
When we went on our first date, official or unofficial doesn't matter, the point is, I thought that it was the best date ever and nothing and I repeat nothing can surpass that experience but of course Zane proved me wrong again.

Today was even better. Although, I can't really compare the two dates because the first one was the most magical, starry night experience whereas today was filled with beautiful flowers, sunshine and most of all trust.

He gave me a piece of him, shared his pain of losing his best friend and even though my heart was breaking for the devastation he was still going through, I was happy that he willingly shared that part of him with me. And because of that, the fact that he trusted me and showed me his pain, I wanna share my own secrets with him. Not because I feel like I owe him something but because I trust him and want him to know the fucked up situation of mine.

Mumma always says, ‘Whatever happens in our life, happens for a reason.’