Numerous lives have been lost in the course of one night. Not that he gave a damn about anyone but phoenixes should have known what was coming for them. He expected greater fervor and preparedness for this fight even though their attacks were unanticipated. However, his betrothed, Princess Eleanor Dankworth, was a major distraction of her family.

Or was she?

The shouts and cries of the phoenixes resounded loudly in his ears as he strolled up the path that led to the stairs of the castle. The bodies were strewn around, devoured by vampires enthralled with the exceptional meal of a lifetime. Given how unique phoenix blood was, they would undoubtedly boast about this for the rest of their lives.

The clouds, which evoked the winter and the mood of terror and death, were dark and ominous in the sky. And with a somber countenance and a subdued attitude, Ares ascended the steps.

It's true that he had no regard for anyone, and because he had no intention of feasting, the massacre didn't concern him. He was just interested in finding his betrothed.

"Your highness!" A vamp rushed over to greet him with a bow of the head.

Ares gaped. A spark of impatience accompanied his ruby eyes. "Where's Atlan?" 

Without raising his head, the vampire remained still. He bent considerably farther to the left instead. "He has slain every member of the royal family, but the person you are looking for is nowhere to be found. E..."

"MOTHER!" was let out in a scream that was accompanied by an intense pain, blazing strength, and incredulity.

With a hint of surprise, Ares looked down the long, dark, abandoned passage. His ruby eyes flashed. "Found her." 

It was not long before he reached the main sitting room. When he looked up, he saw that his brother was holding his betrothed by the neck and only a second away from putting his fangs through her neck. The other vampires all bowed their heads politely at him.

Ares himself never realized the force of his own presence. How stifling, dark, and terrible it was, he had no idea. More so at that very moment.

His Betrothed. Princess Eleanor Dankworth. Tears were streaming from those deep ocean blue eyes, which betrayed no emotion. The sight of the blood on her shoulder and her expressionless demeanor... He balled his hands. No harm of any kind was meant for her!

"I am sure you do not want to hold your own head in your hands, Atlan, My Betrothed is an exception. She belongs to me."

Atlan cautiously pulled his head away from Eleanor's neck and turned to face his brother, his eyes wide with horror. "Betrothed? Her?" Then he gave a tense laugh.

Ares's brow bore a deep furrow. "Do you have a death wish?" 

Eleanor was gently released by Atlan. "She's yours to possess. It's not my fault her blood is..." Leaning closer to her once more, he breathed in her sweet, seductive blood aroma. "On second thought.."

Before he could finish speaking, A viciously powerful blow to the forehead snapped his neck instantaneously, splitting his skull and forcing his head back. He was pushed all the way back by the punch's force, shattering the railing in the process. Then he collapsed onto the ground amid the corpses and the still-bowing vampire, and instantly lost consciousness.

Staring at his comatose brother with a blank expression, Ares encircled Eleanor in his arms and drew her near to him. "Oh. His head remains on his body." Slight disappointment filled his voice.

Even though they couldn't exactly see what had happened, the vampires in attendance were all shivering from what had just happened. They were afraid to utter a word.

Ares lifted a casual eyebrow, gazing at the phoenix in his arms. Her expressionless face remained immovable, and tears continued to fall from those stunningly mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. "Do you not speak?" 

Eleanor blinked at that moment, trapped in a deep trance brought on by extreme shock.

Bewildered, Ares titled his head. "Are you okay? You don't seem well at all." His gaze then strayed to her shoulder. Her clothing was ripped, and the tiny wound was slowly leaking blood. 

"Your highness!" Running into the sitting room, a vampire called. Out of anxiety of not wanting to meet Ares's stare, he bent his head quickly. 

"Report." Ares mumbled as he gazed at the phoenix cradled in his arms. She had the delicate, lovely appearance of a porcelain doll. Her skin was as pure as snow. Those eyes were like staring at the ocean itself; there was no other way to put it. 

"Every phoenix has been wiped out! Princess Eleanor is the only one left, exactly as you desired." The vamp sent word.

Ares arched an indifferent brow. "I didn't want an unnecessary bloodbath, I just wanted my betrothed." After that, he lifted her into his arms and leaped off the railing, landing on the floor directly beside his unconscious brother.

The vampires all dropped to their knees at once, his presence was so powerful and overwhelming.

Ares kept gazing at the phoenix cradled in his arms. He thought it was unusual that she was staring at him as if she were in a deep, dark trance. "Why do you stare at me that way?"

She blinked her eyes again without saying anything.

Ares's eyes grew wide. "It's not a really profound wound. The pain must not be that severe."

Eleanor remained silent. The vampire prince cocked his head to the side as if he wanted a closer look at her, startled by her expressionless face and the abrupt blankness in her gaze.

"Do you really not speak?" To be sure, he asked again. "I did hear you scream a few minutes ago. Given your family's tragic loss, you must be in serious shock."

Eleanor blinked at those words again, snapping out of the daze that the intense shock had forced her into. Her eyes suddenly welled with tears, showing how much suffering she was actually experiencing. 

She stammered, "Mo... I... Fa."

Ares maintained a neutral expression even though he could clearly see the agony in her eyes. "You do speak."

Eleanor became cognizant of the situation when she heard his rich, soothing voice. Her oceanic eyes, full of tears, met his ruby ones and widened in dismay. She was in a man's arms! A vampire! But... The vampires! They killed her parents, they killed Greta, they took everything from her.

The silence was frightening to the bone.

Ares gave the princess a blink. "What an odd little thing."

At once Eleanor gave voice to a startled scream and started crying. "Why can't I wake up from this nightmare?!" 

It did not take Ares long to notice that she was having difficulty making sense of anything. And because he didn't want a wailing, sobbing phoenix, he tried to knock her unconscious by placing his hand on her forehead, but she slapped it away right away.

"D.. d.. Do not touch me you monster!"

Ares's lips quirked, amused by her deed. "If you must know, you are currently in my arms."

Eleanor gave him a fierce look with tears still streaming from her eyes. She was scared of the vampire, no doubt. She was so afraid that she knew he was aware of it. 

"Such glare with fear. How naive. I was ready for hostility." Ares muttered with a flat look.

Eleanor shuddered in his embrace, her eyes accidentally straying from his to the sight of her father's body. She instantly felt a tremendous shock strike her chest. 

Ares felt her tense up.

"F...father!" Eleanor gave a loud scream and tried to break free from the vampire's embrace, sobbing uncontrollably. Still, he held her close and soon became frustrated with her struggles.

"Enough!" Taking hold of her arms, he grasped her firmly and carried her on his shoulder.

"Stop! Please! MOTHER! FATHER!" Eleanor cried out, struggling and repeatedly kicking her legs.

Ares grunted as he felt the slight sting of her kicks.

Upon noticing, the vampire next to him gasped and raised his head. "Your highness!" 

Ares gave him a fierce glance, lunged forward, and with a single pull, snapped his head from his body. "Too much noise." He growled with complete annoyance.

Watching this happen, Eleanor froze. The sight replayed itself in her mind... So much that she could not explain the unfathomable horror that consumed her. Her thoughts of him doing the same to her overwhelmed her, and without warning, she fell unconscious.