0056 She was raised very well_1

The girl was wearing a beige panda-patterned sweater, and she seemed to be dressed thicker than the average person, perhaps due to the cold mountain weather.

Beneath, she wore black pencil pants that showed off a great figure; even while sitting on a stool, her curves were pronounced.

Her hair was simply tied up into a bun, and her face bore resemblance to Lucy Wood, yet she looked more pure and elegant. Her skin was so fine it resembled porcelain, with lush lips and a delicate beauty that seemed unreal.

Even while peeling radish skins, her elegant demeanor could not be hidden.

The barrage of comments suddenly became a sea of [?????????????????]

It was very much real.

Clinton White saw the BOSS and immediately felt at ease.

Luckily, the BOSS was still as beautiful as ever.

Ah, how does one maintain such tender skin?

Clinton White touched his own face, which had become rough due to continuous hard work day and night.

Then looked back at the BOSS.