"Eleanor..." a foreboding voice murmured into her consciousness. It didn't sound like a voice she knew, but there was something so comforting and reassuring about its tenderness. Like a priceless crystal that was afraid to be broken by the slightest breeze, it bore her name.

"Wake up..." Once more, in a frustrated and impatient tone, the odd voice muttered.

Unconsciously, she parted her lips and naturally the words that came out were, "M.. mother? Fa...Father?"

"Open your eyes, little bird," Came again that voice. Only this time, it sounded so vivid. So familiar that it set off a tsunami of memories leading up to her current position to burst into her consciousness.

Eleanor's deep ocean blue eyes sprang wide open, holding extreme panic and locked onto the ceiling above. Her entire being was filled with the strong want to scream in denial, her heart racing frantically with panic, and her thoughts swimming in knots.

'What... What... It can't be! It can't be!' She jerked, forcing herself into a sitting position, only to have her eyes fall on the person she least expected.

Reluctantly, her gaze strayed upward, and goosebumps sprung out of her skin, multiplying by the second. Long legs, strong torso clad in a plain white linen shirt, broad shoulders acting as a makeshift hanger for a bulky black coat that hid his long, dark hair... And as she attempted to focus on the set of silver eyes staring down at her through the strands of dark hair that partly obscured his brow, a surge of blood shot through her heart.

Despite the fact that the chamber was exceptionally warm due to the excellent fireplace it possessed, his stare alone caused a blizzard-like chill to penetrate her spirit. That being said, she couldn't help but wonder. Those eyes were red, weren't they? Why were they suddenly...

"It is not healthy to sleep that long, princess." The vampire crooned in a rich, comforting voice.

Eleanor's expression deepened into a frown. She had an amazing memory, so she knew exactly what this vampire had done to her. She had also grown aware of her strange surroundings and realized that she was no longer home.

She had been robbed of everything. Was she, for real, the last surviving phoenix? Eleanor tightened her scowl. Yes, her family as a whole would constantly chant about how much they hated vampires. By eliminating her whole race in a single night, they had demonstrated that they were truly worth the hate. They were heartless, bloodthirsty creatures.

But... who exactly was this vampire? He referred to her as his betrothed; why? How come he was staring at her as if she were his prey?

"W—who are you?" Eleanor asked. She nervously gripped the duvet, attempting to slow her beating heart. Her goal was to speak with a lot of confidence, but she wasn't as successful as she had imagined. After all, she had never left her chamber until her birthday dinner.

"W—what did I do to you? I.. I.."

"I understand that you are shocked but you shouldn't stutter so weakly. You already look so frail and tiny." Dully, he said. "The rumors state that your cowardly family has kept you concealed from the world, proving your nonexistence. Overall, the only thing you lose is a solid sense of identity."

Eleanor gaped in shock, her curiosity and anxiety combined with wrath. He slaughtered her family, and now he insults them! How dare he?!! She wanted to scream at him and beat him into a pulp but instead, she just gaped at him.

"I... I asked you two questions. C.. Could you please at least respond to them to calm me down?" Glancing down, she said, "Not that you would really want to calm me down."

"Why do you think so?" Eleanor was caught off guard when he asked, his tone carrying a hint of confusion.

She glanced back at him, tears inadvertently registering in her eyes. How could he ask such a thing? Her family was gone! His species had wiped out her entire race!

"It is not shocking that you were not informed of my existence, but somehow it ought to have been. Perhaps a tale, an error of speech, something like that." Mirth was now twirling in those eyes.

Eleanor's eyes grew narrow. Attempts to subdue her stubborn nature have been made by her great-grandmother, who used the prophecy that a powerful vampire would eventually capture her and make her his bride. Was this vampire, that vampire? Was her great-grandmother indirectly telling her that she was betrothed?

"This makes no sense." Muttering to herself, Eleanor pushed herself from the bed without trying to lift her legs. "It seems appropriate to presume that you are holding the wrong phoenix. You cannot ask me to simply accept that I am your betrothed and take in every moment, including the deaths. Please take me home."

Ares stared, a bit surprised by her words but once again, mirth filled his silver eyes. "I have heard that despite your isolation, your wisdom is beyond measure. But, the way you speak currently is awfully disappointing."

Eleanor was taken aback. Why did he sound like he knew everything about her? Wasn't he exaggerating a bit about her wisdom? How was she disappointing? The audacity!


Suddenly he began walking towards her.

She gasped and hurried back her steps only to have her back collide with a wall. "St— stay away!"

He towered over her, leaning in close enough to suck every breath she had. But a really nice smell filled her senses, giving her an ambiance of spring.

"Listen to me, little bird, everything and everyone you had yesterday and long before are gone and will never return." She felt his long, elegant finger elevate her chin. Simultaneously, his silver eyes turned into their shade of ruby, piercing her twinkling tear filled, ocean blue eyes. "You have no choice and I do not give a damn if you think we are betrothed or not. You Are Mine To Own."

"A..and your name?" Breathlessly, Eleanor asked, not expecting the words to come out.

A graceful, cunning smirk curved his luscious thin red lips. "Ares Erebus Mazitzis. But call me Ares if you please."

Eleanor forced herself to close her eyes with a shudder. But she was failing, and it felt as though she were under some kind of spell. This vampire spilled danger! She genuinely realized at that point that she was at his mercy!

"V—" She paused and took a big breath to stop herself from stuttering. Other than her family, she had never been this close to anyone. Certainly not in this manner! She worked up bravery. "Very well, Ares Mazitzis, but please take me home. I can not stand by and listen to you tell me that I do not have a choice. Take. Me. Home!!"