Chapter 872: Chickened Out_1

Zhang Xiaoman, regardless of Zhang Family's struggle, forcefully dragged her out of Jiwei House. Taking a few quick steps to the side, he whispered urgently, "Don't even think about going to the County Government Office to accuse Sanlang!"

"That beast doesn't care whether his own mother lives or dies, why shouldn't I accuse him!" Zhang Family was unconvinced.

"What if your accusation ruins his future? The Zhang Family has finally produced a successful candidate in the imperial examinations; you must not destroy this chance for him!"

"Am I just supposed to let him continue being unfilial?!"

"Speak to him kindly and reasonably," Zhang Xiaoman offered advice.

"He now listens only to that wretched Qiao Xiaomai; he won't listen to a word I say." Mentioning this filled Zhang Family with grievances.

She really was the most unfortunate mother of a successful candidate throughout the whole Daqi.