
I have always kept my thoughts, my dreams, my pain and my hurt only to myself. There's no one on this earth who could say that they know everything about me. Keeping things to yourself is way easier than trying to make others understand them.

In the past, whenever I thought of sharing my thoughts with anyone, the words weren't able to push past my throat. It was as if some invisible force was choking me and stopping me from sharing them with anyone.

But for some reason sharing my truth with Zane was looking easy. Actually, really fucking easy.

Maybe, it was because of the way he was looking at me with so much warmth, in those ocean blue eyes of his that I've come to love so much. Or maybe it was because deep down I knew that he'll not only understand me but also support me.

Whatever the reason was, I was fucking relieved that after today nothing will step between us. Because after this conversation we'll only have unconditional trust between us.