Boss 0057 is still feeling very pleased inside_1

In the live broadcast, Lucy Wood put the fish into the pot and decisively pointed the camera at Ellen Young.

She was peeling radish skins, having already peeled a whole small basin full of radishes, which were said to be for pickling.

The radishes were bought from the market. Nowadays, the radishes grown in the countryside are of good quality, and they taste delicious cooked in various ways.

Seeing how skillfully she peeled the radish skins didn't quite fit with her serene demeanor.

After watching for a short while, the viewers in the barrage displayed disbelief, while others mocked her.

[Sigh, she's really a farmhouse girl. Look how adept she is at farm chores…]

[While others start their day with elegant tea tasting or preparing for a day of leisure activities, here she is peeling radishes…]