Chapter 939_1

Whoever marries Fang Wanping, a woman who worms her way into men's beds, will likely end up a cuckold. This struck a chord with the maids who still held virtue high.

After all, how could a decent girl scheme against others like this, right? Even before marriage, she could climb into bed with a man of higher status. After marriage, who could guarantee she wouldn't cheat with a man of even higher status, right?

Mrs Fang, hearing Zhu Yan slander her daughter, began to spew curses. "How dare you! You, a mere guard, dare to slander the daughter of the sub-prefect! Who gave you such audacity! And you, as a grown man, don't you know not to look at what you shouldn't? Pursuing a chaste, under-dressed girl with a big sword, aren't you no different from a rapist?"

"I'm not slandering her. Ask her if she didn't sneak into the Magistrate's room and shamelessly started..." Zhu Yan didn't finish her sentence as Fang Wanping loudly interrupted her, "Shut up! Don't spout nonsense. I didn't!"