Power beyond your imagination

"Geeze, no need to be so serious. My name is Plazz and I'll be your mentor for the time being" Plazz greeted him with a firm handshake. Plazz was a middle-aged man with a short stature wearing a clean blue shirt and black pants.

"First things first you will need to get the basic desk uniform." Opening a large cupboard, he took out a similar uniform. "Here, if you ever need a new one just look in here and find one that fits you. If there isn't some in here, look in the storage closet over there." He says as he points at a closed door in the back of the room. 

"Before you become an actual member of the guild, you need to have a level above mortal. Otherwise, you're stuck at the desk like me." Plazz says with a grimace. "Here is the basic cultivation scroll for our organization. Have you been told anything about Levels or cultivating energy?"

"No sir." 

"Alright then. First, everyone starts out as a mortal. Once you break through to then next stage the previous stage can't even compare. There are almost an infinite number of classes that you can specialize in, but every class always has ten different levels. Each time getting harder and harder to reach the next level."

"You gain levels by either cultivating energy, consuming objects with energy in them, or other unique ways. Thats all I know. It's incredibly difficult to reach level ten of a class but it has happened a couple times in history, rather recently too."

"But then what?" Neil said with a confused look. 

"Oh yeah next after we reach the second level of a class we get to move to the main guild where we can learn more. Or we can stay here and be part of this branch guild. Our main guild is the assassin's guild, but we just specialize in information."

"No, I mean what is after level ten. It can't just end there, there must be more to it than just leveling up a class."

"Listen kid, what I just told you is all that I know. If there is anything above level 10, I won't experience it in this lifetime." Neil looked tired. The man who was fighting his father seemed injured but could still kill Neill with just a thought without his father's protection. He wondered what his level was and what his father was able to advance to.

"Alright then. So basically, our job is to sort and gather info that our agents bring in. As a neutral party in things like politics and everything else we can sell to anyone who has the right amount of money. Higher classified stuff will cost more."

"Stuff like what noble is secretly dating another is low cost because most people don't care about stuff like that. If you ever don't know a price for certain info then just look in the magic mirror underneath the desk and it'll tell you. Same thing for classified info for us. We just need to contact the main branch." 

"What if we're not doing anything?"

"Then you can try cultivating. If you have any more questions, look to the magic mirror for an answer. I've already sorted everything for today so tomorrow is when you will officially start your training." Plazz ended his spewing of information with a sigh. Sitting down with his eyes closed he started to cultivate. 

'Hmm system, what should I specialize in for my class?"

-The host can specialize in whatever they like. The system will assist you in any way possible-

'Hmm alright let's see this cultivation technique.'

~Scroll of stealth~

Classes that benefit: Assassin, Rogue, Ranger, Spirit occupations, Animal Tamers, Beast Tamers.

Abilities gained: Increased stealth, Increased damage while hidden, Unlocks new class evolutions. 

Process: Drawing in energy from the air and strengthening your skin. Positive results will give you a decrease in aura. Negative results will push all of your aura out and gain inability to use mana temporarily.

~End scroll~

'So that's why I couldn't sense Plazz earlier when I entered the room. Alright let's start with drawing mana and surrounding my skin with it.' As Neil sits down in his chair at the front desk a customer comes in. 

"Hello, I need info on the upcoming tournament. What people are participating, their abilities, who their backers are." A young man said with impatience. "Absolutely sir, hold on one moment please." Plazz said with a calm face.

Reaching into the magical drawer he pulled out five different folders with the different costs on them. "Alright so we have basic info costing 5 gold, advanced info including info about the challenges for ten gold, and an in depth copy of everything for 25 gold." Plazz said, still having the same expression.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" The young man screamed with a clearly upset look on his face. "Why in the world would basic info cost five gold? Thats insane." The young man said with a red face.

"As you should know young man acquiring info about your opponent's weaknesses is looked down upon for tournaments. Our organization requires compensation if we're going to possibly ruin our name and credibility." 

"This is bullshit! I just want an advantage and you won't give it to me. DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATH-" The young man suddenly stopped. "Try to threaten my organization, even with false threats, and I'll end you." A menacing and powerful voice said as the boy's pants turned a color darker. 

Running out of the building the boy left behind his purse full of coppers and silvers. "Oh how I love scaring new people. That voice by the way is a protection ward which protects us from most things under level four. Anything higher than level four and we would have to inform the main branch immediately." Plazz said. 

"Got it." Neil responded. Sitting back down in his chair Neil closed his eyes. Trying to focus on all of the ambient mana surrounding him. Neil tried closing off his mind, but he just couldn't focus. 

He just couldn't stop thinking about his father... was he even still alive anymore. Just the thought of being alone in this cruel world caused Neil to actually think about what to do next. 

'Why did my father have to stay. Why couldn't the enemies just come in a couple months. Why did his father have to die. Why did any of this have to happen. Why did...' His thoughts spiraling out of control.

Neil started to blame himself for his father's death. 'Maybe if he didn't have to worry about me then he could have escaped. Maybe if I didn't exist then he could have focused on getting stronger. Maybe if I just-'

-One new energy encoded message... decrypt message? - 

The system... this was the one of the two last things that his father gave to him.

-Decrypt message? -

'Yes' Neil thought. 

-Decrypting message 0%-

-1%.......5%.....13%.....28%.....42%.....73%...92%...Message decrypted-

A hologram video of his father popped up inside of his pupils. "Hello there son. If you're seeing this than I am probably dead. If not, then I'm at a stage worse than death."

"This system is a guide to help you advance to the stage after level ten in the shortest amount of time possible. It is the inheritance of one of the great empires. I stole it for you so you can follow my footsteps and become strong. Don't throw this opportunity away by being sad about my death."

"You will become strong. Stronger than anyone your age and stronger than your elders. Level ten is just the beginning. After level ten the real world will open up for you. Me and a select few have seen it but got too injured by the backlash. I took the opportunity to steal the mad emperors power away from him."

"Just remember this one thing. I did not die in vain. I died so you can grow strong. So you can see the world with your own view. So you can become a superhuman. Don't waste this chance. I hope that I'll be able to see your mother soon. We will both be watching. Forever proud of you. Goodbye... Neil"


Neil stood there in shock. Tears started rolling down his face. Countless emotions rolling in a chaotic path out of his eyes... "Damn it old man. I knew you already had a name picked out for me." Neil said in an inaudible whisper. 

Closing his eyes, he once again focused on gathering mana onto his skin.