Chapter 913_1

Xiao'er predicted that by then the landlords would be willing to sell their farmland, at which point the Imperial Court would retrieve the land and render it state-owned, then distribute the land among the common people. Each year, grain would be collected from each acre, ensuring that the national granary is always well-stocked.

"Rent?" Zhu Yan mused for a moment, finding Xiao'er's suggestion plausible. If she could just purchase silk directly from the people, that would be easier for her. At least she wouldn't have to look for people to grow mulberries, breed silkworms and rear fish.

Master Zhu found this feasible as well, after all, his daughter only wanted to be in the silk business, not to raise silkworms.

"If the people are willing to raise silkworms by growing mulberry trees, I can also buy silk directly from them." After exchanging a glance with Master Zhu and seeing no objections, Zhu Yan spoke up.