Chapter 1582: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 2)

Something was strange.

Beopgye realized it was right at that moment.

The coordinated movements of the Peng Family and the Kongtong Sect, moving one step ahead of Shaolin, caught his eye.

Beopgye's face stiffened.

'Isn't this different from what was agreed upon?'

This was the battlefield they chose. How to fight against the Evil Tyrant Alliance was already agreed upon before reaching this place.

If Shaolin took the lead and cleared the way, Kongtong and the Peng Family would support the flanks. Thus, they would naturally forming a wedge formation to break through to the center of the enemy.

A simple but effective strategy relying on the power of the Shaolin sect.

However, in Beopgye's eyes, it was clear that things were not going as planned.

Instead of supporting Shaolin from behind as the strategy dictated, the two sects that should be blocking attacks from the sides and rear were actually advancing ahead of Shaolin.

As a result, the current formation was not the wedge shape they initially aimed for, but rather it had transformed into something resembling a trident.

"Gaju-nim! Sect Leader!"

A startled Beopgye shouted towards them. But it was of no use. In this urgent battlefield, could they relay messages and regroup effectively? It was nearly impossible to control the raging fire once it had started.

"This, this is..."

Beopgye's eyes shook. Despite trying to appear calm, he was inwardly bewildered.


Did they lose control in that short period? Or perhaps, did they also succumb to this madness?

Even the head of a family and a sect leader?

While Shaolin at the front desperately tried to control the pace and gradient, those following just had to match the speed. It shouldn't be a difficult task. But why were they here? Why!

"Don't stop, Beopgye!"

At that moment, a thunderous voice echoed in his ears. Turning around, he saw Beopjeong's deeply set eyes.


"Go forward! Nothing will change!"

Beopgye bit his lower lip. Go forward. If that was Beopjeong's command, Beopgye just had to follow.


Beopgye roared like a fierce lion.

There was no difference. Yes, nothing would change. Beopjeong clearly stated that.

But Beopgye knew deep down. The meaning behind 'nothing will change' wasn't just one.

Beopgye's face hardened fiercely.

No different.

Even Shaolin beheading Jang Ilso was just the same. The sect that would end this war was also Shaolin. So, at the end of this war, the glorious victory would be in the hands of Shaolin, and the place to establish order in the name of law would also be under the banner of Shaolin!

Nothing would change. No, it would not be allowed to change.


The symbol of the Buddhist martial arts, the Thousand Buddha Hand, unfolded with sacredness.

Even the setting sun hid, and the sky, which was quickly turning dark, was covered by the golden shape of the hand.


Countless hand shadows swept away the troublesome things blocking Beopgye in an instant.

The hand of Buddha that laid down mercy was more fearful than anything else. Enemies pressed down by the energy spewed blood from every opening as they fell.

No one could avoid losing their senses here. It was boiling with that much intensity.

However, the eyes of Beopjeong, who understood the situation, were profoundly heavy and cold. The direction his gaze was fixed upon was right in front, where Jonglihyung and Peng Yeop were cutting through the enemies as if possessed.

'How foolish.'

A brief flash of anger crossed Beopjeong's eyes.

To him, it was clear what these two were being dominated by---petty pride and a sense of inferiority. Was this war merely about being swayed by such trivial matters?


Beopjeong shouted fiercely, glaring at Jang Ilso.

Nothing would change. The situation was not so precarious that it would be shaken by minor variables.

Enduring and enduring, Beopjeong threw the noose, and the beast known as Paegun would finally be bound and its throat severed.

"Shaolin, follow me!"

Beopjeong broke the silence and began to move decisively.


"Follow Bangjang!"

Shaolin's disciples courageously followed behind Beopjeong. A golden army, like a heavenly spear, aimed for the neck of only one person.

No, it wasn't just one spear. Shaolin, Kontgong, and the Peng Family – three spears pierced through the Evil Tyrant Alliance mercilessly. The cries of the wounded beast echoed, shaking this desolate land.

"Don't stop! Faster! We must go faster! More!"

Kongtong's Sect Leader Jonglihyung shouted.

It seemed Shaolin had noticed something, and their speed increased. If they continued like this, Kongtong would inevitably fall behind, so they had to reach Jang Ilso before Shaolin exerted its full strength.



At that moment, a scream, as if tearing apart, pierced the ears. It was a sound different from what had been heard so far.

Instinctively turning his head, Jonglihyung saw one of Kongtong's disciples, dressed in uniform, collapsing while spraying blood.


Jonglihyung unconsciously shouted the disciple's name. It was an inevitable, predetermined result. Those who only move forward cannot look to the side or behind. Coveting everything is greed.

If they didn't want to spill blood, they had to stop. They had to give up what they wanted and protect their disciples.


Again, a desperate scream erupted, and Jonglihyung's face momentarily paled. It was a trace of agony.

Advance or protect.

The anguish of one who tried to grasp both incompatible choices.

Should they really stop? Here?

There was not much time for contemplation. No, it couldn't be.

Because they had seen it. The figure of Peng Yeop, the leader of the Peng Family, moving forward only, leaving behind a disciple who fell while spilling blood.

A streak of blood appeared in Jonglihyung's bloodshot eyes. He had already lost a disciple. But if they stopped now, wouldn't it be in vain, making the life of the deceased disciple meaningless?

"Sect Leader! Behind us...!"

"Move forward!"

Jonglihyung shouted without listening further. His voice was filled with wickedness to an extent that didn't suit him at all.

"Go forward! The moment you stop, everything will end! Go forward!"

The arrow released cannot stop or turn back. It only accelerates, hoping to hit the target.

At first, it might have been a small desire, but now it wasn't. The insatiable desire, like a wildfire, had begun to engulf not only Jonglihyung but also Kongtong.

Desire fire (慾火).

Those blinded by the light named Guanyin didn't know. [not sure] A blaze more intense than the light they were looking at was consuming them.

A faint tension crossed the face of Ho Gakmyung, who was watching ahead. The momentum they generated was like a storm, enough to make even Ho Gakmyung tense. The pressure was so immense that it felt like their hearts were being crushed.

'Was it to this extent?'

Perhaps they had become arrogant. Perhaps, in their ease, they had come to believe that the victories easily obtained so far would repeat in the future. Even Ho Gakmyung, who always guarded against his own arrogance, was now affected.

However, facing this situation, the power of the Ten Great Sects was beyond what Ho Gakmyung had imagined. It was fearful enough to be daunting.

The overwhelming military strength of Myriad Man Manor, created with everything he had, melted away like spring snow.

Three fiery spears rushed towards this place.


Naturally, Ho Gakmyung was concerned about Jang Ilso's feelings. Just because he was standing there casually didn't mean he was nonchalant inside.

At the moment Ho Gakmyung was about to say something to Jang Ilso...

"Ha... Haha..."

A faint laughter flowed from Jang Ilso. It was an awkward laughter, as if he had deliberately created something messy.


"Haha... Ha, hahaha!"

Eventually, Jang Ilso, who opened his mouth widely, burst into an enormous laughter. Ho Gakmyung just looked at him with widened eyes.

While Jang Ilso's laughter usually sent chills down the spine, the current madness couldn't even be compared to that.

Jang Ilso... literally seemed to have gone mad as he laughed.



At that moment, Jang Ilso reached out with his large hand and firmly grabbed the back of Ho Gakmyung's head. Then, with irresistible force, he pulled Ho Gakmyung to his side.

Fixing Ho Gakmyung's gaze towards the battlefield, Jang Ilso whispered into his ear.

"Do you see it?"

"Rye, Ryeonju-nim?"

"I mean, do you see it?"

Slightly pale, Ho Gakmyung tried to turn to look at Jang Ilso, but Jang Ilso's fingers on his head didn't allow him to move.

"Hahaha... Haha!"

"Look, Gakmyung-ah! There it is! Right there!"

Madness surged in Jang Ilso's eyes.

"Even those arrogant bastards, the ones from prestigious families who acted like kings, and the nobles who pretended to be above worldly desires – they are all rolling in the mud as if there's no trace of dignity left! With all the pretense of grandeur discarded!"

Ho Gakmyung looked at the scene spread out in front of him again. That was right. It was a slaughter. Literally, it was a slaughter.

The one who had spoken about justice was crushing people, the one who discussed principles was pulling out hearts with a sword, and the one who valued non-desire was swinging a sword with eyes boiling with desire.

What was in their eyes was neither nobility nor a sense of justice.

"Do you see this wildfire of depraved desires, Gakmyung-ah? Hahaha... Haha! Ahahaha!"

Jang Ilso laughed like a madman. As if this sight was so enjoyable that he couldn't bear it.

Even Ho Gakmyung, who had followed Jang Ilso for such a long time, felt that Jang ilso was more distant in this moment. He was simply fed up with the emotions that couldn't be expressed with the word 'madness.'

"This is what humans are! This is the beast named man! If you strip away one layer and throw something tempting in front of them, every one of them rushes forward like dogs in heat, unable to overcome their true nature!"

"Rye, Ryeonju-nim!"

"Don't turn your head and look closely!"

Jang Ilso's grip on Ho Gakmyung was so painful that his hand felt like a vice.

At that moment, Ho Gakmyung saw it.

In the thick darkness, the eyes of those who, unable to overcome their desires, glowed like the distant stars in the pitch-black sky.

It was a sight as amazing as it was disgusting.

Those who ran like rabid dogs, eager to tear apart Jang Ilso's flesh.

The world that Ho Gakmyung knew was shaken. The other side of the world revealed by those who discarded their masks was more overt and more horrific than he had known.

Was this the world Jang Ilso saw?

"Isn't it beautiful?"


Finally gaining the freedom to turn his gaze, Ho Gakmyung looked away.

The red lips curved over Jang Ilso's face, half-submerged in darkness, were as clear as a line. Those lips were like the moon, and Jang Ilso himself was like the sky.


At that moment, a voice filled with an enormous force burst out from Jang Ilso's mouth.

As if gathering the power to manipulate itself, the red cloak fluttered madly as if struck by a typhoon.

"I am right here! It's me!"

Jang Ilso took a step. Instead of retreating from the salivating creatures rushing towards him with their fangs bared, he moved forward.


Those who saw the scene screamed, shouting and roaring with madness. The mingling of voices created a terrifying noise that didn't exist in the world.

Jang Ilso, bathed in the azure desire, attracted attention. It was as if he had become a lump formed by gathering desires.

"Hahaha! Ahahaha!"

Jang Ilso laughed, with tears forming in his gleaming eyes from how much he laughed.

The darkness had almost completely descended. Jang Ilso, who had been quietly observing the scene, breathed a long breath and spoke differently than before.

"Yes. It's this pathetic."

It was just a monologue, words that no one could hear.

But it was undoubtedly a message meant for someone.

"To this extent...."

Eventually, flames as blue as a clear sky bloomed in Jang Ilso's two hands.

With those flames symbolizing him and the azure flame sword, Jang Ilso looked down at the creatures rushing toward him.

"And I am no different, just a human."

The chilly glow in his eyes was as intense as the flames in both hands. At the same time, the blue flames in his hands swelled violently.

The red cloak and the blue flame steel created a strange and unique harmony that couldn't be seen anywhere in the world.

"So let's struggle together right here."

Jang Ilso, who smiled, ran towards those rushing towards him, his cloak fluttering.


At this unexpected action, Ho Gakmyung screamed.

However, his scream was drowned out by the wild laughter bursting out from Jang Ilso's mouth.

As the twilight that had stained the western sky was finally completely swallowed by darkness, only the moon above shed its light.