Chapter 30

The reason why he had the storybook on his lap was because he wanted to talk about it. I was suspicious, but I couldn't take the bait, so I carefully asked Mirina when the court lady left.

"Your Highness, the book is…"

"Oh. Sanya. Did you see it?"

He picked up the book with a bright smile. It was written on the cover: Cinderella.

"The Emperor gave it to me. Isn't it pretty? I have never seen such a cover before, and I guess there are a lot of these in the West."

I nodded gently at his strangely recalled voice.

'There's nothing like this here?' Is it a different variation?

He sounds like he's bragging that he received a fairytale book from the emperor.

"It's really pretty."

When I said that, I looked at the book with envy. If he's going to brag about it, then I should match his rhythm. Seeing my face like that, Mirina smiled even brighter. But then, he quickly changed his expression to a sullen face and gently swept the cover of the book.

"Knowledge is something that should be shared, but I have no one to share it with."

What sort of knowledge is in a fairytale book? You only get one chance in life? Keep your feet small?

I remember the original story of Cinderella, so I knew what happened to her two step sister's foot in the process. When I seemed to be deep in thought about what he had just said, Mirina opened his mouth slowly.


He looked at me with a small smile and presented me with the fairytale book with a shy face.

"Shall we read it together?"

The childlike question made me feel relieved.

…That's it, right?

Him and I are very different from each other, but it's not like we can't read a fairytale book together. I was honestly a little annoyed, but a strange feeling of self-confidence rose.

This guy…

'Do you care about me more than you think?'

Come think of it, he asked if he could call me by my name, and then had me sit next to him during the lecure. When the emperor said she would read me a fairytale book, he said he would also be there for that.

All of these wouldn't be possible if it were the original story. However, if Mirina does care for me, his actions would surprisingly make sense. My face was blank as if I had received an unexpected gift.

The threat of me being killed seems to have been reduced by more than half. Before I would've felt like a mongoose in front of a viper. I laughed sincerely for the first time in front of him yesterday. I lowered his head.

"I wouldn't dare to be treated like this from Your Highness. The thought alone is enough."

It wasn't blatant, like how I talked to Garam, but it was a no-brainer rejection. I just made a bucket list. As I looked up, I could see a sad-looking Mirina. However, he didn't look angry.

I asked him for his understanding, and then popped a snack into my mouth. The jeonggwa I was chewing tastes like cider. It's really good. I liked the food the most among the things in Mirina's palace.

Having eaten a couple of more sweets and fruits, I took out my box and set it on the table.

"I'm returning the hairpin. I'm sorry for causing trouble."

When I said that and smiled, Mirina looked even more sad. I found out when he took off his blindfold that his expressions were quite diverse.

"I gave it to Sanya. You can't return it."

"It's too much for me, I can't possibly use it."

Mirina made a face at my words. I don't have a lot of hair so I couldn't wear this big hairpin anyways. After a moment of consideration, he looked up.

"Or… how about giving it to Seo Yeon to make a bolang gu handle? You can also leave it to a blacksmith to make other accessories out from it."


Bolang gu, which I learned while opening Garam's gift, was a traditional chinese toy with beads and straps attached on the side of a small drum. So is Mirina talking about making a toy out of this hairpin?

He gave me a gentle smile and pushed the box back towards me. The lid of the smooth box reached my fingertips.

"Oh, the bead on the dragon's mouth is real. It'll be pretty if you wear that in your hair."

With the bright words that followed, I took my hands off the box at once. It was to suppress myself from running away. I thought he cared about me. Is he trying to use this hairpin to frame me for treason?

The mountain of the first dragon who blessed the imperial family was destroyed. It was once mentioned in the original that 'Yeouiju is the orb from the dragon that the royal family carries'. If I had known it was true, I wouldn't have received it.

Yeouiju, Mirina Aryun. What would it look like none other than treason if I was playing with it as a toy?

"… Please."


I answered with a stiff and sullen face to him. He touched the chest with his finger a couple of times and moved it to my side. An idea came to him, and Mirina looked at me with his eyes twinkling.

"Instead, won't you do me a favor?"

My eyes flinched naturally at his words, because I could hear the doubt in them. What will he ask for?

"What's the favor?"

"Can I read a fairytale book to Sanya?"

His voice sounded like he was in a hurry. At his appearance, I raised the corner of my mouth. Look at this.

"It would be an honor."

I said and smiled while nodding. Mirina looked as if he were relieved. I can't believe he's showing his thoughts so clearly. I thought he always had a mask on, but it was unexpected. Like a child pulling their mother's cuffs, Mirina held me by my sleeve with two fingers and slowly lead me somewhere else.

Bright sunlight shined through and there was a chair. As I got closer, I could see it was a rocking chair. It was more luxurious and fluffy than the one at my palace.

"How is it?"

"It's beautiful… as expected from Your Highness Mirina…"

I complimented him by reflex and stopped. Wait, I don't need to do this.

"It's very pretty."

There won't be any disadvantage that'll come to me even if I don't explain every word.

"Now, would you like to sit down?"

Mirina didn't give me any look or threaten me. He offered me a seat, so I went to the other side and sat down. He then opened up the fairytale book in his hand. I could see a hand that seems to be playing a flute on the back of the book.

While sitting still, I began to wonder why he wants to do this so bad. I know Mirina and the emperor cares about me, but I just don't know why. I'm quiet, and I don't laugh much, like a childless child.

The fact that I was abused was a fact that everyone knew even in the original. But, he still has no reason to care for me. Is it because I have a cute face?

"Once upon a time, there lived a child named Cinderella."

There's nothing bad here. I'll probably be called in from time to time, but it's not like I need to act cute… What if some other concubine tried to kill me? He did investigate the last time it happened, would he stop the other concubines too? But what if he can't stop someone? (Remember in the original, Sanya was killed from all the concubines framing her, not just Mirina.)

"The stepmother and her stepsisters were very harsh to her."

His quiet voice sounded like water gently flowing. I didn't sleep much last night because I was talking to Go Woon for a long time. As I sat in the soft rocking and listened to Mirina's quiet voice, my eyes closed.

When I tried to wake up, I changed my mind. If I pretend to sleep like this, Mirina will call one of my court ladies to take me back. My eyes were closed with a smile on my face as I relaxed.

"Cinderella wore a beautiful dress with the help of a dragon godmother…"