Chapter 1583: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 3)

Ta-tat! Tadadat!

Tiny feet relentlessly pounded the ground without pause.


As suggested by its name, White Lightning Baek-Ah raced across the earth at an incredible speed. Soaring over rocks, gracefully avoiding obstacles in its path, never stopping.


And behind, a few disciples followed.

Yoo Iseol, running with an expressionless face, Chung Myung with a hardened look, and Jin Geumryong and Lee Songbaek, both showing signs of exertion.

"Wait, just a moment...."

Lee Song Baek's face was flushed with sweat. While gazing at the backs of those running ahead, his mouth continued to release heavy breaths.

His heart felt like it would burst and his legs were numb. Even in normal conditions, this pace would be strenuous. It was unreasonable to maintain such a speed with an injured body.

Although Chung Myung did mention that he would leave him behind if he fell behind, he never expected to run with all his might.


He couldn't help but question. Why was he so urgent?

Yes, the situation was urgent, but wasn't the outcome of the battle certain, given the information received?

Even if the Myriad Man Manor and the Black Ghost Castle were strong, the opponents were Shaolin, the Peng Family, and Kongtong. Judging solely on strength, the defeat of the Ten Great Sects was unthinkable.

Moreover, the northern land where they clashed was a vast plain. In a place where there were no geographical features that Jang Ilso could take advantage of, wouldn't victory or defeat be even more certain?

'So why go in such a hurry?'

What could be happening to warrant such urgency?


The moment he stretched out his hands to call Chung Myung, someone struck him forcefully.


It was Jin Geumryong.

Despite looking exhausted, he had an intense glare in his eyes, unlike Lee Songbaek.

"If you're going to whine, just crawl!"


"We are the Southern Edge Sect."

At the sharp words, Lee Songbaek bit his lips tightly.

It was a valid point. If only Chung Myung were there, one might not know, but Hye Yeon and Yoo Iseol, who fought alongside them, were also running.

Excuses about injuries were just pitiful.

"Even if I have to die, I will follow."

"Shut your mouth and run!"


Lee Song Baek's face regained a firm resolution.

Chung Myung, who usually gave them a few glances when they struggled, now kept his gaze fixed only ahead.


Chung Myung bit his lip tightly, cursing silently inside.

'You idiot!'

He expected Beopjeong not to remain silent this time either. However, he didn't think he would dash urgently without even looking back.


At that moment, Hye Yeon's serious voice brushed his ears.

"I tried not to ask..."

Even after speaking, Hye Yeon hesitated. Was it because it was embarrassing, or was it because he was afraid to hear the answer?

"... What will be the outcome of the battle?"

It was a voice that seemed twisted and barely pulled out. Chung Myung's face became even more rigid.

"But still, in terms of power... certainly, the Ten Great Sects have..."

"War is not fought based solely on power."

A cold and serious voice flowed from Chung Myung's lips.

Hye Yeon tightly closed his eyes.

It was a fact he already knew. Why wouldn't he know?

If every war in the world were decided solely by the power it possessed, then the Heavenly Comrade Alliance should never have won a single victory until now.

Power was just one factor that determined the outcome of a battle.

"Well then...."

"I'll go first."



At that moment, Chung Myung turned into a beam of light and surged forward.



Yoo Iseol and Baek-Ah called out in surprise, but Chung Myung, turning into a black silhouette, dashed forward without looking back.


His front teeth dug into his lower lip.

'The Evil Tyrant Alliance at a disadvantage?'

In terms of power, yes. Even more so if they clash in such a place, victory seemed unlikely.

'Did that crazy guy not know?'

Even if people thought of him as a devil running wild in madness, the truth was that Jang Ilso was a calm hunter who remained silent for years to seize the right moment.

That guy moved? And to unfavorable territory?

There must be something. Something unimaginable to Chung Myung and Beopjeong.

'Damn it, that bastard!'

Beopjeong must have known clearly, but blinded by some sense of justice, he walked into the trap with his own legs.



Relying on his inner strength, he rushed forward toward the land in the west where ominous black clouds were billowing.

* * *


It felt like his heart was going to burst.

Hot blood poured from all directions, and the sound of life being cut off rang in my ears.

Was his breath getting faster because of the depleting inner strength? Or was it because of his pounding heart? Or maybe it was because of his head, which felt like it was about to burst?


A fierce strike through the air severed another person's neck.

Countless times in his life, he had heard that a person's life was more precious than anything. Something heavy and invaluable.

But at least not here. There were no laws like the ones e knew in this place. There was only one absolute law here – if you didn't kill, you die.

"Hoo! Hooo!"

Turning his blood-stained eyes, he searched for the next prey.

The more he dyed his sword red with the enemy's blood, the greater the glory to be received in return. One could only continue to search for sacrificial lambs to add an extra drop to that glory.

The insane glint in the eyes stopped at that moment.


It was an unbelievable sight.

The one who had long pushed everyone into the pit of despair. And now, he became the purpose of this mad battlefield.

The leader of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, Jang Ilso.

He was rushing towards this place. Holding the blue flame of his unique martial art, Murderous Azure Flame, in both hands.

At first, they denied it. Then they doubted it.

But the moment all suspicions were dispelled, the blood of everyone watching that scene began to boil hotter than ever.

There he was. The one who would bestow irreplaceable glory just by cutting a throat!

"....Jang Ilso."

A voice, like a whimper, spread across the battlefield. Amidst the horrific noise around, it resonated remarkably clear.

"Jang Ilsooooo!"

Soon, that sound turned into a scream.

Those who harbored hatred, those who held grudges, those consumed by greed, those intoxicated by burning justice, those who accepted absurd superiority....

All of them started moving towards Jang Ilso as if they were yearning. Pushing aside those entwined with them, dragging and pulling them.

"What, what are they doing?"

The flow of the battlefield changed drastically.

It was so severe that even Jonglihyung, who was at the forefront, couldn't help but be bewildered. The disciples who faithfully followed him began to leap around like moths attracted to fire, making it impossible for him not to be confused.

"Calm down! What the hell... calm down!"

Although Jonglihyung shouted urgently, it was already too late. In the chaotic battlefield, his voice was buried without a trace. To the point where even the sound of his own cries was barely audible in his ears.


Jonglihyung grabbed the shoulder of a disciple attempting to rush forward and shook him.

However, he only had two hands. He couldn't stop all the disciples in this way.

He stared blankly at the disciple's flushed face as he ran past. No, it even looked like he was heavily intoxicated.

Jonglihyung gradually fell into contemplation.

"This, this is..."

No one was listening. Communication was impossible.

"Don't destroy the formation!"

He anxiously looked around while cursing.

And then, he realized.

The shared formation originally took the form of arrows to pierce through the enemy. In this situation, however, there was no way his orders would reach all of them, and the formation itself was already far away.

When did it get twisted like this? When he moved forward? When he didn't look back?

For a moment, a creepy sensation ran through his spine as his bones felt numb. But the momentary chill was soon blown away by the distant cries.

"Cut his throat! At best, he's just an Evil Sect member!"

"Move! I'll do it!"


Jonglihyung's mouth slowly opened.

He was sure. He could also cut Jang Ilso's throat, not just Beopjeong.

But that meant, others could also target Jang Ilso, ignoring his orders. Just like Jonglihyung had previously destroyed the agreed formation, others could ignore his orders and aim for Jang Ilso.

Everyone, like Jonglihyung... because they were humans.

People who willingly put their lives on the line for the slightest reputation. Could they withstand such intense temptation?

"Don't, don't get caught up in this trickery!"

Jonglihyung was now directing his anger towards his disciples.

Of course, it went unheard.

Everyone saw it, and heard it. The Sect Leader had already broken the agreed terms and succumbed to desire.

Only once. A chance that would not come twice in a lifetime.

Originally, they would never have been given it, and should not have been given such an opportunity.

If it weren't for this situation, they would have lived knowing their limits, avoiding their own subjects.

But now?

The opponent was just a bunch of inferior Evil Sect bastards who are not worth mentioning.

Then, wouldn't it be possible for anyone, even if the Sect Leader, to reach Jang Ilso? Carve wounds into his body during a moment of distraction and even cut his throat?

It was an achievement and glory beyond imagination, enough to blind one's eyes just by thinking about it.

Was there a law that mandated only sect leaders could seize this opportunity?

It kept flashing in front of their eyes. The crimson robe, the flickering flames.

The eyes of moths that have gone blind do not see any other sight. Only the vividly sparkling crimson robe and another competitor advancing towards him can be seen.

"I, I also...!"

"It's me! I'll do it!"

"Move aside!"


Jang Ilso's loud laughter further fueled that burning desire. It made it burn hotter and more intensely.

"Jang Ilsooooo!"

This was not something that only happened in the Kongtong Sect.

"Didn't I tell you to stop!"

Peng Yeop also couldn't control the Peng Family disciples who lost reason, leaping around wildly.

The Hebei Peng Family, claiming to surpass the Evil Sect in the pursuit of martial virtue. [idk, idc] Their eyes were filled with madness. It was an insatiable desire even for themselves. Controlling them with the weak authority of a powerless family head was impossible.

The formation of those who were advancing in the form of a wedge suddenly twisted on its own. The spearheads that were piercing through the staggering enemies split into dozens of strands, entangling into an indescribable form.

Through the chaos, the blade of someone who broke through finally soared towards Jang Ilso.

"I'll... cut your throat!"


It was a speed that was impossible to react to. The sharp sword of a sword technique aimed directly at Jang Ilso's white throat.


However, at that moment, the head of the person who threw the sword exploded. Brain matter and red blood erupted like fireworks.


For a moment, the surroundings fell silent.

Everyone witnessed it clearly. Jang Ilso, who effortlessly pushed someone into death, had a frowning expression on his face. He murmured.

"It hurts."

Then, he extended his palm. A shallow wound had been inflicted while blocking the opponent's blade.

With a soft sound, a droplet of blood fell to the ground along his white fingers. Jang Ilso slowly raised his hand, observed the injury, and licked the flowing blood with his tongue. It was a truly intimidating and eerie sight.

However, the single thought that crossed everyone's mind was one.

He sheds blood. He gets wounded.

Even with the ordinary martial arts of the Peng Family, it seemed the giant could bleed. Did this mean that their swordsmanship, their martial arts, could penetrate the giant's throat?


A tempest, incomparable to what had occurred before, began to surge. 

"Stay calm! This foolish—"

"Sect Leader!"

At that moment, someone pulled Jonglihyung's shoulder abruptly. It was an elder of the Kongtong Sect.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see right now—"

"Don't say foolish things! What do you mean by staying calm! Do you think the Peng Family and SHaolin will stay still while we calm down?"

Jonglihyung's eyes shook in alarm.

"Go now, immediately! The man's throat must be cut by our Kongtong! We should not yield to anyone!"

In the midst of Jonglihyung desperately trying to calm the Kongtong Sect, the martial artists of the Peng Family and Shaolin were advancing towards that Jang Ilso.

"Oh, no. At this rate, formation—"

"This is frustrating!"

Eventually, an elder, unable to bear the restlessness, burst into anger.

"What does that have to do with anything! This is ultimately a war to cut that man's throat! Even if everyone dies, if that man is killed, it's a victory! Even if everyone survives, if that man lives, the war is lost!"

"I, I..."

"Get out of the way! I'll go myself!"

The elder pushed Jonglihyung aside and rushed forward. Jonglihyung just stared blankly at the scene.

"Uwaaaa! Jang Ilso!"


Dozens of swords, hundreds of knives flew towards Jang Ilso. Jang Ilso laughed.

"Like this, like this."

And at that moment,


The blue flames surrounding Jang Ilso's body fiercely swept through, sweeping away those who were pouring towards him.

Like a blue flame, it seemed, but it was ultimately condensed internal energy. The swept individuals turned into a meat wall and bounced off wildly.

"It's not enough."


Jang Ilso, with a twisted smile, raised his hand towards the frozen face of the one who had been caught in front of him.


It seemed as if a red flower was blooming in his hand.

"Don't worry."

Sinister gleams filled Jang Ilso's eyes.

"I will make this throat more valuable. Just as you wish."

With fluttering crimson robes, Jang Ilso leaped forward again.

A loud laughter echoed through the battlefield.

Here and there, red flowers began to bloom vividly. Flowers nurtured by blood and desire, greedy and covetous.