Its Not Over Just Yet

Chaos everywhere, soldiers running around like headless chicken, tower of fire could be seen on the ride side of the camp. Alexios make his way to the outside from the General's tent and saw 2 corpses on the ground and in the middle was Spartan hoplite disguised as enemy. "My king we should leave before anyone notice" Hoplite said seriously "I agree,i think hippeis are on their way,we should be there first don't you think?" Alexios said with smirk on his face.

Gotta go fast, i did not expected to be this effective! i even used the ability tactical insight! who would guess strategy games would help me like this, but still its amazing this outcome.Alexios made his way to the entrance of the camp and saw his hippeis coming between the yellow Korinthians tents. "Good job my hippeis this certainly diminish their morale and lost their will to fight" Alexios announce them with proud and happy voice.

"We are under attack!, gather your weapons and brace yourselves" Screamed one of the Korinthians as our group make their way toward the entrance.From the distance they could see huge group of Korinthians youths and some hoplites with their backs facing our group and in a Phalanx formation. Clashing steel and warcries could be heard ,Alexios noticed that the only way to get out was the same only entrance Alexios took note of and he must with his group get through the fight because of the surrounding wooden palisade surrounding the camp.

More and more Korinthians came to help their brothers in arms. Alexios mind raced and he get to one conclusion was to use Ability of the Aegisbane. "Well,now is the time to use ability of my Aegisbane". 

Aegisbane: very high damage with small chance of piercing enemy armor that has heavy-medium armor Rarity: Legendary

Aegis Ward: When held aloft, Aegisbane activates an ethereal shield, providing temporary protection against enemy attacks. The shield emanates an aura that boosts the morale and combat prowess of allies standing nearby. (cooldown 6 hours)

Leonine Charge: With a resounding battle cry, the wielder of Aegisbane can channel the spirit of Leonidas, allowing for a powerful, unstoppable charge. The spear pierces through enemies in its path, leaving a trail of defeated foes.(cooldown 6 hours)

Ares' Fury: Aegisbane can harness the fury of Ares, the god of war, unleashing a devastating area-of-effect attack. The ground shakes as the spear is thrust into the earth, sending shockwaves through the battlefield and causing enemies to tremble in fear.(cooldown 6 hours), (duration: 10 seconds)

Stalwart Defender: Aegisbane can be planted into the ground to create an unyielding barrier, turning the spear into a symbol of unwavering defense. The wielder and their allies behind the barrier gain increased resistance against ranged attacks.(cooldown 6 hours) 

"Leonidas charge is just the think i need, just last time i must focus my mind on it and it should be enough...hopefully" Alexios focused on one of the ability of Aegisbane. Soon enough Alexios let out might roar that could be heard through out the whole camp ,even most Korinthians were startled by this. Alexios lunged with thunderous speed toward the phalanx line by Korinthians and pierce through the Korinthians like butter. Alexios furious charge halted in front of his Spartan Stormguard and Aleixos hippeis and hoplite arrived right beside Alexios.

 "Retreat Spartans,our job here is finished" Alexios said with thunderous voice,and notice familiar notification. "Congratulations for reaching Level 3 ,you acquired new buildings and features such as..." Alexios didn't have the time to read all the news by the system ,and immediately retreat with his men out of the camp. Upon leaving Alexios turned his head over his shoulder and noticed the Korinthians did not even chase them, the reason being that all of the Korinthians in the entrance were shaking with fear. Spears in their hands were trembling and some of them even taken step back.

"Good job my Spartans ,and my hippeis for putting the good show with the fire, i think Korinthians will remember it for a long time" Alexios said with a chuckle,long way from the camp. "Perseus, report" Alexios called out with hints of fear of how many Hoplites were lost "my king, we have no casualties only minor injuries" Perseus said while kneeling to his mighty king. "Good very good Perseus,now assign some of your men to observe Korinthian camp just in case".

"It shall be done my king" Perseus answered. "Now my brave Spartans thanks to your bravery we managed to cause confusion, and kill their general, now lets head back to Sparta, and prepare just in case they would retaliate even the chances are low" Alexios voice filled with proud echoed through the forest. Spartans agreed with vicious warcry and marched with their fearless king back to Sparta, and Perseus would soon join to but he send 2 of the Hoplites to keep an eye on Korinthians.

 5 hours later and night was begin to settle Ajax was in tent with 21 other men with around a wooden table, and were discussing matters concerning their next move.

"All of our supplies is burned to the ground, our general is dead, we lost nearly 100 men trying to put down the fire that luckily did not spread by some miracle but bunch got killed by those filth, and if that wasn't enough morale of our troops is extremely low, to the point of deserting". one of the Man in a armor similar to Spartan spoke with voice full of concer. "What choice do we have? we must march forward, our king would demote us or worse!" other man present voiced his concerns in the tent. " Those damn Spartans!, they are a lot of things but cowards!!?!" Other man shouted with anger his face turned red. "They could be traitors, after all our general was despicable and stubborn man, given the choice i would kill him myself" Man in his forties spoke in calmly manner his mind out loud.

"Watch your tongue Lycon Taxiarchs (Taxiarchs are subordinate officers each leading a contingent of troops) this words could be taken as an act of treason!" other man shouted at Lycon for his treacherous words. "Please, you know i am right, Taxiarchs Philotas, you could done myself a favor, this whole military campaign was doomed from the start, instead of preparing ourselves to defend from the threat from the north we waste our precious time with these puny Spartans" Lycon responded to Philotas with his calm voice that was sometime scary. 

"Gentlemans, before we kill ourselves let's kill Spartans first, our situation is dire, there is no denying it, we can't go back to our city we will be punished severely, the only choice is to take Sparta and return victorious or die trying" Enomotarch Ajax broke the heated conversation. "Enomotarch Ajax is right, we should think of a plan, screaming at each other would lead us nowhere, what is done is done, now does anybody thought of something?" Lycon asked all present in the tent.

"Given the circumstances we heavily outnumbered them, but morale of our troops is low, and without supplies we cannot siege them, and foraging for food is out of question, there is just simply not enough food to feed them all, even if there was enough berries or animals in the forest for our troops, the forest is very dangerous and occupied by centaur tribes that prevent us for large scale foraging " a man with a beard who was in the back of the tent informed them of this fact. "Yes Hemarch Agathon is right, and we must not forget that big portion of our army are Youths with almost no experience, so our fighting capabilities are low, the best chance we had was to lay siege but sadly we are not in the position to do so". Lycron gazed at the Agathon across the tent and answered.

Heated debate sprung across the room, with many suggestions but shortly after were swept off the table it seemed there was nothing they can do but Lycron who stood in silence thought of plan, it was very risky but they can give it a shot. "Listen up, i devised a plan that could work, we have 151 hoplites and 27 hippeis correct?" Lycron asked his question. "Yes, that's correct" Philotas answered with hints of confusion in his voice as to why this would decide the outcome of the war. "We can play this game too, we still have our axes, we will cut down trees and make ladders and attack Sparta and storm the palace, i think everybody know what do i mean,right?".

All present in the room exchanged looks with smirk on their faces. "You want to kill their king as quickly as possible to end the war? Lycron you are really sly fox you know that?" Philotas let his devious smile appear on his face. "Yes, that's my plan, we kill their king and they would have no other choice but to surrender". Lycron said to Philotas with slight smile, "Taxiarch Lycron with all due respect i think this will not be that easy as you think, Spartans would still not surrender even if their king is dead" Ajax said to Lycron with respect. "Enomotarch Ajax i got your point but do not forget that it will cause massive blow to their leadership and they will to fight would be zero, Spartan king is their symbol courage,strenght and wisdom, kill their symbol and their morale will severely diminished" Lycron was convinced that this will end the war as quickly as possible, no one had better ideas at the moment.

Few minutes pass and everyone agreed in matter of seconds."If our report is correct they have no range infantry and have only 100 Spartans that pose some kind of threat, this is even better then i had expected, I and Philotas would storm the palace and the rest will keep them busy,everyone go and tell your men the plan and start cutting trees i want to march in the morning. Everyone agreed and left the tent to make necessary preparations. Ajax and Lycron they are the only ones in the tent "Taxiarch Lycron what about morale of our men?" Ajax asked awkwardly "Leave this matter to me Enomotarch Ajax, i believe you have job to do right? Lycron reminded Ajax with a cold voice that startled Ajax "y-yes Taxiarch Lycron now if you excuse me" Ajax left the tent huringly not even looking at Lycron.

Lycron was alone in the tent and sat on a wooden chair with his helmet and armor on the wooden stand "This is gonna be a meat grinder, heh i hope that king will reward me handsomely if i bring head of that sorry excuse of a king to his table, that would certainly got me promoted, the thought of this is making me excited" Lycron said to himself with a devious smile.