Chapter 873: Encirclement Ban_1

"You should ask Shopkeeper He about this matter." Tong Sanlang continued walking towards the back yard without stopping, pulling Qiao Xiaomai along.

When Shopkeeper He heard what he said, he quickly stepped forward to block Zhang Xiaoman and said, "We'll know how much silver it amounts to after calculating. The dishes that have just been served were all cold dishes; the hot dishes haven't been made yet."

Zhang Xiaoman felt a bit uneasy upon hearing this.

There were meat dishes among the cold dishes just now... how much silver would that be...

Shopkeeper He knew how to measure his words. Even if the cost of the cold dishes exceeded the deposit given by the Zhang Family, he could only say that it equaled the amount of the deposit.

Ah, what a mess this is!

This matter has to be reported to the Prime Minister!

Meanwhile, Tong Sanlang and Qiao Xiaomai, having left the restaurant with the ox cart, started to speak upon exiting Bailu Town, "Don't take it to heart."