Chapter 29

Seeing his face, I said again.

"You're not ugly at all. Your eyes, nose, and lips are pretty."

Every child in the world should be loved. I can't believe this kid who is only 12 years old is ashamed of his appearance. What did they do?


I said so and let go of his face. Go Woon faltered and took a step back with his mouth covered. His face was red.

"… Oh."

"I'm not lying."

Go Woon closed his mouth. I smirked. I wanted to tell him that everyday so his thoughts are clear and someday he'll believe it. I closed my eyes and smiled softly, and then he brought up the forgotten topic again.

"The Palace. You were right."

"…No I'm not."

He shivered. Yeah, I thought I would just let it go. But, I'm not a child who forgets the previous topic even if we were talking about someone else afterwards. I looked at Go Woon without saying anything and he was restless while fidgeting his hands. He was also mumbling for a long time as if he were having an internal battle with himself.

"…Not really."

I looked at him suspiciously at his trembling words. What was he trying to protect while looking so guilty? I waited a little longer, but he never continued. Thinking quietly, I soon found what seems to be a reason.

'I said I'd grant him a wish.'

Is there something he really wanted to wish for? But still, he can't lie. I told him not to come, and it's a problem that he still broke the order.

'…I shouldn't make an exception.'

I sighed eventually. Since I'm also a person, I don't always live by the rules.

'Let's cut him some slack.'

I don't know if it's a very important wish. If that's the case, then it'll be my fault for not giving him the right to tell me what he wanted just this once.

'It's been a while.'

I made up my mind and got out of the bed and moved towards the chair. I felt a cold chill when I sat down. He then approached me. I smiled and reached out to hand him one of the pins I was holding.

"I can't sleep."


He looked worried upon what I just said. It seems like he was agonizing, so he finally said in a serious voice.

"Would you like a piggyback ride?"


I burst into laughter at his words. I forgot how strong he was compared to me. However, after a long time of pondering, I realized why I sat in the rocking chair instead of laying on my bed.

"I hope tomorrow doesn't come."

I mumbled. Go Woon looked suspiciously at my words. I smiled with a troubled face and got out of my chair. While standing in front of the dressing table with a mirror, I gently touched a long box. When my warmth reached it, the box opened with a clack.

It was a magical jewel box from the West, and it was among the gifts I had received. Inside, a golden hairpin was revealed. A dragon's head carved at the right end with a bead that looked like a pearl.

When I cried, Mirina put this in my hand and went away. By marrying the emperor and entering the imperial palace doesn't mean that you'll receive the imperial last name: Aryun. Those who received that name were rare, and it was also only those who had that name could use this hairpin.

I threw away 'Yeoran' when I entered the palace, but I didn't get 'Aryun'. Therefore, I couldn't use this hairpin and had to return it to the original owner.

'…I have to go to Mirina.'

I had a mixed feeling about this, so I hoped nothing would go wrong tomorrow.


In Seorak, the dragon symbolizes the emperor. It was a blessing given to humans by a dragon, and for that reason, the dragon which is considered the most sacred, is identified with the emperor. Originally, Hwaryeong Palace was the palace of the empress, which is the most powerful after the emperor.

Mirina pushed out the word 'empress' and sat in that position. For me who had read the original book, there was no one else that could match that position better than Mirina and no one else fits better as the emperor than Yehwa…

'I don't like either of them.'

I sighed in front of the door where it was obvious that Mirina was waiting. Behind me today, the court ladies of my palace followed and bowed their heads. For some reason, Mirina made my court ladies wait on me.

The emperor was the only one who was accompanied by court ladies in this palace. I tried to resist as much as possible, but Mirina wouldn't budge. Thanks to that, I was already half exhausted from receiving all their gazes. Now I wondered what would happen if I didn't avoid their gaze.

"I'm here."

I told the court lady who was guarding the door, and she bowed her head and informed Mirina of my presence. Soon, the door opened and I found him sitting at a table looking very similar to yesterday.

He was taking off his blindfold.

'I'm not going in.'

Seriously, I wanted to turn back. Why? Why is he taking off his blindfold?


Mirina's court lady urged me to be firm. As long as the door was open, I could not turn around and run away.

"I'm seeing Your Highness."

I moved towards him, feeling like I was walking into a snake's den. Mirina's eyes opened at my greeting.

"You don't have to say hello so stiffly, Sanya."

Well then how am I supposed to speak? I tried clearing my voice without making a sound.

"Yes, Your Highness."

An unbelievably sweet tone came out from me. Hearing it, I wanted to laugh.

"So, what's going on?"

As I sat down, Mirina pinched his chin and moved towards me. The light blue eye sparkled. I was instantly embarrassed. What is he expecting… I'm like a mouse in front of him.

"I'm here to apologize for my rudeness, for the pin you gave me-"

"Oh. It's been said that the chef is serving tea snacks. Do you want to try them?"

He cut my words gently. Thanks to that, I forgot what I was going to say for a moment and my eyes widened. I smiled.

"… Of course, that would be great. So the pin you gave me-"

"Okay. What would be good? Apple? Tell me how much you want and anything else you would like to try. But you can't have baesuk, for your stomach might not be able to handle it right now."

Is he crazy?

I couldn't hide my embarrassed face. What… what the hell is he doing? He had already cut me off the second time, and now I was pouting. Mirina smiled at my face and gave orders to the court lady.

"Suksu is a very light beverage. You don't know how long I have been waiting for Sanya to come back."

Mirina said with a smile. The topic I tried to talk about earlier was not in mind. I've read about this method a couple of times. Mirina would often do this when verbally fighting against someone. It was to not let your opponent talk.

What is he going to talk about?

Was there something wrong last night?

No, I need to use common sense and think. A lot of thoughts passed through my head and I feel like it's getting tangled. When I tried to calm down, the door opened and a court lady came in.

"Oh, it's here."

Mirina even dared to get up to receive what she had brought. Thanks to that, whatever he had on his lap fell. The object was square and dazzling. I could easily identify it.

It was the fairy tale book I saw yesterday.