Chapter 16

After blinking my eyes a couple of times, I sat up. I felt refreshed as if I had never been sick. As soon as I woke up, I looked around. Fortunately, I do not see a single strand of the emperor's black hair. I was worried she stayed at my palace all night.

As I sighed of relief, I heard birds chirping outside the window. I didn't hear that sound yesterday. Did they free the birds? Either way, it was nice to hear the sound.

"Miss, are you awake?"


I answered Seo Yeon and she opened the door. She then entered with a few other court ladies who were holding a basin and a towel. She put her hand on my forehead.


"That's great. You've lost your fever."

She said and smiled. I looked at her quietly while she bowed her head with a surprised look.

"I apologize. We'll give you a hand…"

"…No. It's okay."

It was a little strange seeing her really worried. I was then waited and dressed. The clothes were thicker than usual, perhaps because of the aftermath of yesterday's illness.

"Don't go out."


Seo Yeon, who dressed me, told me sternly. I looked at her like she was full of shit. Last time, she told me no one could stop me if I wanted to go out. Seo Yeon then saw the look on my face and shook a little. Then she said,

"It's still very cold."

"It's fine if I'm wearing this much."

"It's not okay!"

Heesa, who was standing next to me, blurted. Normally, I don't mind her chattering, but I hated it today. I looked around the room as if asking for consent but all the court ladies avoided my eyes. It meant that they're all on the same page as Seo Yeon.

These people.

"…Why don't you unwrap the present that came in today?"

Seo Yeon asked, trying to smooth out the atmosphere. Having been interested in it for a while, I shook my head. The only present I'll get will be from the Yeorans anyways, and the contents will most likely be similar.

Capture the emperor, that's what they called it.

"Leave it. You can throw it away."

"But Miss…"

At my words, Seo Yeon blurted out as if she were embarrassed. I looked at her face which was asking why.

"The Emperor and His Highness Mirina also sent a present. Why don't you check it out?"

Seo Yeon spoke in a careful tone. It would be disadvantageous for me and my court ladies if it's known that I abandoned the gifts both the emperor and Mirina sent without even looking at it. By the way…

"Have His Highness and the Emperor also sent you a gift?"

"Yes Miss."

Why are they sending things suddenly? I thought. I then asked Seo Yeon,

"What kind of gifts are they?"

"I, uh…"

Seo Yeon blurted out words again. The sight made my back cold. What an hesitant answer. Did you cut someone's throat off? I haven't been very fond of the human beings in this world. If it were the heads of the direct lines of the Yeoran family, I would have to pretend to be terribly surprised, but other than that, it would be nothing more than part of a corpse.

I took a breath. I had to go check to see whether the present they sent was a human head or a gold toad.

"Let's go."

The court ladies followed me. I arrived in front of a room where Seo Yeon was guiding.


And now I know why she couldn't explain the gift earlier. The room was filled with stuff all the way to the ceiling. There were an overwhelming number of boxes, but some were not wrapped. For example, a giant monkey doll.

I deliberately took my eyes off of the monkey doll with cymbals in both hands and asked,

"What is… all this?"

"It's a gift from Her Majesty and His Highness."

Isn't that a lot? At the same time, men carrying boxes one by one walked through the hallway like workers carrying food. They looked at the room which was already full with embarrassing faces. Seo Yeon apologized and opened up another room. This might as well as be a warehouse. I continued to watch with my mouth wide open as they stacked more boxes one on top of another.

"What is that?"

"It's a gift from His Highness Garam."


"But why?"

I asked without realizing it. Then, one of the men who was watching others moving the boxes turned his head and looked at me. His position looked quite high if he came to supervise. I felt a little intimidated because they are Garam's people. However, contrary to my expectations, he had a big smile on his face. It was a smile so bright it makes me suspect the coldness I received just now.

I took a step back when he strode towards me, but he didn't notice when he called me.

"Little Miss!"

I was confused by the way he talked. Did Sanya at some point come in contact with him? She lived in the Yeoran mansion all the time before coming to the palace. This was because Sanya looked too much like the head of the family to be forced out.

It was good to put Sanya in the imperial palace, but at that time it was just a disgrace. So, it wouldn't make sense to run into someone who was Garam's hand and foot back then. Was he one of the pieces planted here by the Yeorans?

While I was still thinking about that, he realized his greetings.

"Your Highness. My name is Jay Suan. I am His Highness Garam's aide. I hope I am good enough."

My thoughts broke for a second. You're Garam's aide? I remember him appearing a few times in the original. He was mostly seen in Garam's monologue, where he scolds Garam a lot. So I can conclude that they are quite close. Of course, between the original and what's happening now, a lot has changed.

"My superior has heard that Your Highness's illness was critical."

I was thinking with my head down, but I quickly looked up at his words. Jay Suan, who made eye contact with me, smiled and continued.

"Even if you don't like it, it's a nice gift, and it would be an honor to have you take a look at it."

"…Okay. Please give him my thanks. I'm sorry I can't go myself because my body is still not fully healed."

When I answered that way, Jay laughed as if I were unique.

'I'll never open it,' I thought with an innocent smile. Garam would never send so many gifts. I don't know what the emperor or Mirina are up to, but these gifts were more transparent. I mean, that's what I thought. My throat felt itchy and I coughed.

I think I caught a cold. My throat wasn't swollen, it just tickled, making me cough. Maybe I should go in. I turned around and was surprised to see the court ladies behind me with their expressions changed.

"Cough! You coughed!"

"My gosh! Are you still sick? I knew I shouldn't have asked you to come out!"

"Well, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I think you should go in."

I suddenly started hearing all the court ladies making a fuss. Jay also nodded his head with a serious look on his face to my surprise.

"Hurry up and get in."

Oh, come on. I only coughed once, that's all. I stood in front of the room, feeling embarrassed. I felt hot air surround me as they opened the door.

"…It's too hot."

"If you're sick, you're supposed to be in a warm place."

"That's right. Cold winds will only make it worse right now."

But don't you think this sauna is too much? The fireplaces in this room are all burning. I don't know whether I just walked inside a bedroom or I just died and went to hell.

I sat in a chair with a troubled look. When the wooden chairs squeaked, the faces of the court ladies became urgent again.


"Who brought that dangerous chair?"

"Here, sit on the bed!"

"Please calm down…"

While I was feeling even more embarrassed, someone walked into the room frowning while holding a brazier. It was a younger attendant, and he had soot on his face and clothes like he had suffered.

I frowned at the sight. I don't want to stay warm if it meant a child had to suffer for me.

"Hey, that's enough-"

"Oh, are you talking to that kid?"

Heesa grinned as she cut me off. I raised my eyebrows because her face looked more evil than I thought.

What is it?

"You bullied our Miss, shouldn't you pay her back by helping her?…Well, this is not enough."

I looked at the child's face again at Heesa's playful words. He looked right back at me.

'That's what it was.'

I stopped thinking about the court ladies and just stared at the child. He was moving the heavy brazier while beads of sweat flowed down. His face brightened when he found me wiping his forehead.


Ah. After all, there are so many things that humans have no conscience for.