Garnet POV
Life without this searing double-strength pain was a distant memory right now, but it was one she struggled to recapture.
No way in h*ll would Dragomir carry her off like the property he and Cyran thought she was. No way would she allow them to harm one hair on her mate’s body, any more than their schemes already had.
The chain with silver in it had struck both she and Jiro down by accident, but it wouldn’t have happened if Cyran and his people hadn’t tried to kick over a dragon’s nest. The rage had swept up the overzealous woman who hit both of them with the chain. The fire could consume Red Crescent City if she and Jiro didn’t make a stand.
As it was, she smelled the foulness of death and felt the nothingness from the slaughtered wolves on the ground. Only a few dead wolves so far. ONLY a few.
Come on. Stand.
She fought for every inch as she rose, and as she did so, she noticed a remarkable thing.