Chapter 938_1

Fang Wanping prides herself on her cleverness, assuming everyone else is a fool!

Zhu Yan sneered at her comment, "If I go out, won't you simply deny everything? The Magistrate will blame me for not ensuring his safety! I'm not stupid. I'm sure as hell not doing that. All I need to do is marry you and I'll have everything! Why take risks for nothing?"

"No! I swear I won't deny!" Fang Wanping hastened to assure him after hearing this.

"Really surprising! You're the kind of person who would even climb into a man's bed shamelessly. Is there anything you wouldn't do?", Zhu Yan scornfully retorted.

Fang Wanping: "..." What to do, she was actually left speechless and unable to retort!

However, she finally realized that this bear-like man looks down upon her. Most likely, he's interested in marrying her just because he's so hideous that no woman would want to marry him voluntarily. It seems like he's determined to stick to her!