Chapter 10 - Day 2

I woke up with a jerk trying to take in the feeling of sleeping in silk blanketed bed. Right, I was Lysha Evor now. I mentally laughed.

But the fact that everything that had happened to me so far was actually real, made me relieved somehow.

I steped out of the bed as I found a pair of slippers waiting to be worn. Must have been one of the maids.

I wore them and stepped inside the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into my school uniform. Day 2 of being a different Lysha Evor began now.

I went downstairs and found Mrs. Evor sitting at her usual place as she ate her boiled vegetables and and an omelet.

"Good Morning, mom!" I said as I took my seat in front of her.

"Good morning, Lysha, did you sleep well?" she asked.

"I did!" Something about her seemed different. She seemed to be very happy. Was that because of last night?

"Will you walk to school today as well? Brooks told me you had messeged him last night."

I did message Brooks. Well, that was mainly because I had always walked to school in the other world.  Therefore being dropped to school kinda felt odd.

"Yeah, I'll walk to school from now on, it feels nice, I guess."

"You truly are trying your best to be yourself, I am glad!" she smiled and I returned it.

I reached my class to find Kylie and Chase running around the class. Well, Kylie was trying to grab Chase. And it was chaotic, believe me.

"Um, guys?" I tried stopping them but nope, nothing worked. "STOP IT!"

Everything went still, the entire class gave a stern look if I had gone mad. Yeah, they were right. Looking at them running round and round and round, my head had started spinning.

"Sorry, for being loud! Sorry!"

Everyone nodded and smiled as they went on doing whatever they were doing. One advantage of being the most popular girl in the school.

"Why were you guys running like that?" I asked Kylie and Chase.

They point towards each other, " It was him/her!"

"Not getting what you guys said."

"Chase snatched my phone!" Kylie said.

"Uhm, c'mon, tell the whole truth, Kyles!" Chase argued.

"Okay, still nothing," I shrugged.

"She was looking at some guy's picture and I wanted to see who he was. And you know it too. If Kyles is seeing a guy's picture, it must be someone she likes!"

"Hey, i-its not like that, you idiot, give my phone back." Kylie tried to reach for the phone but Chase was too tall for her. He raised his hand too high for Kylie to reach.

"Wait, Kyles has someone she likes?!" I exclaimed, too excitedly. "This guy, show me his picture too, Chase!"

"No, guys!" Kylie tried to take the phone again and Chase raised the phone even higher.

"Well, I did take a screenshot and sent it to myself, I'll forward it." Chase grinned.

"Nice work," I gave him a thumbs up.

"You did what?" Kylie grunted. Oh she was at her limit.

Chase chuckled awkwardly and slightly placed Kylie's phone on her desk.

"You're done for!" Kylie yelled and at the same time Chase ran out of the class for dear life. Kylie ran after him. Dear Lord, keep Chase safe.

I smiled. They were the best duo to be around that was for sure.

I made my towards my seat and hung my bag in the desk's hook and sat down.

We still had fifteen minutes left for the class to start, so I decided to find the chaotic duo before they got into trouble for running in the corridors.

As I stepped out, I saw Arken standing in front of the windowcieal.

"Good morning, Arken," I said. We could talk right, because you know, we were friends again? Right?

"Good morning Lysh," he smiled. Oh my heart! No no no! Calm down. I was even more nervous now because he called me Lysh! A nickname! By Arken Sager!

I mentally cleared my throat, "Are things with your dad okay now?"

"Yeah, he is trying to be the most fun dad ever," Arken rolled his eyes. "But, on the other hand, I don't seem to dislike it, so it's fine." He smiled.

"I'm glad." I smiled too.

"Thanks Lysh for last night, you don't how big of a thing you did for me."

"Anytime. Since, we are friends..." I trailed off. "We are...friends, right? Or was that part of our conversation a dream?"

Arken laughed. He really was throwing surprises one after another. He reached out his hand and patted my head making my ears go red. "It wasn't a dream, we are friends."

"That's a relief," I scratched the back of my neck.

Arken brought down his hand. "You really are working hard. But don't rush anything, it's fine to take your time, okay?"

I nodded. "Everything getting back to how it was used to be will be a difficult job but I am willing to try. And Arken, you're back to being friends with me, that's one of the biggest changes! I am really really happy!"

Arken smiled but that turned into a smirk the next second. "Though, there's one condition applied to being my friend."

"A condition?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"You need to start calling me with the name you used to use five years ago."


"Yup. Or, you don't remember?"

I tried to think but it clicked on its own, "I've always remembered, Ark." I smiled.

"Hmm, now we are officially friends." He smiled back.

"LYSHA!" I heard Chase yell as he came running towards me. "You, uh, tell Kyles that I didn't come this way, okay?"

"Okay, but—" Before I could say anything else, he ran off.  I looked at Arken, "Sorry, they're always like this." I chuckled.

"Hey, Lysha!" It was Kylie this time. "Did you see where Chase went, he will die in my hands today!" Kylie said as she clenched her fists.

"Nope, no idea," I lied.

"Once I find him—"

"Hey, Kyles, um, class is going to start any minute! Why don't we wait for Chase in the class?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Besides, I am tired of running so much."

"Let's go!" I basically pushed her inside the class. Yeah well, not literally.

"Aren't you coming, Ark?" I asked before stepping inside.

"Be there in a minute."

And with that I realised whatever happened yesterday and last night wasn't a dream.