not regret it. What he had to discard for proof was too significant, but he would never regret it.

'I was not wrong.'

Even if he could go back, his choice would be the same. It must be right. If his decision was wrong, everything he had done would be negated.

That was why it was rather glorious.

The leader of the enemies, the devil of Guizhou, the king of Gangnam...

No matter what words were used, Peng Yeop could not fully describe the figure of Jang Ilso he was facing.

In Peng Yeop's eyes right now, that man looked like a ripe red fruit.

It must be obtained. It must be obtained at all costs.

Then, no one will be able to deny him. Everything he had done would be justified, and it would be a decisive move for the peace of Kangho.

Even the remnants of the Peng family who were leisurely spectating from the safe capital would have to bow their heads before his brilliant achievements.


Peng Yeop's hand stretched out towards Jang Ilso standing far away.

An unquenchable thirst that couldn't be solved by anything.

The only existence that could quench it was right there.

If only he could get that neck!


A roar burst from Peng Yeop's mouth.


With a roar, he pulled up his inner strength and swung his sword.

The Evil Sect members blocking the path to Jang Ilso were instantly slaughtered.

Blood splattered like a downpour.

Normally, he would have wrinkled his nose at the disgusting sight, but Peng Yeop felt nothing now. No, at least for now, the hot and fetid blood pouring down on his face was strangely sweet and delightful.

"Kill them!"

This may be evidence that the Peng family's blood also flowed thickly in him.

"Kill them all! Do not leave a single one standing in the way! Kill them all!"

Peng Yeop moved towards the dazzling light.

The light named Jang Ilso. Towards his rightful glory.