Chapter 1589: So, Who Exactly Are You Talking About? (Part 9)

As he ran through the darkness, the eyes of Dam Yeohae (譚與海) emitted a bright blue light.

As if his throat was burning or as if he felt an insatiable appetite, he licked his dry lips continuously.

Some may find it vulgar.

However, anyone witnessing the perfect situation unfolding before their eyes would feel such thirst.


Did he really know? When exactly the reinforcements of the Evil Tyrant Alliance would arrive? From which direction would they charge?

It was unlikely.

But the unbelievable was happening right now. Jang Ilso, as if giving orders right next to them, had created the most perfect situation for the Hao Sect to rampage.

A large enemy with limbs severed writhed in pain. Right now, they could open the abdomen and feast on the warm entrails.



Internal energy wrapped around Dam Yeohae's hands.

'Since when?'

The one whom they thought was just a madman, but now couldn't even be called that, began to draw this big picture.

'How long has he waited?'

Without any doubt, this was the time to plunge the sharp sword called 'Sunbow' into the backs of the charging enemies!

Conquering Yunnan and Sichuan was for this move. To hide this last move until the end that would fall like a thunderbolt into Hubei!

Could they even fathom this giant and wicked picture?

"Destroy them all! Show the power of the South Sea to those arrogant Central Plains bastards!"

A scream that could shatter eardrums echoed.

Although the term 'Central Plains bastards' was somewhat irritating, it didn't matter. That voice, filled with inner energy, would instill even greater fear in the enemies.

And one of those words actually pleased him.


The internal energy wrapped around Dam Yeohae's hands began to surge like a storm. Dam Yeohae, whose veins were exposed to the point of peeling off his face, struck with all his might.

"It's time to seize the Central Plains!"

Hao Sect and Sun Palace.

The two daggers of Jang Ilso, tempered for a long time, rushed towards the prey trapped in the trap.

"Ha, Hao Sect is here! Hao Sect has appeared!"

"There's another one! There are unidentified individuals!"

"Sect Leader, the situation has changed! Give orders! Sect Leader!"

Despite the clamor coming from everywhere, Jonglihyung just watched the approaching people absentmindedly.

'...Sun Palace?'

The Hao Sect was expected. What was more strange was the situation unfolding unexpectedly. Even though they were supposed to be the main force of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, why didn't they show up when Ryeonju was in danger?

Nevertheless, Jonglihyung was able to lead everyone here because there was a firm belief that even if the Hao Sect joined, they would never lose their advantage.

"Why...why are they suddenly taking the side of the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

However, that belief was shattered by the appearance of the Sun Palace.

They were one of the Outer Palaces. Although not close to the righteous sects, they were a distant existence from the Evil Tyrant Alliance. Why did they suddenly come to the aid of the Evil Tyrant Alliance? Why!

"Sect Leader!"

Once again, a voice filled with energy caught Jonglihyung's attention.

'We have to run away....'

They had to escape. Even if they maintained their formation and faced them head-on, it would be a force hard to handle. Moreover, to face them in such a tangled state? The result was obvious, like looking at fire. 

It was just impossible to handle.

But the path to retreat was also precarious.

The Myriad Man Manor and the Black Ghost Castle still cling to their ankles like hungry wolves. Moreover, the command system has long since collapsed, so Jonglihyung's orders didn't even reach his disciples.

In such a situation, how could they possibly escape?

"This...this is my fault... It's not my fault! This is a mistake I made...."

"Sect Leader!"

Someone grabbed his shoulders tightly and shook him.

"Pull yourself together, Sect Leader! If you don't give orders right now, everyone will die!"

At that moment, Jonglihyung saw.

Rushing across the vast land in a single breath, the Hao Sect and the Sun Palace plunged into the chaotic battlefield like a swarm of ants.



Numerous heads and bodies flew into the air. They spared neither enemies nor allies. Instead of distinguishing between friend and foe, they chose to kill everyone in sight.

Truly a ruthless and merciless strategy, but its effectiveness was undeniable. The raw shock and terror overwhelmed the disciples of the Ten Great Sects. Jonglihyung was no exception.


"Sect Leader!"

"Run! We must escape from here immediately! Right now!"

"Sect Leader, calm down! First, we..."

"You fool! Can't you see the enemies behind? What do you mean by calming down?"

Jonglihyung pressed his internal energy into the sword with a fierce expression.

They were going to die. The fearsome attackers surging forward were not what Jonglihyung feared. What he feared was the reinforcements silently encircling from behind during this opportunity.

Once surrounded, there was no escape. Because they wouldn't leave any survivors. The evil sects here would ruthlessly kill every last one of them.

"Elders, clear the way! We must somehow escape from here. Cut through them all and open a path with your swords!"

Jonglihyung's eyes flashed. It was terror masked as venom. In the face of the fear of death, even the accumulated experience of dealing with countless challenges seemed useless.

Before coming here, they were dignified warriors, but now, in order to survive, they had turned into struggling beasts. Amidst all this, Jonglihyung's outburst unleashed the suppressed fear.


"We're going to die! Everyone will die like this!"

Now, the Abigyeohwa [?] unfolded in a different sense.

This was not martial arts, nor esoteric swordplay.

It was simply war. The side that lost momentum would lose.

However, lacking the experience to know this fact, they crumbled without even considering pulling themselves together.

Fear poured in like a torrent. Those swept away spread in all directions like sparks flying from a blacksmith's forge. The joint formation completely collapsed in an instant.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

He screamed until his throat felt like it would burst, but the voice of Beopgye did not reach.

Without any chance to do anything, the disciples of the joint formation started scattering in all directions.

It was a choice that should never have been made. In this perilous situation, why would they disperse? It was equivalent to offering their necks to the enemy.

"Why, why did you...!"

"Sahyung! Enemies...!"

The voice urging continued from the side. Beopgye's eyes shook vigorously.

'What should I do? What should I do?'

He had believed that he had driven them into a trap. But the Southern Sea Sun Palace, who should have been far away, suddenly appeared here. This meant that this place was a trap prepared by the Evil Tyrant Alliance for a long time.

How could such a thing be possible? How could people...


In the end, a voice mixed with anger pierced his ears. Beopgye bit his lips until blood oozed out.

It was pointless. Such thoughts were now worthless. What he needed to do was somehow reverse this situation. And somehow overcome it.

It was not completely irreparable yet. There would be a chance to make amends. Surely...!

"Elders, follow me! First..."

But that moment came.

"Where do you think you're going?"


With a sharp sound as if scraping the ground, someone slowly approached Beopgye. Beopgye's face stiffened.

Jeokho (赤虎). [ 'Scarlet Tiger' ]

The one who had been holding Beopgye's ankle down had finally moved.


"I'm not feeling particularly good. Although my body is inferior compared to the esteemed monks of Shaolin, it shouldn't warrant such disregard."

The sword of Jeokho, emitting a resounding sword hum, cut through the air. The intention not to let him go like this was evident.

"Even so, if you continue to disregard me, I have no choice but to prove myself."

The fierce gaze of Jeokho, resembling a tiger, pressed down on Beopgye. Soon, the Honggyeons led by Jeokho also applied pressure, revealing their presence to the elders of Shaolin.


The color began to drain from Beopgye's face.

Even when their main force couldn't resist and was being breached, they didn't leave Jang Ilso's side.

So Beopgye naturally believed that their goal was to rescue Jang Ilso and kill Beopjeong. There was no other way to think about it.

However, their true goal was elsewhere.

At this moment, to tie the ankles of those who would come out to catch the swaying Ten Great Sects. That was the purpose they silently maintained even in the face of such great sacrifice.

It could only be described as thorough manipulation. And Beopgye's inference was correct. At this moment, Peng Yeop was also surrounded by Honggyeons.

Beopgye clenched his fist and asked.

"...Did he plan this from the beginning?"

"It's not like that."

Jeokho, who was smiling mockingly, shrugged casually.

"No one can guess Ryeonju-nim's true intentions. We just believe that Ryeonju-nim has a purpose."

"...Even while all your subordinates are being swept away?"

"Is that a big deal?"


Beopgye tightened his fist.

Jeokho's statement was true, to deceive the enemy, you had to deceive your allies first.

Jang Ilso executed that saying directly.

So, they didn't notice on that side either. The screams they made as they died in the hands of the righteous sect disciples, the vivid expressions of fear, and the conflicts over whether to escape or not, all were genuine.

"...It's not over yet. If we take your life and kill Jang Ilso, the result will be the same."

"That's true."

To kill Jang Ilso.

It was truly an irreverent statement to Jeokho, but surprisingly, he simply nodded his head. His sincerity towards Jang Ilso was different from the fits of those who were petty about trivial matters.

Jeokho smiled grimly and said.

"But you still can't figure it out."

"...What do you mean?"

"The answer should have been different. What you need to be wary of right now is neither me nor Ryeonju-nim."

There was doubt in Beopgye's eyes. Then the thought suddenly occurred to him that all this was just a time-delaying tactic. Trying to protest, but before he could, Jeokho's thick lips opened first.

"He's not a person I like much, but I can't help but acknowledge who is the most dangerous man on this battlefield."


At that moment.


A huge flag was raised towards the sky.

In the center of the enemy, various colored flags rose, and in the midst of them stood a man.

That man was...

"Ho Gakmyung?"

Venemous Heart Demon Ho Gakmyung.

He, the military strategist of the Evil Sect, was surveying the battlefield with a penetrating gaze. His voice, devoid of any emotion, flowed out.

"Hold up the Red Flag."

"Yes, Commander!"

As soon as the order was given, the red flag soared into the sky.

Then the red and black forces of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, mixed with the enemy, moved in an orderly manner. They coiled and twisted around the enemy, like a giant snake strangling its prey.

Ho Gakmyung looked down at the battlefield. What he saw in his eyes was not a battlefield boiling with people, but rather an enormous chessboard. His eyes, looking down on it, were sharp and calm like a master of the game.

"At the first sign of danger, raise the Green Flag. Surround the enemy. Maintain the enemy's ankles and spread out."

"Yes, Commander!"

Under the multicolored flags rising behind Ho Gakmyung, the wind fluttered.

It was a chance grasped at the end of the time of waiting. Having passed through that time, he had prepared for this moment with a resolute determination. Ho Gakmyung poured out everything he had here.

"Not a single one... will be allowed to escape."