Perfect Disguise

"Well well well,if its not the coward king of Sparta himself" said mockingly one of the Korinthian Hoplite. Group of 4 men presumably patrol group as Kleon said moment ago,were standing 5 meters inf front of them."I think its pointless to call for reinforcements? am i right boys?" said other hoplite with malicious voice. Patrol group was slowly approaching Alexios and his hippeis, Alexios could give the order and Spartan Stormguards would deal with them easily,but Alexios once again wanted to show to his people that their king is not a coward.

"I am a lot of things you fools,but fool is not one of them" Alexios said while rushing to meet the enemy. Korinthians were surprised for a moment,but they quickly formed a line with their shield and spears facing Alexios."You know what? why bother with formations he is only one and a coward,kill him!" cried the same Korinthian who mocked Alexios every moment. Korinthians rushed to meet their enemy but they don't know that Alexios wanted to,because of his passive ability called tactical insight.

Its not a guaranteed that i deflect all 4 attacks but i don't want to waste those precious abilities of my Aegisbane. As the Korinthians closed in, Alexios moved with a grace that defied the heaviness of his armor. He skillfully dodged the first spear thrust and countered with a swift, precise strike that incapacitated one of the Korinthians. His movements were a dance of death, calculated and lethal.

The remaining hoplites pressed on, determined to overwhelm the Spartan king with their numbers. However, Alexios exploited the small gaps in their movement. With a powerful thrust, he pierced through the defenses of another Korinthian, swiftly incapacitating him. "What the?! how can this be!?" one Korinthian hoplite screamed in disbelief. Strange,i know about that deflects with this skill but offensive as well? or maybe its thanks to the Leonidas spear Aegisbane,huh not the right time now,first i deal with those pests.

As the first Korinthians lunged with his spear, Alexios gracefully sidestepped the attack and retaliated with a swift strike that sent the warrior sprawling to the ground. The remaining Korinthian , undeterred, pressed on, seeking to avenge his fallen comrade. "Is that all you got? i am just coward to you after all" Alexios mocked the last Korinthian Hoplite.

The duel intensified, the clash of metal echoing through the arena. The lone Korinthian fought valiantly, managing to land a glancing blow on Leonidas' shield. Yet, the Spartan king responded with a relentless assault, his movements fluid and deadly.In a final, decisive moment, Alexios exploited an opening in the Korinthian's defense, delivering a precise strike that disarmed his opponent. The Korinthian , now defenseless was lying on the ground. "This is not possible, how is even possible?" Korinthian said with defeated voice.

"Never underestimate your enemies filth,take this advice with you to hell" Alexios finished his words and pierced his throat with his Aegisbane. "My king, please don't rush like that,its dangerous for you my king" Said Kleon with concern. "I will take your advice in the future, but now we have more pressing matters,i came up with a plan" Alexios said while looking at the lifeless bodies. "Congratulations for killing 4 Korinthian Hoplites! you are awarded with 200 experience points! keep up the good work hero!".Notification told Alexios,but as much as this was pleasing news there was not time for it.

2 hours later in late afternoon 

group of 4 Korinthian hoplites were approaching were coming to the camp covered in blood. "What happened? said one of the Korinthian hoplite "we encountered Spartan scouts, we have something else to report to general" said the Hoplite who was leading the patrol group. "o-okay i am glad nothing happened to you,tell me what you have to say and i will delivered to general personally,you guys need someone to check if you had any wounds" Said the Korinthian hoplite guarding the entrance to camp. 

"No need,it will be quick" hoplite replied with confidence."Fine,but be quick" Korinthian Hoplite said with defeated voice. "Don't worry it will be very quick" said the Patrol Korinthian hoplite with big smile on his face.

That was close, i thought that my heart would stop. Plan is simple,given the circumstances it should be obvious this is golden opportunity to get kill Korinthian General.My hippeis would be acting as distraction,by that i mean after a kill the general hippeis would attempted to set fire to as many tents as possible if that could be the case. Perseus had important role too, after exactly 10 minutes they would attack the camp and do as big damage as possible.Until we could safely retreat they would act as a decoy. 

The last hoplite with me is a volunteer and he will be in front of the general's tent and kill the guards after the general is taken care of.Simply put panic and chaos is my best friend in here,but i can't help but notice how many Korinthian youths were here.They looked exactly like Spartan youths but their tunic was yellow, if huge chunk of this army is made out of Korinthian youths then that would be very good.

Alexios and his men walked through the camp with tents,wooden carts,and horses on both sides. Korinthians were laughing,joking and telling stories none of which was interesting enough for Alexios ears.Its seemed endless but finally this walk come to an end as Alexios noticed a tent with banners with Korinthian emblems with chimeras on it. Alexios could not help but notice the feeling of being watched by Korinthian's who could not help but gaze on the group of Hoplites armor covered in blood.

Alexios looked over his shoulder and node his head to hippeis,meaning they time has come and they are about to do some problems. Hippeis took different route and started to walk to the left side of the camp to look for opportunities to cause trouble. As Alexios with his hoplite were about to reach the tent Guards crosed their way with their spears. "Halt what brings you here warriors" one of the guards asked with firm voice "I have urgent message for our general, exclusive for his ears" Alexios answered with confidence. "What kind of message is that to be only for general's ears?" guard shot back "We fought Spartan scout party, and one of the scout told us something only our mighty general could hear".

"Tell me the message,and i will deliver it to our general you should get some rest". Fuck this is not good,this kind of people were stubborn but there is one thing that should work. "This is urgent and you know about general's temper,if this information is not delivered sooner guess who will be blamed? and i think this is not what you want right?" Alexios threatened the Korinthian hoplite.

Korinthian hoplite was thinking for a few seconds but reluctantly agreed. "Fine go tell him,and you are right no one wants to face his wrath" Korinthian hoplite said with surrendering voice. Alexios looked at his Hippei and he nodded, now its time for Alexios time to unleash the chaos. Alexios make the way to the inside of the general's tent. Wooden table, with wooden chair behind it, silver plates with bones on it,and some scrolls beside it. Alexios immediately knelled as not to disrespect korinthian general.

"My general,i apologize for disturbing you but i have urgent message for you" Alexios said with serious voice as to ad some tensions. "Urgent message? well i assume you encountered Spartans it seems?" General said with peak interest. "Yes my General one of the Spartans wanted quick death in exchange for valuable information" Alexios answered.General was now very intrigued and stood up from his chair and walked right in front of Alexios.

"Tell me what did that scum told you?" general asked Alexios for the answer. "Yes my general the message is" that moment Alexios grab his spear lifted his body and lunged the spear to generals guts as quickly as possible. General had no time to react and with full speed felt the spear inside his body. "What the?!?" General reacted with trembling voice "This is the message you filth" Alexios answered and pulled out his spear and watched as general tried to struggle to stop his blood with his hands,and was lying on the ground. Alexios simply watched as general was lying in his own pool of blood,even his chest breastplate could not help him.

Loud noises could be heard outside the tent. Alexios tightly grip his spear and shield and looked at the entrance to the tent, "its showtime" Alexios said with a smile, first half of the plan was completed,but the real fun would be the rest of the plan.