312. Get out_1

Who exactly is angry with whom? How could Christopher Moore have taken a liking to such an idiot?

Elly Campbell let go of Adam Jones, struggled a couple of times, and sensing her intentions, Adam Jones didn't forcibly hold onto her this time but instead let her down.

After that, he pressed the intercom, "Tell the security downstairs they don't need to come to work anymore."

Hearing Adam Jones say this, Lily Jones once again incredulously widened her eyes and shrieked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

Is it because the security didn't stop her?

She is the young Miss of the Jones family. When has she ever been stopped when coming to the company in the past?

"Barging into my office just like that, and you still have the cheek to ask me what I mean?"

Adam Jones' icy gaze warned as it fell on Lily Jones' face, which had turned white with anger, he said sternly.

"I... I'm your sister, why can't I come?"