Chapter 1588: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 8)


The clash of two energies swept through, leaving chaos in its wake. It was a battle of giants dominating the era.

Yet, those standing on the battlefield had no mental capacity to focus there.


The extended sword pierced someone's heart.


"This damn son of a dog!"

Someone who had shared hardships for decades fell to tragedy. Swords tainted by murderous intent flew from all directions, turning the enemy into a hedgehog.

Kwaduk! Kwaduk! Kwaduk!

Those impaled by dozens of swords collapsed, spewing blood. There was no time for even the slightest mourning for these countless tragic deaths on this land.



The attacking Evil Sect members were repelled, blood spraying from their bodies. The martial arts of Shaolin were truly renowned. They faced armed opponents barehanded, showing no signs of retreat.

However, that didn't mean Shaolin's situation was favorable.


"Huhahaha! Even skilled Shaolin monks can be stabbed!"

"Step back!"


A Shaolin monk, allowing an attack, swung a bamboo pole, smashing the Myriad Man Manor opponent. Then, attempting to shake off the pain, he tried to wield his staff, but his injured shoulder didn't obey, and he staggered.

Seeing this, a Beopgye shouted orders.

"Raise your inner power and resist the poison!"

"Yes, Elder!"

He bit his lips tightly.

'Not good.'

Shaolin disciples bleeding on the ground were visible everywhere, their figures even seen through the hazy dust.

'It shouldn't have come to this. Certainly, it shouldn't have...'

Of course, no war can be won without sacrifices. Sacrifices must be accepted for victory.

But such a huge sacrifice was beyond expectation.


A horrendous scream echoed from somewhere, causing Beopgye's hand to tremble.


It was too much. They could have surrounded and attacked the enemies slowly.

However, the enemy's strength wasn't as formidable as expected, and the uncertainty of when Jang Ilso might escape made everyone forget to look back.

And now, everyone was paying the price.



Jang Ilso's loyal hounds tore into Shaolin's disciples. Ignoring the front where elders and Beopgye were stationed, they attacked the clearly lagging rear. Like hungry beasts hunting a group, they rushed forward.

"Sahyung! The losses are too great! We need to retreat now!"

A junior disciple's desperate cry made Beopgye's eyes shake. Losses too great? Of course, Beopgye understood that keenly.

But he couldn't move.

"Hold on!"


"We have to hold our ground!"

The formation now looked like a long, helpless line.

The so-called wedge formation displayed its immense power when piercing through the opponent, but once the charge stopped, it became fully exposed to the attackers surrounding from all sides.

In other words, it was a formation with no rear guard.

If you ask whether they failed, the answer was no. They succeeded in pushing back the enemies and sending Beopjeong to Jang Ilso. 

The problem was what came next.

A situation where three snakes were surrounded by a cloud of rats.

No matter how strong the snakes were, there was no way to shake off the other rats who were tearing their bodies apart while the rats in front died.

As sharp as the snake's fangs were biting into the rats, the rats' teeth were also gnawing on the snake's tail.

"The rear! The disciples at the rear are collapsing, Sahyung!"

"I know!"

Beopjeong shouted sharply and gritted his teeth.

The situation had changed too much from what was initially thought...

'Now we can't retreat!'

If they retreated from here to save those under attack from the rear, the Beopjeong would be in danger.

Only the righteous sects were fixated on the situation of the leaders. Those dirty Evil Sect bastards, given the chance, would rush in and kill the Beopjeong and save Jang Ilso.

'That's as good as losing everything.'

The pressure from those not too far away had been felt distinctly since earlier.

In particular, the unit leaders who had been guarding Jang Ilso from the beginning were not to be underestimated.

If only two of those people joined the battle, Beopjeong's survival couldn't be guaranteed. Beopgye couldn't move a step from this position.

"Hold on! Hold on no matter what!"


"Bangjang will soon defeat that evildoer! Then it will be over! Just hold on until then!"

Some of those who heard Beopgye's roar had despair in their eyes.

They couldn't fight for or help those falling to screams from the rear. Who on earth unleashed such hell?

Beopgye's eyes were bloodshot as he surveyed the battlefield.

The sacrifice was undoubtedly great. But that was just a sacrifice. Victory hadn't been lost yet. The power was still on their side. When Jang Ilso fell, everything would flow again as they planned.

"Bangjang! Bangjang will definitely do it!"

He knew. How great a person the Beopjeong was!

He had watched him all his life, so he couldn't not know.

He believed. He believed.

Beopjeong would definitely defeat Jang Ilso and bring all glory to Shaolin.

So they couldn't retreat yet...

That moment came.

"Sah, Sahyung!"

"Haven't I told you to hold on longer? Can't you hear me?"

"It's not that, Sahyung! Look there! Please look!"


Beopjeong turned sharply towards where the disciple was pointing.

Eventually, his eyes, not very big, widened as if they would tear.

* * *


Hands clasped together.

The hand of the Beopjeong, filled with terrifying inner power, reached out like a roaring dragon to grab the remaining hand of Jang Ilso.

But Jang Ilso cleverly dodged the Beopjeong's hand as if it were a loach.


Beopjeong's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Jang Ilso chuckled at his reaction.

"Hmm. You seem impatient? Tsk, tsk. If you're a monk, you should be more patient, shouldn't you?"

"Shut up!"

Three waves of Beopjeong's energy surged towards Jang Ilso's head. Swift and intense, the merciless energy was filled with the determination to burst Jang Ilso's head.

Pap! Pap! Pap!

Jang Ilso tilted his head to evade the three bullets unleashed by Beopjeong.

Of course, given the excessively close distance, perfect evasion was difficult. The powerful energy grazed dangerously close, splitting the upper part of his ear and causing blood to flow.

Beopjeong tightly bit his lower lip.


The situation was clearly precarious Jang Ilso. Despite some advances, it was clear who had the upper hand.

That man, who had gone through numerous fights, wouldn't be unaware of this. Yet, where did his sense of leisure come from? Was it a statement of not clinging to life with a profound understanding of life and death?

No, that couldn't be it.

Beopjeong clearly saw it in the eyes of Jang Ilso. The eyes of Jang Ilso, like a demon, glowed. Those two eyes were filled with intense desire and a strong attachment to life!

Jang Ilso was someone who clung to life more than anyone else. Yet, how could he still show such calmness in this situation? Even as the end was becoming clear.

Beopjeong would never let go of Jang Ilso, nor would he let him survive. No matter what happened, Beopjeong would ensure it. Jang Ilso probably knew this fact as well. So, it might just be the desperate resistance of someone cornered.

However, more than his extraordinary power or his incredibly formidable body, his unfathomable composure made Beopjeong a little nervous.


Internal energy unfolded in the distance reachable by an outstretched hand.

Abandoning its original power entirely, a divine fist unleashed with perfect speed pierced through the blazing blue flames and exploded in Jang Ilso's chest.


Jang Ilso spewed blood from his mouth as he was pushed backward. His body leaned back in shock.


As if vowing not to miss the once-seized advantage, Beopjeong surged forward again towards Jang Ilso.

All he had to do was bring him down. If he brought down Jang Ilso, everything would be over!

Then he could finally obtain it. He could recover everything he had lost.

All the glory that should have rightfully been in his hands, the honor that he should have brought to Shaolin by hanging the name of Shaolin once again on the Northern Dipper.

Only Jang Ilso! If he could bring down Jang Ilso!


It ignited. The blue flames. Everything poured out by Beopjeong burned fiercely, solely making it burn roughly. Everything looked infinitely brilliant in Beopjeong's eyes.


The flaming shape of formidable energy extended and crushed Beopjeong's shoulder, gouging the ankle that was stepping forward. But Beopjeong's eyes were only fixed on Jang Ilso, entwined in those flames.


Beopjeong's fist fiercely reached out.

It was a simple jab that could hardly be called a martial skill. It was imbued with processed inner power, yet it was nothing more than a punch that no theory of Shaolin martial arts could contain.

And in that moment.


As if using all his strength, Jang Ilso, who had been swaying, suddenly grabbed Beopjeong's fist. With a power clearly different from before.


Beopjeong widened his eyes.

Eventually, Jang Ilso's head, which had been leaning back considerably, slowly returned to its original position.

A sinister energy ran down Beopjeong's spine.

Inadvertently, Beopjeong's shoulders shrank.

Jang Ilso's two eyes were cold and sunken, devoid of any warmth. Like the eyes of a predator searching for prey in the bushes, hiding its breath in wait. The greedy and intense gaze that had been simmering until now seemed entirely deceptive



In an instant, a soft exhalation penetrated his ears. A chill ran down Beopjeong's back.


Jang Ilso, who had been staring transparently at Beopjeong, slowly raised the corners of his mouth. A bright smile emerged on his expressionless face.

"You did better than expected."

Although he was speaking towards Beopjeong, Jang Ilso's gaze was directed beyond Beopjeong, to somewhere still far from this place.

Unbeknownst to himself, Beopjeong turned his gaze towards where Jang Ilso was looking.

After a moment, Beopjeong's mouth gradually opened.

In the dark plain of the night, in the middle of the desert, a massive dust cloud was approaching.

The intention behind it was clear and vivid.

Amidst the rapidly approaching dust cloud, a large group revealed itself.

Beopjeong's well-trained inner power perfectly discerned their identities even in this darkness.

"Hao Sect...!"

The Hao Sect, who had not revealed himself until now, had entered the battlefield at this very moment. Suddenly, Beopjeong ground his teeth. Even if he knew, it was still a painful truth.

However, it was too early to conclude that the situation had worsened. Even if they joined the battle, the advantage still belonged to them.

"Another group is coming!"

At that moment, an unbelievable shout reached Beopjeong's ears.

'Another? Another, you say?'

What in the world...?

Beopjeong's gaze reflexively turned to the opposite side. It wasn't the western direction where the Hao Sect was advancing; instead, it was the eastern direction. And then, he was confronted with an unimaginable sight.

In the deep night, a shape resembling a giant sun suddenly rose above the horizon.

No, it wasn't the sun. It was a huge flag embroidered with a blazing red sun.

"Sun... Sun?"

There was only one martial arts sect that considered this sun as their symbol.

'Southern Sea Sun Palace!'

Without a doubt, that flag belonged to the Southern Sea Sun Palace. One of the Outer Palaces that had never interfered in the world had now revealed themselves on this battlefield.

Why were they here? Why were they, who should be far away, here? Were they enemies or allies?

Beopjeong felt a chill running down his spine.

Only then did it become clear. The formations were in disarray, making it difficult to exert their power properly. And the armies forces of the Hao Sect and the the Sun Palace charging in, surrounding them.

Even Beopjeong himself had come forward, lured by Jang Ilso.

He sensed his bone marrow turning cold. Now it all became clear. He, like a moth rushing into the flames without knowing, had unintentionally set everything on fire.

In no time, that blue flame was not only consuming him but everyone.

Before Beopjeong could completely despair, Jang Ilso spoke. A whispering voice pierced Beopjeong's ears eerily.

"Isn't it fun?"

When Beopjeong turned around, Jang Ilso was laughing even more intensely than before. Like a devil burning brightly in the darkness.

"You should smile. Don't just harbor anger like that, huh? Hahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!"

The laughter cut into Beopjeong's heart like a sharpened knife. The distorted flames bizarrely burned, engulfing everyone, including Beopjeong himself.

Fueling by an endless madness and desire.