Chapter 264: I Also Want to Protect the People I Care About

Xin He waited until the commotion outside subsided, then glared irate at the shameless man who had invaded her room. In a lowered voice, she said, "What are you doing in my room at this late hour? And why are you still here?! I'm currently staying at Le Yuanhou's mansion, if word of this gets out, how am I supposed to face people?"

With one arm of iron-like strength, Mu Houchu swept her onto the bed, wrapping his strong grip around her waist, unwilling to let go.

Xin He struggled, "Mu Houchu, let me go!"

Shulan and Jinxiu were guarding just outside. If this beast dared to do anything, she'd fight him tooth and nail!

However, Mu Houchu didn't stir, he simply lowered his voice, "I missed you, won't you even let me hold you?"

Grinding her teeth, Xin He retorted, "Didn't you visit and hold me all night yesterday? Hadn't you had enough?"

What she left unsaid was that, despite tossing and turning last night before finally falling asleep, she felt incredibly secure with him there.