Chapter 263: How Much Oil Was Taken

Xin He's hand had already stealthily moved towards the dagger at the edge of her pillow.

But the little maid had suddenly fallen on her knees with a "plop".

Xin He was taken aback, somewhat caught off guard.

The little maid's eyes were clear as she said, "This servant knows who harmed Eldest Miss."

Xin He raised an eyebrow: "Oh?"

"It's Jinxiu. This servant saw her with my own eyes before, she even stole a handkerchief often used by Eldest Miss from her room, and one night she sneaked out in the middle of the night, this servant happened to be up and saw her leave."

The two main maids had their own room, where Jinxiu and Shulan lived together.

But the third and fourth grade maids like these who do coarse work shared a big room, seven or eight people crammed into a single room.

However, since the servants' quarters were together, her chance encounter was possible.