Chapter 912_1

"Miss, I really don't have that much silver. How about this, I'll call a doctor to come and check you out, and then I'll compensate you according to how much silver is spent. Is that alright?" The carriage driver regretted immensely at this moment. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have accepted the fifty taels! Now that the carriage is broken, he had to pay a hundred taels, which would drag his entire household into crisis.

Indeed, one should never be too greedy. One's desires are insatiable and could swallow an elephant! Greed leads to loss!

After hearing these words, Fang Wanping looked disdainfully at his worn-out clothes. His black cotton robe had been washed to the point of fading, and even though there were no patches, it was clear that he hadn't got much. But his financial status had nothing to do with her; all she wanted was her compensation: "The silver for the doctor is on you, and the one hundred taels' compensation, too!"