313. Give Sophie Baker to Christopher Moore_1

Sophie Baker at this moment, realized this point profoundly.

Ever since she entered, Adam Jones's gaze at Elly Campbell had been gentle and doting, not saying a single word nor even frowning at her blatant provocation toward Lily Jones.

"Are you done? If so, get out."

Adam Jones's voice, devoid of any pity, reverberated afterward; he had not once looked at Sophie Baker, yet his intention to dismiss her was not concealed in the slightest.

Sophie Baker snapped back from the previous blow, took a deep breath, and managed to suppress the heart-piercing jealousy, walking up to Adam Jones.

"Adam, don't blame Lily, blame me. I saw you were injured this morning and was a bit worried, so I mentioned it to Lily, not expecting her to be so worried about you that she rushed over here in such a hurry."