Chapter 1584: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 4)



Heads bursted in succession.

The flowing blue flames were more dangerous than they appeared, and the sensations felt were more lethal than expected.

Swaying in a direction beyond expectation, it cut through everything in its path and twisted every body within its range as if it were alive.

Murderous Azure Flame. Jang Ilso's unique martial art. 

Like the grand martial arts displayed by Jang Ilso in countless battles, [not sure] the true power of Murderous Azure Flame was fully demonstrated when surrounded by enemies in the middle of the battlefield.


The flowing flames deflected the sword flying towards them. Simultaneously, it plunged mercilessly into the opponent's chest, just like the claws of an evil dragon.


The chest was completely torn open, and the merciless flames even crushed the back of the head of the collapsing individual.


The flames spread out in waves, as if dancing in delight.

"Jang Ilsoooo!" 

A lightning-fast sword extended towards Jang Ilso's face. Yet, Jang Ilso casually tilted his head back and took a step forward.


A large hand grabbed the face of the one who swung the sword.


Followed by an enormous force. In the agony of a contorted face, the Kongtong swordsman grabbed Jang Ilso's wrist and collapsed.

"Cough... cough..." 



Jang Ilso, speaking kindly, completely crushed the person's face.

"To those stronger than me." 


The end of Jang Ilso's sleeve fluttered. The neck of the person rushing towards him was cleanly severed by the end of that sleeve.


The scattered blood created a dense mist of blood around Jang Ilso. It was a cruel scene that was hard to believe in this world.

"Don't charge head-on." 

In the red and thick mist, Jang Ilso smiled mischievously.


With his feet firmly planted on the ground, he descended into the midst of those rushing towards him. His long robe fluttered like the wings of a red butterfly.


Like lightning, his fist reached the chest of a Peng disciple, who swung his sword wildly. His blood-soaked fist protruded from the back, but before the Peng disciple could die, Jang Ilso whispered into his ear.

"Well...Did that hurt?" 


Perhaps Jang Ilso was somewhat merciful. With a sweeping wave, his arm pierced the Peng disciple's body, splitting it in two and completely cutting off his breath.

Hot blood once again scattered into the air.


But the crazed swords aiming for him showed no sign of losing momentum, as if the imminent death in front of them did not deter them.

Instead, five swords, fully powered, flew towards Jang Ilso simultaneously.

Kakang! Kakagang!

The swords that flew toward Jang Ilso's wrist, or more precisely, the adorned wristguard, clashed and bounced off. His tightly muscled forearm, twice as thick as the attacker's, easily blocked the large blades.


However, the Peng Family's swordsmen and the Kongtong swordsmen did not retreat. Retreating was not an option when the figure of Jang Ilso in front was shining so brilliantly. Like an overripe fruit at the cusp of falling at any moment.

Like madmen who had lost their sanity, dozens of martial artists rushed towards Jang Ilso, roaring.

The corners of Jang Ilso's mouth twisted cruelly.

"Not enough."


At that moment, dozens of threads of light radiated from his fingertips.



The impact of something piercing through and twisting as it went out. The person with pierced head died on the spot, and the one with a pierced body screamed in unbearable pain.

Something that had penetrated the body spun fiercely, twisting and turning everything inside.


Finally, what came out after piercing through the body bounced off the rocks on the ground, soaring into the air. Looking at the sparkling rings wrapped in blood and flesh, everyone momentarily lost their minds.

"That's about it!" [?]


Shouting loudly, Jang Ilso swung his hand horizontally.

From the long fingernail tips, sturdy claws like the talons of a young devil emerged. In agony, he easily split the bodies of those writhing in pain.

Flesh burst, and red blood poured out. Jang Ilso, who had completely turned his body into a canvas of blatant slaughter and death, exploded with laughter as if he couldn't contain his madness.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Like slaughtered piglets! Ahahaha! More! Come on! Hurry!"

An unusual martial art that no one could have imagined.

Cruelty that never spared the opponent's life.

Laughter mixed with mockery pouring out one after another.

With a twisted expression, Jang Ilso did not allow anyone to divert their gaze from him. Those who caught a glimpse of him had only two choices.

To die with his madness in their eyes or to break that madness that kept sticking to them with their own hands.

The blades of a Peng Family man, infected by Jang Ilso's madness, fell towards Jang Ilso. No, perhaps what stuck in his eyes was fear.

The fear one feels when faced with an abyss with no end after encountering someone who can never escape, who can only move forward. That darkness.


The Peng Family member roared, spasmodically swinging his sword.

Kaang! Ssuk!

However, an unexpected result occurred.

His sword, instead of hitting the accessories on Jang Ilso's arm, stuck into his arm. Of course, it only resulted in a superficial wound at best. However, it did cause a visible deep cut on Jang Ilso's body and made red blood flow.

"Ah... Ah?"


The sword that had been stuck in his arm quickly broke to pieces with a sharp metal sound. The broken sword's blade was embedded directly in the throat of the man.

The death under Jang Ilso's hand was not much different from the others who died under his hand, but at the same time, it was clearly a different death.

This blow was vividly imprinted in the eyes of everyone here.

If they had the Peng (彭) clan name, they would remember the name of the one who inflicted a big wound on Jang Ilso's body. This was the essence of honor!

In the midst of slowly sinking into gloomy despair, flames once again surged in the hearts of those present.


Those who raised their courage... no, desires, charged at Jang Ilso with their eyes flipped.

Swords and swords, and more swords. Blades upon blades, and countless daggers; their youthfulness tainted by nothing but malice. A malice so distant from the righteous sects, relentlessly echoing, thick and sinister.

"That's right."

Jang Ilso looked at the offspring of malice flying towards him with a twisted face. With a face full of endless delight and disgust.

"This is what it is."


As he stomped, the accessories that had been kicked away came flying back simultaneously. Piercing through the bodies of those rushing to attack him like thread through paper.


Holes the size of fists appeared in their bodies. A terrible scream echoed. Blood bursting out like fireworks splattered on Jang Ilso's white face.


Some, filled with venom and even trembling in agony, did not give up. A flying sword slashed across Jang Ilso's cheek, and a large blade tore a piece of his shoulder.

But Jang Ilso did not show the slightest sign of pain. He just smiled with a face full of mad ecstasy.

Those who fell while rushing, those who cowered in pain, and those who were swept away without even remembering what they were doing—all of them tangled together, pushing towards Jang Ilso.


Jang Ilso burst into laughter.

This was the renowned righteous sect that had criticized and mocked Jang Ilso so much. The noble gentlemen sitting high above, mocking the struggles of the world.


Jang Ilso's hand grabbed the twisted face of an enemy.

Why, one might wonder?

The reason they were able to look down on everyone so arrogantly was simply because they already had what everyone wanted.

If they, too, were to have desires, they would be no different from the dirty scavengers of the mundane world.


From the end of Jang Ilso's horizontally drawn sleeve, a fiercely sharp energy erupted. The sleeve that straightened the world in a fair manner cut through those surrounding him in half.

Even in the midst of it all, Jang Ilso watched closely.

Eyes that were boiling with hatred turned into helpless despair. The eyes of those who refused to admit that they could only flounder and die here. The eyes of those freezing with their forgotten purpose.

Resentment, emptiness, fear, sadness—various emotions mixed into each gaze.

But in a corner of all those gazes, there was still an unyielding desire.

Jang Ilso had seen it countless times, and he would probably continue to see it. As long as he lived, what he saw would likely never change.

The space emptied by numerous fallen bodies was stepped on by the red silk shoes. The foot stepped on a cooled, hardened cheek.

It was just a step forward.

But others could read everything in that one step. The cruelty of treating the dead as mere chunks of meat, the cold-heartedness that loses interest in what had already cooled down, and even the leisure of a predator.

"Why are you like this?"

Jang Ilso slowly raised his hand.

Blood from his wounds mixed with the blood of others flowed down. As he stroked his cheek with his fingers, the red traces blurred.

Looking at those who had hesitated, Jang Ilso laughed like a ghost. Then he whispered,

"I'm here. Come on, kill me quickly. Get what you want."

At that moment.


Entangled figures were strewn across the ground as over a dozen black shadows shot up. In that moment, Jang Ilso's eyes widened. It was a different sensation. They were not the mediocre opponents he had faced so far.


Crimson blades and shimmering sword energy fiercely surged towards Jang Ilso.

Jang Ilso quickly evaded instead of directly confronting the attackers.

Kwagagagak! Kwak!

The unleashed energy ruthlessly tore through the ground Jang Ilso had stepped on, and the fallen bodies were cruelly swept away.


Jang Ilso's eyes momentarily sparkled.


The rings that had been recovered once again flew through the air.

Kaang! Kaaang! Kaang!

However, this time the opponents were not caught off guard. The elites of the Kongtong Sect and Peng Family had anticipated the rings and deflected them.

But the elders of Kongtong wielding swords were pushed back by the aftermath. It couldn't be helped, as their swords were lighter.

Thanks to that, the Peng Family's elite warriors, who had captured the initiative, rushed towards Jang Ilso like tigers.

At the very moment when Jang Ilso's eyes emitted a blue radiance!


Suddenly, Jang Ilso's body was thrown backward.


"What... what?"

The elite warriors of the Peng Family, who were rushing forward, were perplexed and stopped in their tracks.

What appeared after the sudden shock was a golden power.

The speed at which it flew was so fast that made it seem as if Jang Ilso had been sent flying alone, a unique aura of the Shaolin's powerful force.


A thunderous roar, shaking the earth and sky, erupted.

Eventually, a figure descended slowly to the place where Jang Ilso had stood.

"Ba... Bangjang!"


Even those who were retreating in fear and those who were seizing the opportunity were surprised and stared at Bangjang.

However, Bangjang did not spare them a glance and only observed the fallen Jang Ilso. His gaze was heavy and dark.

"Paegun, please stop your hands."

It was an extremely awkward scene.

With corpses and weapons entangled, and Jang Ilso lying on the ground soaked in blood. It really didn't match at all.


Soon, a disappointed voice emanated from Jang Ilso's mouth.

He slowly got up from the ground, dragging one leg, and sat down. In a sluggish posture, he opened his mouth while looking at Bangjang in front of him.


A trickle of blood flowed from the corner of Jang Ilso's mouth.

"My dignity is tarnished, huh?"

A glint flashed in Jang Ilso's eyes.

Beopjeong, the leader of Shaolin.

Jang Ilso, the leader of the Myriad Man Manor.

The two collided properly on the blood-stained ground.